19 research outputs found

    Cyclic inequivalence of cascaded GMW-sequences

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    AbstractCascaded GMW sequences have two-level autocorrelation functions, which have important applications in communications and cryptology. In this paper, we consider the cascaded GMW sequences corresponding to a fixed finite chain of finite fields, and determine whether the different cascaded GMW sequences are cyclically inequivalent. By introducing the so-called restricted integer systems (RISs), it is proved that all the cascaded GMW sequences can be determined by means of the RISs, and the sequences determined by different RISs are different. Moreover, different cascaded GMW sequences are cyclically inequivalent

    A Family of Binary Sequences with Optimal Correlation Property and Large Linear Span

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    A family of binary sequences is presented and proved to have optimal correlation property and large linear span. It includes the small set of Kasami sequences, No sequence set and TN sequence set as special cases. An explicit lower bound expression on the linear span of sequences in the family is given. With suitable choices of parameters, it is proved that the family has exponentially larger linear spans than both No sequences and TN sequences. A class of ideal autocorrelation sequences is also constructed and proved to have large linear span.Comment: 21 page

    A note on low correlation zone signal sets

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    Abstract. In this note, we present a connection between designing low correlation zone (LCZ) sequences and the results of correlation of sequences with subfield decompositions presented in a recent book by the first two authors [2]. This results in low correlation zone signal sets with huge sizes over three different alphabetic sets: finite field of size q, integer residue ring modulo q, and the subset in the complex field which consists of powers of a primitive q-th root of unity. We also provide two open problems along this direction. Index Terms: low correlation zone sequences, subfield reducible sequences, two-tuple balance property.

    A Hardware Oriented Method to Generate and Evaluate Nonlinear Interleaved Sequences with Desired properties

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    It is well known that the combinatorial structure, algebraic structure and D-transform based method render the nonlinear sequences with good autocorrelation function (ACF) and great linear complexity (LC). However, “all sequences” are not equal even if they are “born” by the same method! In this paper the big inequalities regarding LC of these sequences are shown based on a hardware oriented method (D-transform). In order to get the right sequences some more extensive simulations and trade off are needed. That is why this paper is represented here with above Title. Keywords: cryptography, mobile communications, security, watermarking, D-transfor

    Two-tuple balance of non-binary sequences with ideal two-level autocorrelation

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    AbstractLet p be a prime, q=pm and Fq be the finite field with q elements. In this paper, we will consider q-ary sequences of period qn-1 for q>2 and study their various balance properties: symbol-balance, difference-balance, and two-tuple-balance properties. The array structure of the sequences is introduced, and various implications between these balance properties and the array structure are proved. Specifically, we prove that if a q-ary sequence of period qn-1 is difference-balanced and has the “cyclic” array structure then it is two-tuple-balanced. We conjecture that a difference-balanced q-ary sequence of period qn-1 must have the cyclic array structure. The conjecture is confirmed with respect to all of the known q-ary sequences which are difference-balanced, in particular, which have the ideal two-level autocorrelation function when q=p

    Difference Balanced Functions and Their Generalized Difference Sets

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    Difference balanced functions from FqnF_{q^n}^* to FqF_q are closely related to combinatorial designs and naturally define pp-ary sequences with the ideal two-level autocorrelation. In the literature, all existing such functions are associated with the dd-homogeneous property, and it was conjectured by Gong and Song that difference balanced functions must be dd-homogeneous. First we characterize difference balanced functions by generalized difference sets with respect to two exceptional subgroups. We then derive several necessary and sufficient conditions for dd-homogeneous difference balanced functions. In particular, we reveal an unexpected equivalence between the dd-homogeneous property and multipliers of generalized difference sets. By determining these multipliers, we prove the Gong-Song conjecture for qq prime. Furthermore, we show that every difference balanced function must be balanced or an affine shift of a balanced function.Comment: 17 page


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