11 research outputs found

    Learning image similarities via Probabilistic Feature Matching

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    In this paper, we propose a novel image similarity learning approach based on Probabilistic Feature Matching (PFM). We consider the matching process as the bipartite graph matching problem, and define the image similarity as the inner product of the feature similarities and their corresponding matching probabilities, which are learned by optimizing a quadratic formulation. Further, we prove that the image similarity and the sparsity of the learned matching probability distribution will decrease monotonically with the increase of parameter C in the quadratic formulation where C ≥ 0 is a pre-defined datadependent constant to control the sparsity of the distribution of a feature matching probability. Essentially, our approach is the generalization of a family of similarity matching approaches. We test our approach on Graz datasets for object recognition, and achieve 89.4 % on Graz-01 and 87.4 % on Graz-02, respectively on average, which outperform the stateof-the-art

    Multiple kernel active learning for image classification

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    Recently, multiple kernel learning (MKL) methods have shown promising performance in image classification. As a sort of supervised learning, training MKL-based classifiers relies on selecting and annotating extensive dataset. In general, we have to manually label large amount of samples to achieve desirable MKL-based classifiers. Moreover, MKL also suffers a great computational cost on kernel computation and parameter optimization. In this paper, we propose a local adaptive active learning (LA-AL) method to reduce the labeling and computational cost by selecting the most informative training samples. LA-AL adopts a top-down (or global-local) strategy for locating and searching informative samples. Uncertain samples are first clustered into groups, and then informative samples are consequently selected via inter-group and intra-group competitions. Experiments over COREL-5K show that the proposed LA-AL method can significantly reduce the demand of sample labeling and have achieved the state-of-the-art performance. ?2009 IEEE.EI

    Image classification using multiscale information fusion based on saliency driven nonlinear diffusion filtering

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    In this paper, we propose saliency driven image multiscale nonlinear diffusion filtering. The resulting scale space in general preserves or even enhances semantically important structures such as edges, lines, or flow-like structures in the foreground, and inhibits and smoothes clutter in the background. The image is classified using multiscale information fusion based on the original image, the image at the final scale at which the diffusion process converges, and the image at a midscale. Our algorithm emphasizes the foreground features, which are important for image classification. The background image regions, whether considered as contexts of the foreground or noise to the foreground, can be globally handled by fusing information from different scales. Experimental tests of the effectiveness of the multiscale space for the image classification are conducted on the following publicly available datasets: 1) the PASCAL 2005 dataset; 2) the Oxford 102 flowers dataset; and 3) the Oxford 17 flowers dataset, with high classification rates

    Modeling geometric-temporal context with directional pyramid co-occurrence for action recognition

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    In this paper, we present a new geometric-temporal representation for visual action recognition based on local spatio-temporal features. First, we propose a modified covariance descriptor under the log-Euclidean Riemannian metric to represent the spatio-temporal cuboids detected in the video sequences. Compared with previously proposed covariance descriptors, our descriptor can be measured and clustered in Euclidian space. Second, to capture the geometric-temporal contextual information, we construct a directional pyramid co-occurrence matrix (DPCM) to describe the spatio-temporal distribution of the vector-quantized local feature descriptors extracted from a video. DPCM characterizes the co-occurrence statistics of local features as well as the spatio-temporal positional relationships among the concurrent features. These statistics provide strong descriptive power for action recognition. To use DPCM for action recognition, we propose a directional pyramid co-occurrence matching kernel to measure the similarity of videos. The proposed method achieves the state-of-the-art performance and improves on the recognition performance of the bag-of-visual-words (BOVWs) models by a large margin on six public data sets. For example, on the KTH data set, it achieves 98.78% accuracy while the BOVW approach only achieves 88.06%. On both Weizmann and UCF CIL data sets, the highest possible accuracy of 100% is achieved

    Bin ratio-based histogram distances and their application to image classification

