3 research outputs found

    Teori permainan dan aplikasi strategi kuasa untuk memikat pengundi dalam PRU 14

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    Kuasa politik yang stabil boleh membantu sebuah kerajaan yang sah untuk mengekalkan kestabilan ekonomi dan keharmonian social sesebuah negara. Manakala kuasa politik yang terumbang ambing membawa kepada ketidakstabilan ekonomi yang menjadikan kuasa yang dimiliki pudar dan hilang hingga mengakibatkan peralihan kuasa secara demokrasi mahupun secara kekerasan. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk memahami kuasa politik yang digunakan serta permainan politik oleh parti politik utama di Malaysia, BN dan PR/PH. Kaedah analisis teori permainan digunakan untuk menjelaskan strategi politik yang dipilih oleh BN dan PR/PH. Hasil analisis mendapati kuasa politik yang digunakan oleh BN adalah kuasa keras dan pintar manakala PR/PH menggunakan kuasa lembut yang berteraskan persepsi berbanding BN yang menggunakan paksaan menerusi kuasa yang dimiliki. Kesimpulannya, berdasarkan analisis Teori Permainan, BN menggunakan teori permainan dengan gabungan kuasa keras dan pintar manakala PR/PH pula menggunakan teori permainan yang menggabungkan kuasa lembut dan pintar dalam dua PRU yang lepas. Perincian kajian dinyatakan dalam artikel kajian ini

    A game theory and application of power strategy to attract voters in GE 14

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    A Stable political power can help a legitimate government to maintain the economic stability, and social harmonious of the country. On the contrary, instability of a political power of a country may influence the economic uncertainty due to internal biolence, rebel and distruption of power. This could result in losing the democratic transition of power. This study was conducted to gain an in-depth understanding of the political power and the political game practiced by the key political parties in Malaysia namely, BN and PR/PH. Game theory analytical method was utilised to explain the political strategies of both parties. The findings of this study revealed that the political power used by BN was Hard Power whereas PR/PH adopted soft power which is based on perception compared to BN that implemented coercive methods of legislation. As the conclusion based on the analysis of game theory BN had applied the game theory that combined hard and smart political power, while on the other hand, PR/PH had utilised combined soft and smart political power in the previous two GEs. Keduadua parti politik, BN dan PR/PH mengamalkan pendekatan teori permainan yang berbeza. Both of the political parties, BN and PR/PH practiced a different game theory approach


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    Conservation strategies are essential tools for protecting landscapes and ecosystems. The Blackfoot and Swan Valleys in Montana, which are analyzed in this study, are considered to be prime examples of conservation efforts. Key conservation agencies in the study area include the Blackfoot Challenge and Swan Valley Connections. This study analyzes the history of conservation in the Blackfoot and Swan Valleys, current conservation practices, and contributors to successful conservation. The study uses the theoretical background of game theory and contributes to conservation theory and aims to contribute to the field of mountain geography. The methodological approach of the study is qualitative in nature. Research was conducted in the form of fourteen semi-structured interviews with key players in the local conservation movement. Major themes discussed in the interviews included the development of the conservation movement, the current conservation practices, as well as the importance of collaboration and perceptions by the locals. The study produced a written history of conservation in the Blackfoot and Swan Valleys and discusses current practices in conservation and contributors to successful conservation. Through the application of game theory, the study views those who are involved in conservation work as a ‘players’ in a ‘game of conservation’ and found that the game in which conservation is being practiced changed from relatively independently operating players to a network of strongly collaborating players