16 research outputs found

    Prover-Efficient Commit-And-Prove Zero-Knowledge SNARKs

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    Zk-SNARKs (succinct non-interactive zero-knowledge arguments of knowledge) are needed in many applications. Unfortunately, all previous zk-SNARKs for interesting languages are either inefficient for the prover, or are non-adaptive and based on a commitment scheme that depends both on the prover\u27s input and on the language, i.e., they are not commit-and-prove (CaP) SNARKs. We propose a proof-friendly extractable commitment scheme, and use it to construct prover-efficient adaptive CaP succinct zk-SNARKs for different languages, that can all reuse committed data. In new zk-SNARKs, the prover computation is dominated by a linear number of cryptographic operations. We use batch-verification to decrease the verifier\u27s computation; importantly, batch-verification can be used also in QAP-based zk-SNARKs

    Hash First, Argue Later: Adaptive Verifiable Computations on Outsourced Data

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    Proof systems for verifiable computation (VC) have the potential to make cloud outsourcing more trustworthy. Recent schemes enable a verifier with limited resources to delegate large computations and verify their outcome based on succinct arguments: verification complexity is linear in the size of the inputs and outputs (not the size of the computation). However, cloud computing also often involves large amounts of data, which may exceed the local storage and I/O capabilities of the verifier, and thus limit the use of VC. In this paper, we investigate multi-relation hash & prove schemes for verifiable computations that operate on succinct data hashes. Hence, the verifier delegates both storage and computation to an untrusted worker. She uploads data and keeps hashes; exchanges hashes with other parties; verifies arguments that consume and produce hashes; and selectively downloads the actual data she needs to access. Existing instantiations that fit our definition either target restricted classes of computations or employ relatively inefficient techniques. Instead, we propose efficient constructions that lift classes of existing arguments schemes for fixed relations to multi-relation hash & prove schemes. Our schemes (1) rely on hash algorithms that run linearly in the size of the input; (2) enable constant-time verification of arguments on hashed inputs; (3) incur minimal overhead for the prover. Their main benefit is to amortize the linear cost for the verifier across all relations with shared I/O. Concretely, compared to solutions that can be obtained from prior work, our new hash & prove constructions yield a 1,400x speed-up for provers. We also explain how to further reduce the linear verification costs by partially outsourcing the hash computation itself, obtaining a 480x speed-up when applied to existing VC schemes, even on single-relation executions

    A Shuffle Argument Secure in the Generic Model

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    We propose a new random oracle-less NIZK shuffle argument. It has a simple structure, where the first verification equation ascertains that the prover has committed to a permutation matrix, the second verification equation ascertains that the same permutation was used to permute the ciphertexts, and the third verification equation ascertains that input ciphertexts were ``correctly\u27\u27 formed. The new argument has 3.53.5 times more efficient verification than the up-to-now most efficient shuffle argument by Fauzi and Lipmaa (CT-RSA 2016). Compared to the Fauzi-Lipmaa shuffle argument, we (i) remove the use of knowledge assumptions and prove our scheme is sound in the generic bilinear group model, and (ii) prove standard soundness, instead of culpable soundness

    Efficient Culpably Sound NIZK Shuffle Argument without Random Oracles

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    One way to guarantee security against malicious voting servers is to use NIZK shuffle arguments. Up to now, only two NIZK shuffle arguments in the CRS model have been proposed. Both arguments are relatively inefficient compared to known random oracle based arguments. We propose a new, more efficient, shuffle argument in the CRS model. Importantly, its online prover\u27s computational complexity is dominated by only two (n+1)(n + 1)-wide multi-exponentiations, where nn is the number of ciphertexts. Compared to the previously fastest argument by Lipmaa and Zhang, it satisfies a stronger notion of soundness

