487 research outputs found

    Prosodic Annotation in a Thai Text-to-speech System

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    PACLIC 21 / Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea / November 1-3, 200

    Integrating Prosodics into a Language Model for Spoken Language Understanding of Thai

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    PACLIC / The University of the Philippines Visayas Cebu College Cebu City, Philippines / November 20-22, 200

    CHULA TTS: A Modularized Text-To-Speech Framework

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    An articulatory-functional approach to modeling Persian focus prosody

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    This paper is an attempt to test PENTA, an articulatory-functional model, on Persian focus prosody. The test was done on a corpus consisting of utterances with different focus conditions using PENTAtrainer2, a trainable prosody synthesizer that optimizes categorical pitch targets each corresponding to multiple communicative functions. The evaluation was done by comparing the F0 contours generated by the extracted pitch targets to those of natural utterances through numerical and perceptual evaluations. The numerical results showed that the synthesized F0 was close to the natural contour in terms of RMSE (= 1.94) and Pearson’s r (= 0.84). Perceptual evaluation showed that the rate of focus identification and naturalness judgement by native Persian listeners were highly similar between synthetic and natural F0 contours

    Study on phonetic context of Malay syllables towards the development of Malay speech synthesizer [TK7882.S65 H233 2007 f rb].

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    Pensintesis sebutan Bahasa Melayu telah berkembang daripada teknik pensintesis berparameter (pemodelan penyebutan manusia dan pensintesis berdasarkan formant) kepada teknik pensintesis tidak berparameter (pensintesis sebutan berdasarkan pencantuman). Speech synthesizer has evolved from parametric speech synthesizer (articulatory and formant synthesizer) to non-parametric synthesizer (concatenative synthesizer). Recently, the concatenative speech synthesizer approach is moving towards corpusbased or unit selection technique

    Toward invariant functional representations of variable surface fundamental frequency contours: Synthesizing speech melody via model-based stochastic learning

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    Variability has been one of the major challenges for both theoretical understanding and computer synthesis of speech prosody. In this paper we show that economical representation of variability is the key to effective modeling of prosody. Specifically, we report the development of PENTAtrainer—A trainable yet deterministic prosody synthesizer based on an articulatory–functional view of speech. We show with testing results on Thai, Mandarin and English that it is possible to achieve high-accuracy predictive synthesis of fundamental frequency contours with very small sets of parameters obtained through stochastic learning from real speech data. The first key component of this system is syllable-synchronized sequential target approximation—implemented as the qTA model, which is designed to simulate, for each tonal unit, a wide range of contextual variability with a single invariant target. The second key component is the automatic learning of function-specific targets through stochastic global optimization, guided by a layered pseudo-hierarchical functional annotation scheme, which requires the manual labeling of only the temporal domains of the functional units. The results in terms of synthesis accuracy demonstrate that effective modeling of the contextual variability is the key also to effective modeling of function-related variability. Additionally, we show that, being both theory-based and trainable (hence data-driven), computational systems like PENTAtrainer can serve as an effective modeling tool in basic research, with which the level of falsifiability in theory testing can be raised, and also a closer link between basic and applied research in speech science can be developed

    Statistical parametric speech synthesis for Ibibio

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    Ibibio is a Nigerian tone language, spoken in the south-east coastal region of Nigeria. Like most African languages, it is resource-limited. This presents a major challenge to conventional approaches to speech synthesis, which typically require the training of numerous predictive models of linguistic features such as the phoneme sequence (i.e., a pronunciation dictionary plus a letter-to-sound model) and prosodic structure (e.g., a phrase break predictor). This training is invariably supervised, requiring a corpus of training data labelled with the linguistic feature to be predicted. In this paper, we investigate what can be achieved in the absence of many of these expensive resources, and also with a limited amount of speech recordings. We employ a statistical parametric method, because this has been found to offer good performance even on small corpora, and because it is able to directly learn the relationship between acoustics and whatever linguistic features are available, potentially mitigating the absence of explicit representations of intermediate linguistic layers such as prosody. We present an evaluation that compares systems that have access to varying degrees of linguistic structure. The simplest system only uses phonetic context (quinphones), and this is compared to systems with access to a richer set of context features, with or without tone marking. It is found that the use of tone marking contributes significantly to the quality of synthetic speech. Future work should therefore address the problem of tone assignment using a dictionary and the building of a prediction module for out-of-vocabulary words. Key words: speech synthesis, Ibibio, low-resource languages, HT