8 research outputs found

    Public-Seed Pseudorandom Permutations

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    A number of cryptographic schemes are built from (keyless) permutations, which are either designed in an ad-hoc fashion or are obtained by fixing the key in a block cipher. Security proofs for these schemes, however, idealize this permutation, i.e., making it random and accessible, as an oracle, to all parties. Finding plausible concrete assumptions on such permutations that guarantee security of the resulting schemes has remained an elusive open question. This paper initiates the study of standard-model assumptions on permutations -- or more precisely, on families of permutations indexed by a {\em public} seed. We introduce the notion of a {\em public-seed pseudorandom permutation} (psPRP), which is inspired by the UCE notion by Bellare, Hoang, and Keelveedhi (CRYPTO \u2713). It considers a two-stage security game, where only the second stage learns the seed, and the first-stage adversary, known as the source, is restricted to prevent trivial attacks -- the security notion is consequently parameterized by the class of allowable sources. To this end, we define in particular unpredictable and reset-secure sources analogous to similar notions for UCEs. We first study the relationship between psPRPs and UCEs. To start with, we provide efficient constructions of UCEs from psPRPs for both reset-secure and unpredictable sources, thus showing that most applications of the UCE framework admit instantiations from psPRPs. We also show a converse of this statement, namely that the five-round Feistel construction yields a psPRP for reset-secure sources when the round function is built from UCEs for reset-secure sources, hence making psPRP and UCE equivalent notions for such sources. In addition to studying such reductions, we suggest generic instantiations of psPRPs from both block ciphers and (keyless) permutations, and analyze them in ideal models. Also, as an application of our notions, we show that a simple modification of a recent highly-efficient garbling scheme by Bellare et al. (S&P \u2713) is secure under our psPRP assumption

    Naor-Reingold Goes Public: The Complexity of Known-key Security

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    We study the complexity of building secure block ciphers in the setting where the key is known to the attacker. In particular, we consider two security notions with useful implications, namely public-seed pseudorandom permutations (or psPRPs, for short) (Soni and Tessaro, EUROCRYPT \u2717) and correlation-intractable ciphers (Knudsen and Rijmen, ASIACRYPT \u2707; Mandal, Seurin, and Patarin, TCC \u2712). For both these notions, we exhibit constructions which make only two calls to an underlying non-invertible primitive, matching the complexity of building a pseudorandom permutation in the secret-key setting. Our psPRP result instantiates the round functions in the Naor-Reingold (NR) construction with a secure UCE hash function. For correlation intractability, we instead instantiate them from a (public) random function, and replace the pairwise-independent permutations in the NR construction with (almost) O(k2)O(k^2)-wise independent permutations, where kk is the arity of the relations for which we want correlation intractability. Our constructions improve upon the current state of the art, requiring five- and six-round Feistel networks, respectively, to achieve psPRP security and correlation intractability. To do so, we rely on techniques borrowed from Impagliazzo-Rudich-style black-box impossibility proofs for our psPRP result, for which we give what we believe to be the first constructive application, and on techniques for studying randomness with limited independence for correlation intractability

    Security Definitions For Hash Functions: Combining UCE and Indifferentiability

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    Hash functions are one of the most important cryptographic primitives, but their desired security properties have proven to be remarkably hard to formalize. To prove the security of a protocol using a hash function, nowadays often the random oracle model (ROM) is used due to its simplicity and its strong security guarantees. Moreover, hash function constructions are commonly proven to be secure by showing them to be indifferentiable from a random oracle when using an ideal compression function. However, it is well known that no hash function realizes a random oracle and no real compression function realizes an ideal one. As an alternative to the ROM, Bellare et al. recently proposed the notion of universal computational extractors (UCE). This notion formalizes that a family of functions ``behaves like a random oracle\u27\u27 for ``real-world\u27\u27 protocols while avoiding the general impossibility results. However, in contrast to the indifferentiability framework, UCE is formalized as a multi-stage game without clear composition guarantees. As a first contribution, we introduce context-restricted indifferentiability (CRI), a generalization of indifferentiability that allows us to model that the random oracle does not compose generally but can only be used within a well-specified set of protocols run by the honest parties, thereby making the provided composition guarantees explicit. We then show that UCE and its variants can be phrased as a special case of CRI. Moreover, we show how our notion of CRI leads to generalizations of UCE. As a second contribution, we prove that the hash function constructed by Merkle-Damgard satisfies one of the well-known UCE variants, if we assume that the compression function satisfies one of our generalizations of UCE, basing the overall security on a plausible assumption. This result further validates the Merkle-Damgard construction and shows that UCE-like assumptions can serve both as a valid reference point for modular protocol analyses, as well as for the design of hash functions, linking those two aspects in a framework with explicit composition guarantees