    Curve Trees: Practical and Transparent Zero-Knowledge Accumulators

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    In this work we improve upon the state of the art for practical zero-knowledge for set membership, a building block at the core of several privacy-aware applications, such as anonymous payments, credentials and whitelists. This primitive allows a user to show knowledge of an element in a large set without leaking the specific element. One of the obstacles to its deployment is efficiency. Concretely efficient solutions exist, e.g., those deployed in Zcash Sapling, but they often work at the price of a strong trust assumption: an underlying setup that must be generated by a trusted third party. To find alternative approaches we focus on a common building block: accumulators, a cryptographic data structure which compresses the underlying set. We propose novel, more efficient and fully transparent constructions (i.e., without a trusted setup) for accumulators supporting zero-knowledge proofs for set membership. Technically, we introduce new approaches inspired by ``commit-and-prove\u27\u27 techniques to combine shallow Merkle trees and 2-cycles of elliptic curves into a highly practical construction. Our basic accumulator construction---dubbed Curve Trees---is completely transparent (does not require a trusted setup) and is based on simple and widely used assumptions (DLOG and Random Oracle Model). Ours is the first fully transparent construction that obtains concretely small proof/commitment sizes for large sets and a proving time one order of magnitude smaller than proofs over Merkle Trees with Pedersen hash. For a concrete instantiation targeting 128 bits of security we obtain: a commitment to a set of any size is 256 bits; for ∣S∣=240|S| = 2^{40} a zero-knowledge membership proof is 2.9KB, its proving takes 22s and its verification 4040ms on an ordinary laptop. Using our construction as a building block we can design a simple and concretely efficient anonymous cryptocurrency with full anonymity set, which we dub V\mathbb{V}cash. Its transactions can be verified in ≈80\approx 80ms or ≈5\approx 5ms when batch-verifying multiple (>100> 100) transactions; transaction sizes are 44KB. Our timings are competitive with those of the approach in Zcash Sapling and trade slightly larger proofs (transactions in Zcash Sapling are 2.8KB) for a completely transparent setup

    A Subversion-Resistant SNARK

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    While succinct non-interactive zero-knowledge arguments of knowledge (zk-SNARKs) are widely studied, the question of what happens when the CRS has been subverted has received little attention. In ASIACRYPT 2016, Bellare, Fuchsbauer and Scafuro showed the first negative and positive results in this direction, proving also that it is impossible to achieve subversion soundness and (even non-subversion) zero knowledge at the same time. On the positive side, they constructed an involved sound and subversion zero-knowledge argument system for NP. We show that Groth\u27s zk-SNARK for \textsc{Circuit-SAT} from EUROCRYPT 2016 can be made computationally knowledge-sound and perfectly composable Sub-ZK with minimal changes. We just require the CRS trapdoor to be extractable and the CRS to be publicly verifiable. To achieve the latter, we add some new elements to the CRS and construct an efficient CRS verification algorithm. We also provide a definitional framework for sound and Sub-ZK SNARKs and describe implementation results of the new Sub-ZK SNARK

    An Efficient ZK Compiler from SIMD Circuits to General Circuits

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    We propose a generic compiler that can convert any zero-knowledge proof for SIMD circuits to general circuits efficiently, and an extension that can preserve the space complexity of the proof systems. Our compiler can immediately produce new results improving upon state of the art. -By plugging in our compiler to Antman, an interactive sublinear-communication protocol, we improve the overall communication complexity for generalcircuits from O(C3/4)\mathcal{O}(C^{3/4}) to O(C1/2)\mathcal{O}(C^{1/2}). Our implementation shows that for a circuit of size 2272^{27}, it achieves up to 83.6×83.6\times improvement on communication compared to the state-of-the-art implementation. Its end-to-end running time is at least 70%70\% faster in a 1010Mbps network. -Using recent results on compressed Σ\Sigma-protocol theory, we obtain a discrete-log-based constant-round zero-knowledge argument with O(C1/2)\mathcal{O}(C^{1/2}) communication and common random string length, improving over the state of the art that has linear-size common random string and requires heavier computation. -We improve the communication of a designated nn-verifier zero-knowledge proof from O(nC/B+n2B2)\mathcal{O}(nC/B+n^2B^2) to O(nC/B+n2)\mathcal{O}(nC/B+n^2). To demonstrate the scalability of our compilers, we were able to extract a commit-and-prove SIMD ZK from Ligero and cast it in our framework. We also give one instantiation derived from LegoSNARK, demonstrating that the idea of CP-SNARK also fits in our methodology