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    Large variations in image background may cause partial matching and normalization problems for histogram-based representations, i.e., the histograms of the same category may have bins which are significantly different, and normalization may produce large changes in the differences between corresponding bins. In this paper, we deal with this problem by using the ratios between bin values of histograms, rather than bin values' differences which are used in the traditional histogram distances. We propose a bin ratio-based histogram distance (BRD), which is an intra-cross-bin distance, in contrast with previous bin-to-bin distances and cross-bin distances. The BRD is robust to partial matching and histogram normalization, and captures correlations between bins with only a linear computational complexity. We combine the BRD with the ℓ1 histogram distance and the χ2 histogram distance to generate the ℓ1 BRD and the χ2 BRD, respectively. These combinations exploit and benefit from the robustness of the BRD under partial matching and the robustness of the ℓ1 and χ2 distances to small noise. We propose a method for assessing the robustness of histogram distances to partial matching. The BRDs and logistic regression-based histogram fusion are applied to image classification. The experimental results on synthetic data sets show the robustness of the BRDs to partial matching, and the experiments on seven benchmark data sets demonstrate promising results of the BRDs for image classification

    Learning Binary Hash Codes for Large-Scale Image Search

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    Abstract Algorithms to rapidly search massive image or video collections are crit-ical for many vision applications, including visual search, content-based retrieval, and non-parametric models for object recognition. Recent work shows that learned binary projections are a powerful way to index large collections according to their content. The basic idea is to formulate the projections so as to approximately pre-serve a given similarity function of interest. Having done so, one can then search the data efficiently using hash tables, or by exploring the Hamming ball volume around a novel query. Both enable sub-linear time retrieval with respect to the database size. Further, depending on the design of the projections, in some cases it is possible to bound the number of database examples that must be searched in order to achieve a given level of accuracy. This chapter overviews data structures for fast search with binary codes, and then describes several supervised and unsupervised strategies for generating the codes. In particular, we review supervised methods that integrate metric learning, boost-ing, and neural networks into the hash key construction, and unsupervised methods based on spectral analysis or kernelized random projections that compute affinity-preserving binary codes. Whether learning from explicit semantic supervision or ex-ploiting the structure among unlabeled data, these methods make scalable retrieval possible for a variety of robust visual similarity measures. We focus on defining the algorithms, and illustrate the main points with results using millions of images

    Proximity distribution kernels for geometric context in category recognition

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    Abstract We propose using the proximity distribution of vectorquantize

    Feature Encoding of Spectral Descriptors for 3D Shape Recognition

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    Feature descriptors have become a ubiquitous tool in shape analysis. Features can be extracted and subsequently used to design discriminative signatures for solving a variety of 3D shape analysis problems. In particular, shape classification and retrieval are intriguing and challenging problems that lie at the crossroads of computer vision, geometry processing, machine learning and medical imaging. In this thesis, we propose spectral graph wavelet approaches for the classification and retrieval of deformable 3D shapes. First, we review the recent shape descriptors based on the spectral decomposition of the Laplace-Beltrami operator, which provides a rich set of eigenbases that are invariant to intrinsic isometries. We then provide a detailed overview of spectral graph wavelets. In an effort to capture both local and global characteristics of a 3D shape, we propose a three-step feature description framework. Local descriptors are first extracted via the spectral graph wavelet transform having the Mexican hat wavelet as a generating kernel. Then, mid-level features are obtained by embedding local descriptors into the visual vocabulary space using the soft-assignment coding step of the bag-of-features model. A global descriptor is subsequently constructed by aggregating mid-level features weighted by a geodesic exponential kernel, resulting in a matrix representation that describes the frequency of appearance of nearby codewords in the vocabulary. In order to analyze the performance of the proposed algorithms on 3D shape classification, support vector machines and deep belief networks are applied to mid-level features. To assess the performance of the proposed approach for nonrigid 3D shape retrieval, we compare the global descriptor of a query to the global descriptors of the rest of shapes in the dataset using a dissimilarity measure and find the closest shape. Experimental results on three standard 3D shape benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed classification and retrieval approaches in comparison with state-of-the-art methods