167 research outputs found

    Groupoid sheaves as quantale sheaves

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    Several notions of sheaf on various types of quantale have been proposed and studied in the last twenty five years. It is fairly standard that for an involutive quantale Q satisfying mild algebraic properties the sheaves on Q can be defined to be the idempotent self-adjoint Q-valued matrices. These can be thought of as Q-valued equivalence relations, and, accordingly, the morphisms of sheaves are the Q-valued functional relations. Few concrete examples of such sheaves are known, however, and in this paper we provide a new one by showing that the category of equivariant sheaves on a localic etale groupoid G (the classifying topos of G) is equivalent to the category of sheaves on its involutive quantale O(G). As a means towards this end we begin by replacing the category of matrix sheaves on Q by an equivalent category of complete Hilbert Q-modules, and we approach the envisaged example where Q is an inverse quantal frame O(G) by placing it in the wider context of stably supported quantales, on one hand, and in the wider context of a module theoretic description of arbitrary actions of \'etale groupoids, both of which may be interesting in their own right.Comment: 62 pages. Structure of preprint has changed. It now contains the contents of former arXiv:0807.3859 (withdrawn), and the definition of Q-sheaf applies only to inverse quantal frames (Hilbert Q-modules with enough sections are given no special name for more general quantales

    A representation theorem for quantale valued sup-algebras

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    With this paper we hope to contribute to the theory of quantales and quantale-like structures. It considers the notion of QQ-sup-algebra and shows a representation theorem for such structures generalizing the well-known representation theorems for quantales and sup-algebras. In addition, we present some important properties of the category of QQ-sup-algebras.Comment: 6 page