28,228 research outputs found

    Personal recommendations in requirements engineering : the OpenReq approach

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    [Context & motivation] Requirements Engineering (RE) is considered as one of the most critical phases in software development but still many challenges remain open. [Problem] There is a growing trend of applying recommender systems to solve open RE challenges like requirements and stakeholder discovery; however, the existent proposals focus on specific RE tasks and do not give a general coverage for the RE process. [Principal ideas/results] In this research preview, we present the OpenReq approach to the development of intelligent recommendation and decision technologies that support different phases of RE in software projects. Specifically, we present the OpenReq part for personal recommendations for stakeholders. [Contribution] OpenReq aim is to improve and speed up RE processes, especially in large and distributed systemsPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A Literature Review on Intelligent Services Applied to Distance Learning

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    Distance learning has assumed a relevant role in the educational scenario. The use of Virtual Learning Environments contributes to obtaining a substantial amount of educational data. In this sense, the analyzed data generate knowledge used by institutions to assist managers and professors in strategic planning and teaching. The discovery of students’ behaviors enables a wide variety of intelligent services for assisting in the learning process. This article presents a literature review in order to identify the intelligent services applied in distance learning. The research covers the period from January 2010 to May 2021. The initial search found 1316 articles, among which 51 were selected for further studies. Considering the selected articles, 33% (17/51) focus on learning systems, 35% (18/51) propose recommendation systems, 26% (13/51) approach predictive systems or models, and 6% (3/51) use assessment tools. This review allowed for the observation that the principal services offered are recommendation systems and learning systems. In these services, the analysis of student profiles stands out to identify patterns of behavior, detect low performance, and identify probabilities of dropouts from courses.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Artificial Intelligence and Patient-Centered Decision-Making

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    Advanced AI systems are rapidly making their way into medical research and practice, and, arguably, it is only a matter of time before they will surpass human practitioners in terms of accuracy, reliability, and knowledge. If this is true, practitioners will have a prima facie epistemic and professional obligation to align their medical verdicts with those of advanced AI systems. However, in light of their complexity, these AI systems will often function as black boxes: the details of their contents, calculations, and procedures cannot be meaningfully understood by human practitioners. When AI systems reach this level of complexity, we can also speak of black-box medicine. In this paper, we want to argue that black-box medicine conflicts with core ideals of patient-centered medicine. In particular, we claim, black-box medicine is not conducive for supporting informed decision-making based on shared information, shared deliberation, and shared mind between practitioner and patient

    Attempts to regulate artificial intelligence: regulatory practices from the United States, the European Union, and the People's Republic of China

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    A század egyik legmegdöbbentőbb és előremutató vívmánya a mesterséges intelligencia, vagy röviden az MI. A mesterséges intelligencia a gépek általi intelligencia, ami szemben áll az emberek és más állatok által mutatott természetes intelligenciával. Egyre több iparág alkalmazza a mesterséges intelligenciát, és az elkövetkező években várhatóan tovább fog nőni a számuk. Az MI alkalmazások segíthetnek az embereknek a bonyolult problémák elemzésében és a hatékony megoldások meghatározásában. Emellett az MI technológiákat egyre több iparágban és vállalkozásban tervezik alkalmazni, ami új területek kialakulását és újfajta technológiák fejlesztését ösztönzi. A különböző potenciális előnyök ellenére az MI algoritmusok fejlesztése és alkalmazása néhány jelenlegi és jövőbeli kihívást is felvet. Ezért különösen fontos odafigyelni arra, hogy hogyan történik az algoritmusok fejlesztése és alkalmazása. Ha ezt gondatlanul teszik, a technológiával való helytelen bánásmódnak súlyos következményei lehetnek. Ráadásul további akadályok is felmerülnek, mivel a mesterséges intelligenciával kapcsolatos egyik legjelentősebb probléma a növekvő komplexitás, ami megnehezíti az alkalmazott algoritmusok megértését és értékelését. Ennek eredményeképpen a szabályozás kidolgozásakor meg kell vizsgálni a mesterséges intelligenciával kapcsolatos főbb etikai kérdéseket. A túlzott szabályozás továbbá gátolhatja az innovációt és akadályozhatja a jobb MI alkalmazások fejlesztését. Biztosítani kell, hogy a fejlesztés etikusan történjen, és az egész emberiség javát szolgáló módon használják, ha azt akarjuk, hogy a technológia minden előnyét kiaknázzuk. E szempontok alapján a kutatás célja, hogy összehasonlítsa és szembeállítsa az USA, az EU és Kína által elfogadott különböző szabályozási stratégiákat

