3 research outputs found

    Virtualios, papildytos ir mišrios realybės mokymosi sistemų personalizavimas

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    The paper is aimed to analyse the problem of personalisation of Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality/Mixed Reality (VR/AR/MR) based learning systems. Research results are two-fold: first, the results of systematic literature review are presented, and, second, VR/AR/MR-based learning systems personalisation framework is proposed. First of all, systematic literature review on research topic was conducted in Thomson Reuters Web of Science database and applying Semantic Scholarsearch tool. The review revealed that strides are being made in education using VR/AR/MR, although much needs to be done. The possibilities of VR/AR/MR application in education seem to be endless and bring many advantages to students of all ages. Few are creating content that may be used for educational purposes, with most advances being made in the entertainment industry, but many understand and realise the future and importance of education applying VR/AR/MR. Manystudies argue that new VR/AR/MR-based learning systems are more effective in comparison with traditional ones. Teachers and students like learning content and activities provided by VR/AR/MR technologies. On the other hand, although the concept of VR/AR/MR has already been proposed more than 20 years ago, most applications are still limited to simple visualisation of virtual objects onto spatially limited scenes, and the developed systems did not pass the barrier of  demonstration prototypes. Many authors agree that personalisation of VR/AR/MR-based learning platforms should be further analysed. Original personalisation framework of VR/AR/MR-based learning systems is also presented in the paper. According to the framework, personalisation of VR/AR/MR learning systems should be based on applying learners models and intelligent technologies e.g. expert evaluation, ontologies, recommender systems, software agents etc. This pedagogically sound personalisation framework is aimed to improve learning quality and effectiveness.Darbo paskirtis yra išanalizuoti virtualios realybės / papildytos realybės / mišrios realybės (VR / PR / MR) grindžiamos mokymosi sistemomis personalizavimo problemą. Tyrimo rezultatai yra dvejopi: pirma, pateikiami sisteminės literatūros apžvalgos rezultatai ir antra, siūloma VR / PR / MR technologijomis grindžiama personalizuota sistema. Visų pirma, sisteminė literatūros apžvalga buvo atlikta Thomson Reuters Web of Science duomenų bazėje, naudojant Semantic Scholar paieškos įrankį. Sisteminė literatūros apžvalga parodė, kad nebloga pradžia yra padaryta šioje srityje, nors dar daug ką reikia nuveikti. VR / PR / MR taikymas švietime yra neribotas, todėl tai suteikia daug naudos mokiniams įvairiuose amžiaus grupėse. Nedaug yra atliktų tyrimų, kurie galėtų būti naudojami švietimo tikslams, daugumos autorių tyrimai daromi pramogų versle, tačiau daugelis supranta, VR / PR / MR svarbą švietime. Daugelis tyrimų tvirtina, kad naujosiomis VR/ PR / MR technologijomis grindžiamos sistemos yra efektyvesnės, palyginti su tradiciniais mokymo būdais. Kita vertus, nors VR / PR / MR koncepcija jau buvo pasiūlyta daugiau nei prieš 20 metų, dauguma programų vis dar yra tik paprastos virtualių objektų vizualizacijos ant erdviškai ribotos scenos. Daugelis autorių sutinka, kad toliau turėtų būti analizuojama, kaip personalizuoti VR / PR / MR technologijomis pagrįstas mokymosi platformas. Siūloma VR / PR / MR personalizavimo struktūra taip pat pristatoma šiame darbe. Pagal siūlomą struktūrą, VR / PR / MR mokymosi sistemų personalizavimas turėtų būti grindžiamas mokinių modeliais ir išmaniosiomis technologijomis, pvz.: taikant ekspertų vertinimą, ontologijas, rekomendacines sistemas, programinės įrangos agentus ir t. t. Pedagoginiu požiūriu, personalizavus sistemas siekiama pagerinti mokymosi kokybę ir efektyvumą

    Exploring the conception of quality education. An ethnographic inquiry in a secondary school.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.This study explores the conception of quality education in a secondary school in Mauritius. It seeks to know how a secondary school community makes meaning of the notion of Quality Education and how the notion of quality education is enacted and experienced in a secondary school. The theoretical framework for Quality Education (Tikly & Barrett, 2011) was used to provide the necessary analytical tools, based on the two primary educational lenses, the Human Capital and the Humanist theories, to deepen insight and expand the perspective on quality education. In addition, the framework also provides adequate space to study the phenomenon of quality education under the influence of the three environments: home, school and policy. The research methodology used in the study was an Ethnographic inquiry. It was chosen as it allows the researcher to access the social reality of the people in the school site, PWSS ( Creswell, 2012). Also, I chose to enter the research site with an insider researcher's perspective, so that I could bring out more insights into the school's psychological, social, and cultural dimensions of the phenomenon, Quality Education. Data was produced through interviews, participant observations, the review of documents, qualitative questionnaires, and Focus Group Discussions so as to unravel how the participants make meaning of Quality Education through their school experiences. A purposive sampling technique was used based on Creswell's (2013) and Merriam (2009) arguments. The selected learner participants were from three different categories of learners, Grade 9. Grade 10 and grade 12, In the same way, six teachers, both male and female, were selected based on their teaching experience at PWSS - with at least three years of experience at the school. Also, two parents were chosen based on their availability and the school's rector. The research came up with the following findings: (i) quality education is a fluid concept that changes according to the agenda of the person using or viewing it (ii) high academic achievement, holistic development, discipline and values, 21st-century skills, cared pedagogy approach, quality teachers were among the outcomes of quality education, (iii) all provisions enacted for quality education forms an integral part of quality education, (iv) Distributed leadership as the most wanted type of leadership in a venture for Quality Education (v) Policies that favour inclusion and equity are referred as Quality policies for Quality Education and (vi) Quality Education is expressed as pride, reputation, and excellence

    Quantifying Education Quality in Secondary Schools

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