    Witness Encryption for Succinct Functional Commitments and Applications

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    Witness encryption (WE), introduced by Garg, Gentry, Sahai, and Waters (STOC 2013) allows one to encrypt a message to a statement x\mathsf{x} for some NP language L\mathcal{L}, such that any user holding a witness for x∈L\mathsf{x} \in \mathcal{L} can decrypt the ciphertext. The extreme power of this primitive comes at the cost of its elusiveness: a practical construction from established cryptographic assumptions is currently out of reach. In this work we introduce and construct a new notion of encryption that has a strong flavor of WE and that, crucially, we can build from well-studied assumptions (based on bilinear pairings) for interesting classes of computation. Our new notion, witness encryption for (succinct) functional commitment, takes inspiration from a prior weakening of witness encryption introduced by Benhamouda and Lin (TCC 2020). In a nutshell, theirs is a WE where: the encryption statement consists of a (non compressible) commitment cm\mathsf{cm}, a function GG and a value yy; the decryption witness consists of a (non succinct) NIZK proof about the fact that cm\mathsf{cm} opens to vv such that y=G(v)y=G(v). Benhamouda and Lin showed how to apply this primitive to obtain MPC with non-interactive and reusability properties---dubbed mrNISC---replacing the requirement of WE in existing round-collapsing techniques. Our new WE-like notion is motivated by supporting both commitments of a fixed size and fixed decryption complexity, independent ∣v∣|v|---in contrast to the work by Benhamouda and Lin where this complexity is linear. As a byproduct, our efficiency profile substantially improves the offline stage of mrNISC protocols. Our work solves the additional challenges that arise from relying on computationally binding commitments and computational soundness (of functional commitments), as opposed to statistical binding and unconditional soundness (of NIZKs), used in Benhamouda and Lin\u27s work. To tackle them, we not only modify their basic blueprint, but also model and instantiate different types of projective hash functions as building blocks. Furthermore, as one of our main contributions, we show the first pairing-based construction of functional commitments for NC1 circuits with linear verification. Our techniques are of independent interest and may highlight new avenues to design practical variants of witness encryption. As an additional contribution, we show that our new WE-flavored primitive and its efficiency properties are versatile: we discuss its further applications and show how to extend this primitive to better suit these settings

    ECLIPSE: Enhanced Compiling method for Pedersen-committed zkSNARK Engines

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    We advance the state-of-the art for zero-knowledge commit-and-prove SNARKs (CP-SNARKs). CP-SNARKs are an important class of SNARKs which, using commitments as ``glue\u27\u27, allow to efficiently combine proof systems---e.g., general-purpose SNARKs (an efficient way to prove statements about circuits) and Σ\Sigma-protocols (an efficient way to prove statements about group operations). Thus, CP-SNARKs allow to efficiently provide zero-knowledge proofs for composite statements such as h=H(gx)h=H(g^{x}) for some hash-function HH. Our main contribution is providing the first construction of CP-SNARKs where the proof size is succinct in the number of commitments. We achieve our result by providing a general technique to compile Algebraic Holographic Proofs (AHP) (an underlying abstraction used in many modern SNARKs) with special ``decomposition\u27\u27 properties into an efficient CP-SNARK. We then show that some of the most efficient AHP constructions---Marlin, PLONK, and Sonic---satisfy our compilation requirements. Our resulting SNARKs achieve universal and updatable reference strings, which are highly desirable features as they greatly reduce the trust needed in the SNARK setup phase