2 research outputs found

    Finish Them!: Pricing Algorithms for Human Computation

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    Given a batch of human computation tasks, a commonly ignored aspect is how the price (i.e., the reward paid to human workers) of these tasks must be set or varied in order to meet latency or cost constraints. Often, the price is set up-front and not modified, leading to either a much higher monetary cost than needed (if the price is set too high), or to a much larger latency than expected (if the price is set too low). Leveraging a pricing model from prior work, we develop algorithms to optimally set and then vary price over time in order to meet a (a) user-specified deadline while minimizing total monetary cost (b) user-specified monetary budget constraint while minimizing total elapsed time. We leverage techniques from decision theory (specifically, Markov Decision Processes) for both these problems, and demonstrate that our techniques lead to upto 30\% reduction in cost over schemes proposed in prior work. Furthermore, we develop techniques to speed-up the computation, enabling users to leverage the price setting algorithms on-the-fly