10,496 research outputs found

    Pseudo-unitary symmetry and the Gaussian pseudo-unitary ensemble of random matrices

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    Employing the currently discussed notion of pseudo-Hermiticity, we define a pseudo-unitary group. Further, we develop a random matrix theory which is invariant under such a group and call this ensemble of pseudo-Hermitian random matrices as the pseudo-unitary ensemble. We obtain exact results for the nearest-neighbour level spacing distribution for (2 X 2) PT-symmetric Hamiltonian matrices which has a novel form, s log (1/s) near zero spacing. This shows a level repulsion in marked distinction with an algebraic form in the Wigner surmise. We believe that this paves way for a description of varied phenomena in two-dimensional statistical mechanics, quantum chromodynamics, and so on.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, LaTeX, submitted to the Physical Review Letters on August 20, 200

    Normalization procedure for relaxation studies in NMR quantum information processing

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    NMR quantum information processing studies rely on the reconstruction of the density matrix representing the so-called pseudo-pure states (PPS). An initially pure part of a PPS state undergoes unitary and non-unitary (relaxation) transformations during a computation process, causing a "loss of purity" until the equilibrium is reached. Besides, upon relaxation, the nuclear polarization varies in time, a fact which must be taken into account when comparing density matrices at different instants. Attempting to use time-fixed normalization procedures when relaxation is present, leads to various anomalies on matrices populations. On this paper we propose a method which takes into account the time-dependence of the normalization factor. From a generic form for the deviation density matrix an expression for the relaxing initial pure state is deduced. The method is exemplified with an experiment of relaxation of the concurrence of a pseudo-entangled state, which exhibits the phenomenon of sudden death, and the relaxation of the Wigner function of a pseudo-cat state.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, to appear in QI

    Congruences and Canonical Forms for a Positive Matrix: Application to the Schweinler-Wigner Extremum Principle

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    It is shown that a N×NN\times N real symmetric [complex hermitian] positive definite matrix VV is congruent to a diagonal matrix modulo a pseudo-orthogonal [pseudo-unitary] matrix in SO(m,n)SO(m,n) [ SU(m,n)SU(m,n)], for any choice of partition N=m+nN=m+n. It is further shown that the method of proof in this context can easily be adapted to obtain a rather simple proof of Williamson's theorem which states that if NN is even then VV is congruent also to a diagonal matrix modulo a symplectic matrix in Sp(N,R)Sp(N,{\cal R}) [Sp(N,C)Sp(N,{\cal C})]. Applications of these results considered include a generalization of the Schweinler-Wigner method of `orthogonalization based on an extremum principle' to construct pseudo-orthogonal and symplectic bases from a given set of linearly independent vectors.Comment: 7 pages, latex, no figure

    Different instances of time as different quantum modes: quantum states across space-time for continuous variables

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    Space-time is one of the most essential, yet most mysterious concepts in physics. In quantum mechanics it is common to understand time as a marker of instances of evolution and define states around all the space but at one time; while in general relativity space-time is taken as a combinator, curved around mass. Here we present a unified approach on both space and time in quantum theory, and build quantum states across spacetime instead of only on spatial slices. We no longer distinguish measurements on the same system at different times with measurements on different systems at one time and construct spacetime states upon these measurement statistics. As a first step towards non-relativistic quantum field theory, we consider how to approach this in the continuous-variable multi-mode regime. We propose six possible definitions for spacetime states in continuous variables, based on four different measurement processes: quadratures, displaced parity operators, position measurements and weak measurements. The basic idea is to treat different instances of time as different quantum modes. They are motivated by the pseudo-density matrix formulation among indefinite causal structures and the path integral formalism. We show that these definitions lead to desirable properties, and raise the differences and similarities between spatial and temporal correlations. An experimental proposal for tomography is presented, construing the operational meaning of the spacetime states.Comment: 28 pages, comments welcom

    Spindensities in Pseudo-classical kinetic theory

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    In this paper the classical limit of relativistic transport theories for spin 1/2 fermions is examined through a comparison with the classical kinetic theory derived from N=1 supersymmetric classical mechanics. The conclusion is that in the classical limit spindensities, i.e. the axial-vector contribution to the relativistic Wigner-function, vanishes and dipole-densities, i.e. the spin-tensor contributions to the relativistic Wigner function, may survive.Comment: Latex 22 pages, 63628 bytes. No figure