31,160 research outputs found

    A new structure for difference matrices over abelian pp-groups

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    A difference matrix over a group is a discrete structure that is intimately related to many other combinatorial designs, including mutually orthogonal Latin squares, orthogonal arrays, and transversal designs. Interest in constructing difference matrices over 22-groups has been renewed by the recent discovery that these matrices can be used to construct large linking systems of difference sets, which in turn provide examples of systems of linked symmetric designs and association schemes. We survey the main constructive and nonexistence results for difference matrices, beginning with a classical construction based on the properties of a finite field. We then introduce the concept of a contracted difference matrix, which generates a much larger difference matrix. We show that several of the main constructive results for difference matrices over abelian pp-groups can be substantially simplified and extended using contracted difference matrices. In particular, we obtain new linking systems of difference sets of size 77 in infinite families of abelian 22-groups, whereas previously the largest known size was 33.Comment: 27 pages. Discussion of new reference [LT04

    Mather sets for sequences of matrices and applications to the study of joint spectral radii

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    The joint spectral radius of a compact set of d-times-d matrices is defined ?to be the maximum possible exponential growth rate of products of matrices drawn from that set. In this article we investigate the ergodic-theoretic structure of those sequences of matrices drawn from a given set whose products grow at the maximum possible rate. This leads to a notion of Mather set for matrix sequences which is analogous to the Mather set in Lagrangian dynamics. We prove a structure theorem establishing the general properties of these Mather sets and describing the extent to which they characterise matrix sequences of maximum growth. We give applications of this theorem to the study of joint spectral radii and to the stability theory of discrete linear inclusions. These results rest on some general theorems on the structure of orbits of maximum growth for subadditive observations of dynamical systems, including an extension of the semi-uniform subadditive ergodic theorem of Schreiber, Sturman and Stark, and an extension of a noted lemma of Y. Peres. These theorems are presented in the appendix
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