3 research outputs found

    Designing for the Ubiquitous Computing era: towards the reinvention of everyday objects and the creation of new user experiences

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    Researchers of the Ubiquitous Computing community (Ubicomp) have been pursuing the vision of a world where technologies and services permeates every object of our lives for years. With components getting smaller, cheaper and more powerful, it has become possible to manufacture connected objects capable of interacting with resources of the World Wide Web. This opens up the possibility for researchers and practitioners to consider information as a design material and objects as platforms for services. By allowing users to personalize, complement or repurpose the functions of their objects, such services have a great impact on the way artifacts are designed. Designing for the Ubiquitous Era requires modifying our practice and reinforcing collaboration between disciplines at every steps of the creation process. In this article, we discuss the need to reinvent objects and to investigate the tools supporting the creation of rich services’ experiences

    Designing for the Ubiquitous Computing era: towards the reinvention of everyday objects and the creation of new user experiences

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    Researchers of the Ubiquitous Computing community (Ubicomp) have been pursuing the vision of a world where technologies and services permeates every object of our lives for years. With components getting smaller, cheaper and more powerful, it has become possible to manufacture connected objects capable of interacting with resources of the World Wide Web. This opens up the possibility for researchers and practitioners to consider information as a design material and objects as platforms for services. By allowing users to personalize, complement or repurpose the functions of their objects, such services have a great impact on the way artifacts are designed. Designing for the Ubiquitous Era requires modifying our practice and reinforcing collaboration between disciplines at every steps of the creation process. In this article, we discuss the need to reinvent objects and to investigate the tools supporting the creation of rich services’ experiences

    La conception à l'ère de l'Internet des Objets (modèles et principes pour le design de produits aux fonctions augmentées par des applications.)

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    L'Internet des Objets, dont la vision et les technologies provoquent la rencontre des mondes physique et numérique, amène aujourd'hui à la création de nouveaux types d'applications permettant d'interopérer les services du World Wide Web avec les produits du quotidien. Ces applications orientées produit , capables de représenter, contrôler ou de compléter les fonctions d'artéfacts intégrant des capacités de traitement de l'information, remettent en cause les principes et conventions établies par les métiers de la conception. Elles préfigurent l'émergence de produits connectés à Internet, dont l'offre fonctionnelle peut être augmentée et modifiée au cours du temps, de manière à répondre aux besoins changeants des utilisateurs. Cette recherche, menée à l'intersection des sciences de la conception, de l'informatique ubiquitaire et des interactions homme-machine, vise à étudier les enjeux que suscitent ces applications lors la conception de produits. Elle met en exergue la nécessité d'établir un modèle descriptif des applications orientées produit facilitant leur figuration par les utilisateurs, ainsi que d'explorer les problèmes pragmatiques résultant de leur intégration dans les produits. Elle conduit également à l'élaboration et l'évaluation, par la pratique, de principes pour le design de la forme et des interactions des produits augmentés. Elle décrit plus particulièrement la ductilité de futurs produits, le nouveau rapport entre fonction, comportement et structure qu'ils établissent, et leurs possibles évolutions. Cette recherche contribue aux travaux sur l'Internet des Objets en proposant un nouveau cadre de discussion, et en offrant aux chercheurs et aux praticiens des outils qui peuvent être employés durant le processus de conception.The Internet of Things, whose underlying vision and technologies aim at bridging the physical and digital worlds together, lead to the creation of new types of applications coupling Web services with everyday products. Such product-oriented applications, which enable the functional exposition, control or enhancement of artifacts that embed information processing capabilities, question the established design principles and conventions. They open up the possibility for Internet-enabled products, whose functions can be augmented and adapted to better support users' changing needs, to be designed. This research, which is at the intersection of Design Science, Ubiquitous Computing and Human-Computer Interactions, aims at studying the impact brought about by applications on product design. It highlights the need to build an application model that facilitates their representation by users, and to explore the pragmatic issues rose by their integration into products. It leads to the definition and evaluation, through practice, of principles for the design of augmented products' form and interactions. It describes the ductility of future products, the novel coupling between functions, behavior and structure they implement and their potential evolutions. This work contributes to the Internet of Things research by reframing the discussion and by providing researchers and practitioners with tools that can be leveraged during the design process.PARIS-Arts et Métiers (751132303) / SudocSudocFranceF