    Alternative sweetener from curculigo fruits

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    This study gives an overview on the advantages of Curculigo Latifolia as an alternative sweetener and a health product. The purpose of this research is to provide another option to the people who suffer from diabetes. In this research, Curculigo Latifolia was chosen, due to its unique properties and widely known species in Malaysia. In order to obtain the sweet protein from the fruit, it must go through a couple of procedures. First we harvested the fruits from the Curculigo trees that grow wildly in the garden. Next, the Curculigo fruits were dried in the oven at 50 0C for 3 days. Finally, the dried fruits were blended in order to get a fine powder. Curculin is a sweet protein with a taste-modifying activity of converting sourness to sweetness. The curculin content from the sample shown are directly proportional to the mass of the Curculigo fine powder. While the FTIR result shows that the sample spectrum at peak 1634 cm–1 contains secondary amines. At peak 3307 cm–1 contains alkynes

    International Forum on AI and Education: Ensuring AI as a Common Good to Transform Education, 7-8 December; synthesis report

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    The third International Forum on Artificial Intelligence and Education, held in 2021, explored the theme ‘Ensuring AI as aCommon Good to Transform Education’. This publication is a synthesis of the key discussions, focusing on the role in AI and education of digital humanism, and on how AI governance and AI innovation networks can be enhanced to direct AI to the common good for education and humanity

    Research Framework, Strategies, And Applications Of Intelligent Agent Technologies (IATs) In Marketing

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    In this digital era, marketing theory and practice are being transformed by increasing complexity due to information availability, higher reach and interactions, and faster speeds of transactions. These have led to the adoption of intelligent agent technologies (IATs) by many companies. As IATs are relatively new and technologically complex, several definitions are evolving, and the theory in this area is not yet fully developed. There is a need to provide structure and guidance to marketers to further this emerging stream of research. As a first step, this paper proposes a marketing-centric definition and a systematic taxonomy and framework. The authors, using a grounded theory approach, conduct an extensive literature review and a qualitative study in which interviews with managers from 50 companies in 22 industries reveal the importance of understanding IAT applications and adopting them. Further, the authors propose an integrated conceptual framework with several propositions regarding IAT adoption. This research identifies the gaps in the literature and the need for adoption of IATs in the future of marketing given changing consumer behavior and product and industry characteristics

    Research Framework, Strategies, And Applications Of Intelligent Agent Technologies (IATs) In Marketing

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    In this digital era, marketing theory and practice are being transformed by increasing complexity due to information availability, higher reach and interactions, and faster speeds of transactions. These have led to the adoption of intelligent agent technologies (IATs) by many companies. As IATs are relatively new and technologically complex, several definitions are evolving, and the theory in this area is not yet fully developed. There is a need to provide structure and guidance to marketers to further this emerging stream of research. As a first step, this paper proposes a marketing-centric definition and a systematic taxonomy and framework. The authors, using a grounded theory approach, conduct an extensive literature review and a qualitative study in which interviews with managers from 50 companies in 22 industries reveal the importance of understanding IAT applications and adopting them. Further, the authors propose an integrated conceptual framework with several propositions regarding IAT adoption. This research identifies the gaps in the literature and the need for adoption of IATs in the future of marketing given changing consumer behavior and product and industry characteristics