4 research outputs found

    Non-intrusive Head Movement Analysis of Videotaped Seizures of Epileptic Origin

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    Abstract — In this work we propose a non-intrusive video analytic system for patient’s body parts movement analysis in Epilepsy Monitoring Unit. The system utilizes skin color modeling, head/face pose template matching and face detection to analyze and quantify the head movements. Epileptic patients’ heads are analyzed holistically to infer seizure and normal random movements. The patient does not require to wear any special clothing, markers or sensors, hence it is totally nonintrusive. The user initializes the person-specific skin color and selects few face/head poses in the initial few frames. The system then tracks the head/face and extracts spatio-temporal features. Support vector machines are then used on these features to classify seizure-like movements from normal random movements. Experiments are performed on numerous long hour video sequences captured in an Epilepsy Monitoring Unit at a local hospital. The results demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed system in pediatric epilepsy monitoring and seizure detection. I

    Automatic Detection of Epileptic Seizures in Neonatal Intensive Care Units through EEG, ECG and Video Recordings: A Survey

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    In Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs), the early detection of neonatal seizures is of utmost importance for a timely, effective and efficient clinical intervention. The continuous video electroencephalogram (v-EEG) is the gold standard for monitoring neonatal seizures, but it requires specialized equipment and expert staff available 24/24h. The purpose of this study is to present an overview of the main Neonatal Seizure Detection (NSD) systems developed during the last ten years that implement Artificial Intelligence techniques to detect and report the temporal occurrence of neonatal seizures. Expert systems based on the analysis of EEG, ECG and video recordings are investigated, and their usefulness as support tools for the medical staff in detecting and diagnosing neonatal seizures in NICUs is evaluated. EEG-based NSD systems show better performance than systems based on other signals. Recently ECG analysis, particularly the related HRV analysis, seems to be a promising marker of brain damage. Moreover, video analysis could be helpful to identify inconspicuous but pathological movements. This study highlights possible future developments of the NSD systems: a multimodal approach that exploits and combines the results of the EEG, ECG and video approaches and a system able to automatically characterize etiologies might provide additional support to clinicians in seizures diagnosis

    Non Invasive Tools for Early Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) describe a set of neurodevelopmental disorders. ASD represents a significant public health problem. Currently, ASDs are not diagnosed before the 2nd year of life but an early identification of ASDs would be crucial as interventions are much more effective than specific therapies starting in later childhood. To this aim, cheap an contact-less automatic approaches recently aroused great clinical interest. Among them, the cry and the movements of the newborn, both involving the central nervous system, are proposed as possible indicators of neurological disorders. This PhD work is a first step towards solving this challenging problem. An integrated system is presented enabling the recording of audio (crying) and video (movements) data of the newborn, their automatic analysis with innovative techniques for the extraction of clinically relevant parameters and their classification with data mining techniques. New robust algorithms were developed for the selection of the voiced parts of the cry signal, the estimation of acoustic parameters based on the wavelet transform and the analysis of the infant’s general movements (GMs) through a new body model for segmentation and 2D reconstruction. In addition to a thorough literature review this thesis presents the state of the art on these topics that shows that no studies exist concerning normative ranges for newborn infant cry in the first 6 months of life nor the correlation between cry and movements. Through the new automatic methods a population of control infants (“low-risk”, LR) was compared to a group of “high-risk” (HR) infants, i.e. siblings of children already diagnosed with ASD. A subset of LR infants clinically diagnosed as newborns with Typical Development (TD) and one affected by ASD were compared. The results show that the selected acoustic parameters allow good differentiation between the two groups. This result provides new perspectives both diagnostic and therapeutic