22 research outputs found

    PushPush and Push-1 are NP-hard in 2D

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    We prove that two pushing-blocks puzzles are intractable in 2D. One of our constructions improves an earlier result that established intractability in 3D [OS99] for a puzzle inspired by the game PushPush. The second construction answers a question we raised in [DDO00] for a variant we call Push-1. Both puzzles consist of unit square blocks on an integer lattice; all blocks are movable. An agent may push blocks (but never pull them) in attempting to move between given start and goal positions. In the PushPush version, the agent can only push one block at a time, and moreover when a block is pushed it slides the maximal extent of its free range. In the Push-1 version, the agent can only push one block one square at a time, the minimal extent---one square. Both NP-hardness proofs are by reduction from SAT, and rely on a common construction.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures. Corrects an error in the conference version: Proc. of the 12th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, August 2000, pp. 211-21

    On Rearrangement of Items Stored in Stacks

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    There are n2n \ge 2 stacks, each filled with dd items, and one empty stack. Every stack has capacity d>0d > 0. A robot arm, in one stack operation (step), may pop one item from the top of a non-empty stack and subsequently push it onto a stack not at capacity. In a {\em labeled} problem, all ndnd items are distinguishable and are initially randomly scattered in the nn stacks. The items must be rearranged using pop-and-pushs so that in the end, the kthk^{\rm th} stack holds items (k1)d+1,,kd(k-1)d +1, \ldots, kd, in that order, from the top to the bottom for all 1kn1 \le k \le n. In an {\em unlabeled} problem, the ndnd items are of nn types of dd each. The goal is to rearrange items so that items of type kk are located in the kthk^{\rm th} stack for all 1kn1 \le k \le n. In carrying out the rearrangement, a natural question is to find the least number of required pop-and-pushes. Our main contributions are: (1) an algorithm for restoring the order of n2n^2 items stored in an n×nn \times n table using only 2n2n column and row permutations, and its generalization, and (2) an algorithm with a guaranteed upper bound of O(nd)O(nd) steps for solving both versions of the stack rearrangement problem when dcnd \le \lceil cn \rceil for arbitrary fixed positive number cc. In terms of the required number of steps, the labeled and unlabeled version have lower bounds Ω(nd+ndlogdlogn)\Omega(nd + nd{\frac{\log d}{\log n}}) and Ω(nd)\Omega(nd), respectively

    Push-Pull Block Puzzles are Hard

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    This paper proves that push-pull block puzzles in 3D are PSPACE-complete to solve, and push-pull block puzzles in 2D with thin walls are NP-hard to solve, settling an open question by Zubaran and Ritt. Push-pull block puzzles are a type of recreational motion planning problem, similar to Sokoban, that involve moving a `robot' on a square grid with 1×11 \times 1 obstacles. The obstacles cannot be traversed by the robot, but some can be pushed and pulled by the robot into adjacent squares. Thin walls prevent movement between two adjacent squares. This work follows in a long line of algorithms and complexity work on similar problems. The 2D push-pull block puzzle shows up in the video games Pukoban as well as The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, giving another proof of hardness for the latter. This variant of block-pushing puzzles is of particular interest because of its connections to reversibility, since any action (e.g., push or pull) can be inverted by another valid action (e.g., pull or push).Comment: Full version of CIAC 2017 paper. 17 page

    Local Navigation Among Movable Obstacles with Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    Autonomous robots would benefit a lot by gaining the ability to manipulate their environment to solve path planning tasks, known as the Navigation Among Movable Obstacle (NAMO) problem. In this paper, we present a deep reinforcement learning approach for solving NAMO locally, near narrow passages. We train parallel agents in physics simulation using an Advantage Actor-Critic based algorithm with a multi-modal neural network. We present an online policy that is able to push obstacles in a non-axial-aligned fashion, react to unexpected obstacle dynamics in real-time, and solve the local NAMO problem. Experimental validation in simulation shows that the presented approach generalises to unseen NAMO problems in unknown environments. We further demonstrate the implementation of the policy on a real quadrupedal robot, showing that the policy can deal with real-world sensor noises and uncertainties in unseen NAMO tasks.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, 4 table