1 research outputs found

    QoS-Guaranteed Path Selection Algorithm for Service Composition

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    Overlay networks have been employed as a popular solution to work around rigid and often suboptimal IP routing to provide better performance. Examples of services/applications that can use overlay networking include multicasting, end-toend QoS and secure overlay services [1], [2]. Service overlay networking (SON) is an emerging approach that builds on overlay networks to deliver advanced services to user. The main idea in the SON approach is that each overlay node can provide one or more basic services, referred to as componentservices, in addition to application data forwarding service. These component-services act as building blocks for more advanced services, which can be created by combining these component-services in series or in parallel. Figure 1 illustrates the use of SON to provide media-content at user-specific rates by joining two component-services, content and transcoder