    Minimizing Even-Mansour Ciphers for Sequential Indifferentiability (Without Key Schedules)

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    Iterated Even-Mansour (IEM) schemes consist of a small number of fixed permutations separated by round key additions. They enjoy provable security, assuming the permutations are public and random. In particular, regarding chosen-key security in the sense of sequential indifferentiability (seq-indifferentiability), Cogliati and Seurin (EUROCRYPT 2015) showed that without key schedule functions, the 4-round Even-Mansour with Independent Permutations and no key schedule EMIP4(k,u)=k⊕p4(k⊕p3(k⊕p2(k⊕p1(k⊕u))))EMIP_4(k,u) = k \oplus p_4 ( k \oplus p_3( k \oplus p_2( k\oplus p_1(k \oplus u)))) is sequentially indifferentiable. Minimizing IEM variants for classical strong (tweakable) pseudorandom security has stimulated an attractive line of research. In this paper, we seek for minimizing the EMIP4EMIP_4 construction while retaining seq-indifferentiability. We first consider EMSPEMSP, a natural variant of EMIPEMIP using a single round permutation. Unfortunately, we exhibit a slide attack against EMSPEMSP with any number of rounds. In light of this, we show that the 4-round EM2P4p1,p2(k,u)=k⊕p1(k⊕p2(k⊕p2(k⊕p1(k⊕u))))EM2P_4^{p_1,p_2} (k,u)=k\oplus p_1(k \oplus p_2(k\oplus p_2(k\oplus p_1(k\oplus u)))) using 2 independent random permutations p1,p2p_1,p_2 is seq-indifferentiable. This provides the minimal seq-indifferentiable IEM without key schedule

    Sequential Indifferentiability of Confusion-Diffusion Networks

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    A large proportion of modern symmetric cryptographic building blocks are designed using the Substitution-Permutation Networks (SPNs), or more generally, Shannon\u27s confusion-diffusion paradigm. To justify its theoretical soundness, Dodis et al. (EUROCRYPT 2016) recently introduced the theoretical model of confusion-diffusion networks, which may be viewed as keyless SPNs using random permutations as S-boxes and combinatorial primitives as permutation layers, and established provable security in the plain indifferentiability framework of Maurer, Renner, and Holenstein (TCC 2004). We extend this work and consider Non-Linear Confusion-Diffusion Networks (NLCDNs), i.e., networks using non-linear permutation layers, in weaker indifferentiability settings. As the main result, we prove that 3-round NLCDNs achieve the notion of sequential indifferentiability of Mandal et al. (TCC 2012). We also exhibit an attack against 2-round NLCDNs, which shows the tightness of our positive result on 3 rounds. It implies correlation intractability of 3-round NLCDNs, a notion strongly related to known-key security of block ciphers and secure hash functions. Our results provide additional insights on understanding the complexity for known-key security, as well as using confusion-diffusion paradigm for designing cryptographic hash functions

    Revisiting Key-alternating Feistel Ciphers for Shorter Keys and Multi-user Security

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    Key-Alternating Feistel (KAF) ciphers, a.k.a. Feistel-2 models, refer to Feistel networks with round functions of the form Fi(ki⊕xi)F_i(k_i\oplus x_i), where kik_i is the (secret) round-key and FiF_i is a public random function. This model roughly captures the structures of many famous Feistel ciphers, and the most prominent instance is DES. Existing provable security results on KAF assumed independent round-keys and round functions (ASIACRYPT 2004 & FSE 2014). In this paper, we investigate how to achieve security under simpler and more realistic assumptions: with round-keys derived from a short main-key, and hopefully with identical round functions. For birthday-type security, we consider 4-round KAF, investigate the minimal conditions on the way to derive the four round-keys, and prove that when such adequately derived keys and the same round function are used, the 4-round KAF is secure up to 2n/22^{n/2} queries. For beyond-birthday security, we focus on 6-round KAF. We prove that when the adjacent round-keys are independent, and independent round-functions are used, the 6 round KAF is secure up to 22n/32^{2n/3} queries. To our knowledge, this is the first beyond-birthday security result for KAF without assuming completely independent round-keys. Our results hold in the multi-user setting as well, constituting the first non-trivial multi-user provable security results on Feistel ciphers. We finally demonstrate applications of our results on designing key-schedules and instantiating keyed sponge constructions

