2 research outputs found

    Proving Type Class Laws for Haskell

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    Type classes in Haskell are used to implement ad-hoc polymorphism, i.e. a way to ensure both to the programmer and the compiler that a set of functions are defined for a specific data type. All instances of such type classes are expected to behave in a certain way and satisfy laws associated with the respective class. These are however typically just stated in comments and as such, there is no real way to enforce that they hold. In this paper we describe a system which allows the user to write down type class laws which are then automatically instantiated and sent to an inductive theorem prover when declaring a new instance of a type class.Comment: Presented at the Symposium for Trends in Functional Programming, 201

    Extensional equality preservation and verified generic programming

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    In verified generic programming, one cannot exploit the structure of concrete data types but has to rely on well chosen sets of specifications or abstract data types (ADTs). Functors and monads are at the core of many applications of functional programming. This raises the question of what useful ADTs for verified functors and monads could look like. The functorial map of many important monads preserves extensional equality. For instance, if f,g:A→Bf, g : A \rightarrow B are extensionally equal, that is, ∀x∈A, f x=g x\forall x \in A, \ f \ x = g \ x, then map f:List A→List Bmap \ f : List \ A \rightarrow List \ B and map gmap \ g are also extensionally equal. This suggests that preservation of extensional equality could be a useful principle in verified generic programming. We explore this possibility with a minimalist approach: we deal with (the lack of) extensional equality in Martin-L\"of's intensional type theories without extending the theories or using full-fledged setoids. Perhaps surprisingly, this minimal approach turns out to be extremely useful. It allows one to derive simple generic proofs of monadic laws but also verified, generic results in dynamical systems and control theory. In turn, these results avoid tedious code duplication and ad-hoc proofs. Thus, our work is a contribution towards pragmatic, verified generic programming.Comment: Manuscript ID: JFP-2020-003