1,438 research outputs found

    Generalized Uncertainty Relations and Long Time Limits for Quantum Brownian Motion Models

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    We study the time evolution of the reduced Wigner function for a class of quantum Brownian motion models. We derive two generalized uncertainty relations. The first consists of a sharp lower bound on the uncertainty function, U=(Δp)2(Δq)2U = (\Delta p)^2 (\Delta q)^2 , after evolution for time tt in the presence of an environment. The second, a stronger and simpler result, consists of a lower bound at time tt on a modified uncertainty function, essentially the area enclosed by the 1−σ1-\sigma contour of the Wigner function. In both cases the minimizing initial state is a non-minimal Gaussian pure state. These generalized uncertainty relations supply a measure of the comparative size of quantum and thermal fluctuations. We prove two simple inequalites, relating uncertainty to von Neumann entropy, and the von Neumann entropy to linear entropy. We also prove some results on the long-time limit of the Wigner function for arbitrary initial states. For the harmonic oscillator the Wigner function for all initial states becomes a Gaussian at large times (often, but not always, a thermal state). We derive the explicit forms of the long-time limit for the free particle (which does not in general go to a Gaussian), and also for more general potentials in the approximation of high temperature.Comment: 35 pages (plain Tex, revised to avoid corruption during file transmission), Imperial College preprint 92-93/25 (1994

    Glassy dynamics in strongly anharmonic chains of oscillators

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    We review the mechanism for transport in strongly anharmonic chains of oscillators near the atomic limit where all oscillators are decoupled. In this regime, the motion of most oscillators remains close to integrable, i.e. quasi-periodic, on very long time scales, while a few chaotic spots move very slowly and redistribute the energy across the system. The material acquires several characteristic properties of dynamical glasses: intermittency, jamming and a drastic reduction of the mobility as a function of the thermodynamical parameters. We consider both classical and quantum systems, though with more emphasis on the former, and we discuss also the connections with quenched disordered systems, which display a similar physics to a large extent.Comment: Review paper. Invited submission to the CRAS (special issue on Fourier's legacy). 16 pages, 3 figure

    A Derivation of Moment Evolution Equations for Linear Open Quantum Systems

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    Given a linear open quantum system which is described by a Lindblad master equation, we detail the calculation of the moment evolution equations from this master equation. We stress that the moment evolution equations are well-known, but their explicit derivation from the master equation cannot be found in the literature to the best of our knowledge, and so we provide this derivation for the interested reader

    Dynamical phases for the evolution of the entanglement between two oscillators coupled to the same environment

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    We study the dynamics of the entanglement between two oscillators that are initially prepared in a general two-mode Gaussian state and evolve while coupled to the same environment. In a previous paper we showed that there are three qualitatively different dynamical phases for the entanglement in the long time limit: sudden death, sudden death and revival and no-sudden death [Paz & Roncaglia, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 220401 (2008)]. Here we generalize and extend those results along several directions: We analyze the fate of entanglement for an environment with a general spectral density providing a complete characterization of the corresponding phase diagrams for ohmic and sub--ohmic environments (we also analyze the super-ohmic case showing that for such environment the expected behavior is rather different). We also generalize previous studies by considering two different models for the interaction between the system and the environment (first we analyze the case when the coupling is through position and then we examine the case where the coupling is symmetric in position and momentum). Finally, we analyze (both numerically and analytically) the case of non-resonant oscillators. In that case we show that the final entanglement is independent of the initial state and may be non-zero at very low temperatures. We provide a natural interpretation of our results in terms of a simple quantum optics model.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figure

    A Non-critical String (Liouville) Approach to Brain Microtubules: State Vector reduction, Memory coding and Capacity

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    Microtubule (MT) networks, subneural paracrystalline cytosceletal structures, seem to play a fundamental role in the neurons. We cast here the complicated MT dynamics in the form of a 1+11+1-dimensional non-critical string theory, thus enabling us to provide a consistent quantum treatment of MTs, including enviromental {\em friction} effects. Quantum space-time effects, as described by non-critical string theory, trigger then an {\em organized collapse} of the coherent states down to a specific or {\em conscious state}. The whole process we estimate to take O(1 sec){\cal O}(1\,{\rm sec}). The {\em microscopic arrow of time}, endemic in non-critical string theory, and apparent here in the self-collapse process, provides a satisfactory and simple resolution to the age-old problem of how the, central to our feelings of awareness, sensation of the progression of time is generated. In addition, the complete integrability of the stringy model for MT we advocate in this work proves sufficient in providing a satisfactory solution to memory coding and capacity. Such features might turn out to be important for a model of the brain as a quantum computer.Comment: 70 pages Latex, 4 figures (not included), minor corrections, no effect on conclusion
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