    Seedless Fruit is the Sweetest: Random Number Generation, Revisited

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    The need for high-quality randomness in cryptography makes random-number generation one of its most fundamental tasks. A recent important line of work (initiated by Dodis et al., CCS ’13) focuses on the notion of *robustness* for *pseudorandom number generators (PRNGs) with inputs*—these are primitives that use various sources to accumulate sufficient entropy into a state, from which pseudorandom bits are extracted. Robustness ensures that PRNGs remain secure even under state compromise and adversarial control of entropy sources. However, the achievability of robustness inherently depends on a seed, or, alternatively, on an ideal primitive (e.g., a random oracle), independent of the source of entropy. Both assumptions are problematic: seed generation requires randomness to start with, and it is arguable whether the seed or the ideal primitive can be kept independent of the source. This paper resolves this dilemma by putting forward new notions of robustness which enable both (1) *seedless* PRNGs and (2) *primitive-dependent* adversarial sources of entropy. To bypass obvious impossibility results, we make a realistic compromise by requiring that the source produce sufficient entropy even given its evaluations of the underlying primitive. We also provide natural, practical, and provably secure constructions based on hash-function designs from compression functions, block ciphers, and permutations. Our constructions can be instantiated with minimal changes to industry-standard hash functions SHA-2 and SHA-3, or HMAC (as used for the key derivation function HKDF), and can be downgraded to *(online) seedless randomness extractors*, which are of independent interest. On the way we consider both a *computational* variant of robustness, where attackers only make a bounded number of queries to the ideal primitive, as well as a new *information-theoretic* variant, which dispenses with this assumption to a certain extent, at the price of requiring a high rate of injected weak randomness (as it is, e.g., plausible on Intel’s on-chip RNG). The latter notion enables applications such as everlasting security. Finally, we show that the CBC extractor, used by Intel’s on-chip RNG, is provably insecure in our model

    Provably Secure Authenticated Encryption

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    Authenticated Encryption (AE) is a symmetric key cryptographic primitive that ensures confidentiality and authenticity of processed messages at the same time. The research of AE as a primitive in its own right started in 2000. The security goals of AE were captured in formal definitions in the tradition in the tradition of provable security (such as NAE, MRAE, OAE, RAE or the RUP), where the security of a scheme is formally proven assuming the security of an underlying building block. The prevailing syntax moved to nonce-based AE with associated data (which is an additional input that gets authenticated, but not encrypted). Other types of AE schemes appeared as well, e.g. ones that supported stateful sessions. Numerous AE schemes were designed; in the early years, these were almost exclusively blockcipher modes of operation, most notably OCB in 2001, CCM in 2003 and GCM in 2004. At the same time, issues were discovered both with the security and applicability of the most popular AE schemes, and other applications of symmetric key cryptography. As a response, the Competition for Authenticated Encryption: Security, Applicability, and Robustness (CAESAR) was started in 2013. Its goals were to identify a portfolio of new, secure and reliable AE schemes that would satisfy the needs of practical applications, and also to boost the research in the area of AE. Prompted by CAESAR, 57 new schemes were designed, new types of constructions that gained popularity appeared (such as the Sponge-based AE schemes), and new notions of security were proposed (such as RAE). The final portfolio of the CAESAR competition should be announced in 2018. In this thesis, we push the state of the art in the field of AE in several directions. All of them are related to provable security, in one way, or another. We propose OMD, the first provably secure dedicated AE scheme that is based on a compression function. We further modify OMD to achieve nonce misuse-resistant security (MRAE). We also propose another provably secure variant of OMD called pure OMD, which enjoys a great improvement of performance over OMD. Inspired by the modifications that gave rise to pure OMD, we turn to the popular Sponge-based AE schemes and prove that similar measures can also be applied to the keyed Sponge and keyed Duplex (a variant of the Sponge), allowing a substantial increase of performance without an impact on security. We then address definitional aspects of AE. We critically evaluate the security notion of OAE, whose authors claimed that it provides the best possible security for online schemes under nonce reuse. We challenge these claims, and discuss what are the meaningful requirements for online AE schemes. Based on our findings, we formulate a new definition of online AE security under nonce-reuse, and demonstrate its feasibility. We next turn our attention to the security of nonce-based AE schemes under stretch misuse; i.e. when a scheme is used with varying ciphertext expansion under the same key, even though it should not be. We argue that varying the stretch is plausible, and formulate several notions that capture security in presence of variable stretch. We establish their relations to previous notions, and demonstrate the feasibility of security in this setting. We finally depart from provable security, with the intention to complement it. We compose a survey of universal forgeries, decryption attacks and key recovery attacks on 3rd round CAESAR candidates