2 research outputs found


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    近年,製品や建築などの内装材に採用されるテクスチャには,高級感がますます求められている.しかしながら,テクスチャデザインには,その方法論が存在せず,試行錯誤に依存しているのが現状である.本稿では,テクスチャの視覚評価因子とそれらに関与する光学特性を解明するとともに,その知見のデザインへの応用についても考察した.まず,多様なテクスチャを対象に実施した視覚評価実験解析の結果,テクスチャの高級感に奥行き感が大きく寄与するとともに,高い奥行き感評価が赤色系テクスチャにおいて顕著であることが示された.次に,上述の赤色系テクスチャを対象に実施した光学特性実験の結果,正反射光付近の角度における分光反射率差が奥行き感に寄与することが示された.さらに,試料に対する垂直角と入射光方向の各最大分光反射率における差異も奥行き感評価に関与することも判明したことから,観察角度の動的変化が奥行き感を高めることが示唆された.これらの結果から,テクスチャの高級感向上に向けた,有効な分光反射率の操作が示された.In recent years, the texture used for interior materials such as products and buildings are required to have high grade quality. However, the methodology does not exist for the texture design, and it depends on trial and error at present. In this paper, the application method of the knowledge to the design was examined, while visual sense evaluation factor of the texture and optical characteristic concerning them were clarified. First, as a result of visual evaluation experimental analysis carried out for various textures, it was shown that depth sense greatly contributed to high grade quality of textures, and that high depth sense evaluation was remarkable in red colored textures. Next, as a result of optical characteristic experiment carried out for the above-mentioned red system texture, it was shown that spectral reflectance difference in the angle near the regular reflection light contributed to the depth sense. In addition, it was also proven that the difference in each maximum spectral reflectance of vertical angle and incident light direction for the sample was also concerned in the depth sense evaluation, and it was indicated that the dynamic change of the observation angle raised the depth sense. From these results, it was shown that the effective spectral reflectance was manipulated to improve the quality of the texture

    映像を用いた3 次元動作分析における適切な分析周波数の検討: 投運動を対象とした事例的検証

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    本研究では,映像からスポーツ動作中の3次元座標値を取得する際に,その分析周波数がどのような影響を及ぼすかを陸上競技の砲丸投を対象に事例的に検討した.データ収集は公認の競技会において行い,20名の男子砲丸投競技者の映像を,2台のハイスピードカメラを用いて300fpsで撮影した.そして,3次元DLT法によって取得した3次元座標値を,60,75,100,150,300 Hzの分析周波数に変換し,各種変数の比較を行った.その結果,砲丸の距離に直結する砲丸の初速度,投射角度,投射位置は分析周波数による影響を受けず,これらの変数を算出するためには,60 Hz程度の分析周波数で問題ないことが明らかとなった.一方で,加速度の値は分析周波数によってことなり,特に,150,300Hzにおける最大値は60‐100 Hz における最大値と比較して有意に高値であり,その波形も明らかに異なっていた.このことから,複数回の数値微分や外力など係数を用いた計算を伴う変数の算出にはより高い分析周波数が必要であり,スポーツ動作中の詳細なメカニズムの解明のためにはハイスピードでの撮影と分析が好ましいことが示唆された.This study aimed to investigate the influence of the analysis frequency on video-based 3-D motion analysis in the case of the shot-put motion. The data were collected at athletics competition, and the images of 20 male shot putters were captured at 300 fps using two high-speed video cameras. The 3-D coordinate values obtained by the 3-D DLT method were transformed into analysis frequencies of 60, 75, 100, 150, and 300 Hz, and various variables were compared. The results showed that the initial velocity, throwing angle, and throwing position of the shot were not affected by the analysis frequency, and that an analysis frequency of about 60 Hz was valid to calculate these variables. On the other hand, the values of acceleration of the shot varied depending on the analysis frequency, especially the maximum values at 150 and 300 Hz were significantly higher than those at 60-100 Hz. This suggests that a higher analysis frequency is necessary to calculate variables that require multiple numerical differentiations and calculations using coefficients such as external forces. And it was suggested that a higher sampling rate and analysis frequency would be desirable to elucidate the detailed mechanism for the sports motion