3 research outputs found

    Mining Unstructured Log Messages for Security Threat Detection

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    As computers become larger, more powerful, and more connected, many challenges arise in implementing and maintaining a secure computing environment. Some of the challenges come from the exponential increase of unstructured messages generated by the computer systems and applications. Although these data contain a wealth of information that is useful for advanced threat detection and prediction for future anomalies, the sheer volume, variety, and complexity of data make it difficult for even well-trained analysts to extract the right information. While conventional SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) tools provide some capability to collect, correlate, and detect certain events from structured messages, their rule-based correlation and detection algorithms fall short in utilizing information in unstructured messages. This study explores the possibility of utilizing techniques for text mining, natural language processing, and machine learning to detect security threat by extracting relevant information from various unstructured log messages collected from distributed non-homogeneous systems. The extracted features are used to run a number of experiments on the Packet Clearing House SKAION 2006 IARPA Dataset, and the performance of prediction is evaluated. In comparison to the base case without feature extraction, an average of 16.73% of accumulated performance gain and 84% of time reduction was achieved using extracted features only, while a 23.48% performance gain with 82.39% of time increase was attained using both unstructured free-text messages and extracted features. The results display strong potential for further increase in performance by using larger size of training sets and extracting more features from the unstructured log messages

    Metrics for Broadband Networks in the Context of the Digital Economies

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    In a transition to automated digital management of broadband networks, communication service providers must look for new metrics to monitor these networks. Complete metrics frameworks are already emerging whereas majority of the new metrics are being proposed in technical papers. Considering common metrics for broadband networks and related technologies, this chapter offers insights into what metrics are available, and also suggests active areas of research. The broadband networks being a key component of the digital ecosystems are also an enabler to many other digital technologies and services. Reviewing first the metrics for computing systems, websites and digital platforms, the chapter focus then shifts to the most important technical and business metrics which are used for broadband networks. The demand-side and supply-side metrics including the key metrics of broadband speed and broadband availability are touched on. After outlining the broadband metrics which have been standardized and the metrics for measuring Internet traffic, the most commonly used metrics for broadband networks are surveyed in five categories: energy and power metrics, quality of service, quality of experience, security metrics, and robustness and resilience metrics. The chapter concludes with a discussion on machine learning, big data and the associated metrics

    Metodolog铆as para el an谩lisis de riesgo de la seguridad de la informaci贸n. Una revisi贸n sistem谩tica de la literatura

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    Cuando hablamos de riesgo nos referimos a la proximidad o posibilidad de un da帽o, peligro, etc. Asimismo, se puede identificar variados factores de riesgo que son manifestaciones o caracter铆sticas medibles u observables de un proceso que indican la presencia de riesgo o tienden a aumentar la exposici贸n, pueden ser interna o externa a la entidad. Actualmente cada organizaci贸n utiliza diferentes metodolog铆as para el an谩lisis de los factores de riesgo de informaci贸n. El objetivo principal de esta revisi贸n sistem谩tica es describir las metodolog铆as para el an谩lisis de riesgo de la seguridad de la informaci贸n. Para la selecci贸n de metodolog铆as se siguieron los pasos propuestos en el m茅todo de la Revisi贸n Sistem谩tica de la Literatura (RSL), en las diferentes fuentes bibliogr谩ficas virtuales consultadas. El resultado final es de 22 art铆culos que cumplen con los criterios establecidos para la investigaci贸n y que abordan informaci贸n con relaci贸n de las metodolog铆as relacionadas en el 谩rea de la seguridad de la informaci贸n. Se concluye que, dentro de los factores existentes, el m谩s relevante es el factor humano y dentro de las metodolog铆as la m谩s utilizada es Magerit.LIMAEscuela Profesional de Ingenier铆a de SistemasInfraestructura Tecnol贸gica - Auditoria y Seguridad de T