72 research outputs found

    Quantile QT-Opt for Risk-Aware Vision-Based Robotic Grasping

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    The distributional perspective on reinforcement learning (RL) has given rise to a series of successful Q-learning algorithms, resulting in state-of-the-art performance in arcade game environments. However, it has not yet been analyzed how these findings from a discrete setting translate to complex practical applications characterized by noisy, high dimensional and continuous state-action spaces. In this work, we propose Quantile QT-Opt (Q2-Opt), a distributional variant of the recently introduced distributed Q-learning algorithm for continuous domains, and examine its behaviour in a series of simulated and real vision-based robotic grasping tasks. The absence of an actor in Q2-Opt allows us to directly draw a parallel to the previous discrete experiments in the literature without the additional complexities induced by an actor-critic architecture. We demonstrate that Q2-Opt achieves a superior vision-based object grasping success rate, while also being more sample efficient. The distributional formulation also allows us to experiment with various risk distortion metrics that give us an indication of how robots can concretely manage risk in practice using a Deep RL control policy. As an additional contribution, we perform batch RL experiments in our virtual environment and compare them with the latest findings from discrete settings. Surprisingly, we find that the previous batch RL findings from the literature obtained on arcade game environments do not generalise to our setup.Comment: Camera-ready version for RSS 2020. Contains 8 pages, 7 figure

    Non-Markov Policies to Reduce Sequential Failures in Robot Bin Picking

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    A new generation of automated bin picking systems using deep learning is evolving to support increasing demand for e-commerce. To accommodate a wide variety of products, many automated systems include multiple gripper types and/or tool changers. However, for some objects, sequential grasp failures are common: when a computed grasp fails to lift and remove the object, the bin is often left unchanged; as the sensor input is consistent, the system retries the same grasp over and over, resulting in a significant reduction in mean successful picks per hour (MPPH). Based on an empirical study of sequential failures, we characterize a class of "sequential failure objects" (SFOs) -- objects prone to sequential failures based on a novel taxonomy. We then propose three non-Markov picking policies that incorporate memory of past failures to modify subsequent actions. Simulation experiments on SFO models and the EGAD dataset suggest that the non-Markov policies significantly outperform the Markov policy in terms of the sequential failure rate and MPPH. In physical experiments on 50 heaps of 12 SFOs the most effective Non-Markov policy increased MPPH over the Dex-Net Markov policy by 107%.Comment: 2020 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE

    Learning Risk-Aware Quadrupedal Locomotion using Distributional Reinforcement Learning

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    Deployment in hazardous environments requires robots to understand the risks associated with their actions and movements to prevent accidents. Despite its importance, these risks are not explicitly modeled by currently deployed locomotion controllers for legged robots. In this work, we propose a risk sensitive locomotion training method employing distributional reinforcement learning to consider safety explicitly. Instead of relying on a value expectation, we estimate the complete value distribution to account for uncertainty in the robot's interaction with the environment. The value distribution is consumed by a risk metric to extract risk sensitive value estimates. These are integrated into Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) to derive our method, Distributional Proximal Policy Optimization (DPPO). The risk preference, ranging from risk-averse to risk-seeking, can be controlled by a single parameter, which enables to adjust the robot's behavior dynamically. Importantly, our approach removes the need for additional reward function tuning to achieve risk sensitivity. We show emergent risk sensitive locomotion behavior in simulation and on the quadrupedal robot ANYmal

    All the Feels: A dexterous hand with large area sensing

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    High cost and lack of reliability has precluded the widespread adoption of dexterous hands in robotics. Furthermore, the lack of a viable tactile sensor capable of sensing over the entire area of the hand impedes the rich, low-level feedback that would improve learning of dexterous manipulation skills. This paper introduces an inexpensive, modular, robust, and scalable platform - the DManus- aimed at resolving these challenges while satisfying the large-scale data collection capabilities demanded by deep robot learning paradigms. Studies on human manipulation point to the criticality of low-level tactile feedback in performing everyday dexterous tasks. The DManus comes with ReSkin sensing on the entire surface of the palm as well as the fingertips. We demonstrate effectiveness of the fully integrated system in a tactile aware task - bin picking and sorting. Code, documentation, design files, detailed assembly instructions, trained models, task videos, and all supplementary materials required to recreate the setup can be found on http://roboticsbenchmarks.org/platforms/dmanusComment: 6 pages + references and appendix, 7 figures. Submitted to ICRA 202
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