42 research outputs found

    Quality and complexity measures for data linkage and deduplication

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    Summary. Deduplicating one data set or linking several data sets are increasingly important tasks in the data preparation steps of many data mining projects. The aim of such linkages is to match all records relating to the same entity. Research interest in this area has increased in recent years, with techniques originating from statistics, machine learning, information retrieval, and database research being combined and applied to improve the linkage quality, as well as to increase performance and efficiency when linking or deduplicating very large data sets. Different measures have been used to characterise the quality and complexity of data linkage algorithms, and several new metrics have been proposed. An overview of the issues involved in measuring data linkage and deduplication quality and complexity is presented in this chapter. It is shown that measures in the space of record pair comparisons can produce deceptive quality results. Various measures are discussed and recommendations are given on how to assess data linkage and deduplication quality and complexity. Key words: data or record linkage, data integration and matching, deduplication, data mining pre-processing, quality and complexity measures

    On Demand Quality of web services using Ranking by multi criteria

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    In the Web database scenario, the records to match are highly query-dependent, since they can only be obtained through online queries. Moreover, they are only a partial and biased portion of all the data in the source Web databases. Consequently, hand-coding or offline-learning approaches are not appropriate for two reasons. First, the full data set is not available beforehand, and therefore, good representative data for training are hard to obtain. Second, and most importantly, even if good representative data are found and labeled for learning, the rules learned on the representatives of a full data set may not work well on a partial and biased part of that data set. Keywords: SOA, Web Services, Network

    Detecting Phishing Web Pages using NB classifier and EMD Approach

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    Phishing is online security attack where attacker create replica of exiting web page for accessing users password, personal, financial data. Phishing is a form of online fraudulent activity in which an attacker aims to steal a victim’s personal information, such as a bank account, online banking password or a credit card number. Targets are tricked into providing such information by a combination of spoofing techniques and social engineering. We have proposed a new approach named as "Anti phishing framework using Bayesian approach for content based phishing web page detection. Our model used to detect the similarity between suspicious web page and secure web page through image and text contained by the web page. Text classifier, an image classifier and fusion algorithm the result from classifier are introduced. In the text classifier naive Bayes algorithm is used to calculate the Probability, an image classifier the earth mover’s distance algorithm is used to measure the visual Similarity and our Bayesian model is designed to determine the threshold. In data fusion detection for image classifier and text classifier means how many web site image and text are matched exactly. If any web page contains above 50% spam text and image so we are declare these web sites are phishing other-wise not phishing. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15013


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    Sharing data between organizations has growing importance in many data mining projects. Data from various heterogeneous sources often has to be linked and aggregated in order to improve data quality. The importance of data accuracy and quality has increased with the explosion of data size. The first step to ensure the data accuracy is to make sure that each real world object is represented once and only once in a certain dataset which called Duplicate Record Detection (DRD). These data inaccuracy problems exist due to due to several factors including spelling, typographical and pronunciation variation, dialects and special vowel and consonant distinction and other linguistic characteristics especially with non-Latin languages like Arabic. In this paper, an English/Arabic enabled web-based framework is designed and implemented which considers the user interaction to add new rules, enrich the dictionary and evaluate results is an important step to improve system’s behavior. The proposed framework allows the processing on both single language dataset and bi-lingual dataset. The proposed framework is implemented and verified empirically in several case studies. The comparison results showed that the proposed system has substantial improvements compared to known tools

    A simple sampling method for estimating the accuracy of large scale record linkage projects

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    Background: Record linkage techniques allow different data collections to be brought together to provide a wider picture of the health status of individuals. Ensuring high linkage quality is important to guarantee the quality and integrity of research. Current methods for measuring linkage quality typically focus on precision (the proportion of incorrect links), given the difficulty of measuring the proportion of false negatives. Objectives: The aim of this work is to introduce and evaluate a sampling based method to estimate both precision and recall following record linkage. Methods: In the sampling based method, record-pairs from each threshold (including those below the identified cut-off for acceptance) are sampled and clerically reviewed. These results are then applied to the entire set of record-pairs, providing estimates of false positives and false negatives. This method was evaluated on a synthetically generated dataset, where the true match status (which records belonged to the same person) was known. Results: The sampled estimates of linkage quality were relatively close to actual linkage quality metrics calculated for the whole synthetic dataset. The precision and recall measures for seven reviewers were very consistent with little variation in the clerical assessment results (overall agreement using the Fleiss Kappa statistics was 0.601). Conclusions: This method presents as a possible means of accurately estimating matching quality and refining linkages in population level linkage studies. The sampling approach is especially important for large project linkages where the number of record pairs produced may be very large often running into millions