11 research outputs found

    Shining Light On Shadow Stacks

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    Control-Flow Hijacking attacks are the dominant attack vector against C/C++ programs. Control-Flow Integrity (CFI) solutions mitigate these attacks on the forward edge,i.e., indirect calls through function pointers and virtual calls. Protecting the backward edge is left to stack canaries, which are easily bypassed through information leaks. Shadow Stacks are a fully precise mechanism for protecting backwards edges, and should be deployed with CFI mitigations. We present a comprehensive analysis of all possible shadow stack mechanisms along three axes: performance, compatibility, and security. For performance comparisons we use SPEC CPU2006, while security and compatibility are qualitatively analyzed. Based on our study, we renew calls for a shadow stack design that leverages a dedicated register, resulting in low performance overhead, and minimal memory overhead, but sacrifices compatibility. We present case studies of our implementation of such a design, Shadesmar, on Phoronix and Apache to demonstrate the feasibility of dedicating a general purpose register to a security monitor on modern architectures, and the deployability of Shadesmar. Our comprehensive analysis, including detailed case studies for our novel design, allows compiler designers and practitioners to select the correct shadow stack design for different usage scenarios.Comment: To Appear in IEEE Security and Privacy 201

    VPS: Excavating high-level C++ constructs from low-level binaries to protect dynamic dispatching

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    Polymorphism and inheritance make C++ suitable for writing complex software, but significantly increase the attack surface because the implementation relies on virtual function tables (vtables). These vtables contain function pointers that attackers can potentially hijack and in practice, vtable hijacking is one of the most important attack vector for C++ binaries. In this paper, we present VTable Pointer Separation (vps), a practical binary-level defense against vtable hijacking in C++ applications. Unlike previous binary-level defenses, which rely on unsound static analyses to match classes to virtual callsites, vps achieves a more accurate protection by restricting virtual callsites to validly created objects. More specifically, vps ensures that virtual callsites can only use objects created at valid object construction sites, and only if those objects can reach the callsite. Moreover, vps explicitly prevents false positives (falsely identified virtual callsites) from breaking the binary, an issue existing work does not handle correctly or at all. We evaluate the prototype implementation of vps on a diverse set of complex, real-world applications (MongoDB, MySQL server, Node.js, SPEC CPU2017/CPU2006), showing that our approach protects on average 97.8% of all virtual callsites in SPEC CPU2006 and 97.4% in SPEC CPU2017 (all C++ benchmarks), with a moderate performance overhead of 11% and 9% geomean, respectively. Furthermore, our evaluation reveals 86 false negatives in VTV, a popular source-based defense which is part of GCC

    FineIBT: Fine-grain Control-flow Enforcement with Indirect Branch Tracking

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    We present the design, implementation, and evaluation of FineIBT: a CFI enforcement mechanism that improves the precision of hardware-assisted CFI solutions, like Intel IBT and ARM BTI, by instrumenting program code to reduce the valid/allowed targets of indirect forward-edge transfers. We study the design of FineIBT on the x86-64 architecture, and implement and evaluate it on Linux and the LLVM toolchain. We designed FineIBT's instrumentation to be compact, and incur low runtime and memory overheads, and generic, so as to support a plethora of different CFI policies. Our prototype implementation incurs negligible runtime slowdowns (≈\approx0%-1.94% in SPEC CPU2017 and ≈\approx0%-1.92% in real-world applications) outperforming Clang-CFI. Lastly, we investigate the effectiveness/security and compatibility of FineIBT using the ConFIRM CFI benchmarking suite, demonstrating that our nimble instrumentation provides complete coverage in the presence of modern software features, while supporting a wide range of CFI policies (coarse- vs. fine- vs. finer-grain) with the same, predictable performance

    An Evil Copy: How the Loader Betrays You

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    Abstract-Dynamic loading is a core feature used on current systems to (i) enable modularity and reuse, (ii) reduce memory footprint by sharing code pages of libraries and executables among processes, and (iii) simplify update procedures by eliminating the need to recompile executables when a library is updated. The Executable and Linkable Format (ELF) is a generic specification that describes how executable programs are stitched together from object files produced from source code to libraries and executables. Programming languages allow fine-grained control over variables, including access and memory protections, so programmers may write defense mechanisms assuming that the permissions specified at the source and/or compiler level will hold at runtime. Unfortunately, information about memory protection is lost during compilation. We identify one case that has significant security implications: when instantiating a process, constant external variables that are referenced in executables are forcefully relocated to a writable memory segment without warning. The loader trades security for compatibility due to the lack of memory protection information on the relocated external variables. We call this new attack vector COREV for Copy Relocation Violation. An adversary may use a memory corruption vulnerability to modify such "read-only" constant variables like vtables, function pointers, format strings, and file names to bypass defenses (like FORTIFY SOURCE or CFI) and to escalate privileges. We have studied all Ubuntu 16.04 LTS packages and found that out of 54,045 packages, 4,570 packages have unexpected copy relocations that change read-only permissions to read-write, presenting new avenues for attack. The attack surface is broad with 29,817 libraries exporting relocatable read-only variables. The set of 6,399 programs with actual copy relocation violations includes ftp servers, apt-get, and gettext. We discuss the cause, effects, and a set of possible mitigation strategies for the COREV attack vector