3 research outputs found

    Methods for Proving Non-termination of Programs

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    The search for reliable and scalable automated methods for finding counterexamples to termination or alternatively proving non-termination is still widely open. The thesis studies the problem of proving non-termination of programs and presents new methods for the same. It also provides a thorough comparison of new methods along with the previous methods. In the first method, we show how the problem of non-termination proving can be reduced to a question of underapproximation search guided by a safety prover. This reduction leads to new non-termination proving implementation strategies based on existing tools for safety proving. Furthermore, our approach leads to easy support for programs with unbounded non-determinism. In the second method, we show how Max-SMT-based invariant generation can be exploited for proving non-termination of programs. The construction of the proof of non-termination is guided by the generation of quasi-invariants - properties such that if they hold at a location during execution once, then they will continue to hold at that location from then onwards. The check that quasi-invariants can indeed be reached is then performed separately. Our technique produces more generic witnesses of non-termination than existing methods. Moreover, it can handle programs with unbounded non-determinism and is more likely to converge than previous approaches. When proving non-termination using known techniques, abstractions that overapproximate the program's transition relation are unsound. In the third method, we introduce live abstractions, a natural class of abstractions that can be combined with the concept of closed recurrence sets to soundly prove non-termination. To demonstrate the practical usefulness of this new approach we show how programs with non-linear, non-deterministic, and heap-based commands can be shown non-terminating using linear overapproximations. All three methods introduced in this thesis have been implemented in different tools. We also provide experimental results which show great performance improvements over existing methods