132 research outputs found

    KONSELING TRAUMATIK DENGAN PENDEKATAN LOGOTERAPI (Penanganan TerhadapPost-Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD) Korban Trafficking)

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    Traumatic counseling with logotheraphy approach is a concept logotheraphy is translated into the counseling process. Meaning-centered counseling is a force against post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) being personally meaningful. PTSD as a means to train and assist victims of trafficking in achieving the meaning of suffering. It is the source of the value of understanding the suffering of the victims of trafficking are rich in meaning. The goal: (1) develop spiritual values associated with the ability of victims of trafficking adjust to the environment (2) develop self-confidence, ignore the negative things, divert and devote his attention to things that are positive and constructive meaning-oriented and a clear purpose in life (3) Develop a set of values self commitment to perform a variety of real activity in a more targeted to meet the meaning of life

    KONSELING TRAUMATIK MENGGUNAKAN EGO STATE THERAPY (Traumatic Counseling Using Ego State Therapy)

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    Traumatic experience make people not happy and fears in life. Because of that needs traumatic counseling to remove and healing trauma symptoms. Ego state therapy is a powerful and brief therapy based on the premise that personality is composed of separate parts, rather than being a homogeneous whole. Ego state therapy could effectively for handling trauma and fears. Based on study, trauma memories are encoded in the subconscious mind. Traumatic counseling using ego state therapy technique purpose for remove trauma symptom. Because of trauma memories encoded in the subconscious mind, then single-session ego state therapy would effectively using hypnosis condition in therapy. Process of ego state therapy using hypnosis consist of accessing vaded ego state, doing regression for knowing the root cause of trigger trauma. Then, doing process of expression, removal and reliefe of vaded ego state which using mature and nurturing ego state.


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    Berbagai respon pertahanan psiko-logis dilakukan manusia ketika dihadap-kan pada problem kehidupan. Resiliensi dan sabar merupakan sebagian dari sistem pertahanan psikologis manusia. Kepe-milikan ketrampilan resiliensi dan sabar sangat urgenbagi tiap individu untuk menghadapi problem kehidupan, termasuk gangguan kecemasan post traumatik.Setiap individu pada hakikatnya mempunyai resiliensi dan kesabaran, namun masing-masing individu memiliki tingkatan yang berbeda-beda. Kualitas resiliensi dan kesabaran bisa dipelajari dan dikembangkan oleh siapa pun yang menginginkan hidupnya berbahagia dan berkualitas.Kontinyuitas dalam mengem-bangkannya adalah “mutlak adanya


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    Trauma is injury to the physical or psychological; this is because the conditions and circumstances are not favorable. Trauma can be overcome with hypnotherapy, because hypnotherapy can remove the data that exist on the subconscious mind that individual harm. Hypnotherapy is a method of healing trauma to the brain wave settings. All data entered into the subconscious mind through brain waves. These brain waves are in the alpha state, and to erase the data that the brain wave re-set at the alpha position. By setting this brain wave then the removal process data stored in the subconscious will be easy to d


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    The last few years in some part of Indonesia have been stroked by disasters caused by earthquake, fire, flood, trafick accident, tsunami and the like. Those disaster obviously have great implication to those who are affected by. Losing property, shelter, job and even life of the loved one are among the implication of the disasters which may cause post traumatic syndrome disorder. Some people may overcome such disorder in a bit easy way but many would not be easy to face the life after the disaster. They may experience psychological disorder which need specialist to help overcoming the disorder. They may get counselling from a specialist or may get spiritual therapy. This articel discusess way of overcoming post traumatic syndrome disorder using dzikr, remembering God, either in person or in congregatio


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    There are many peoplewho experiencetraumatic events. Amongthese peopletherewereable to quickly(a few daysor a fewweeks) to recovera normal life, butthere areotherswho can notescape fromthattraumaticconditions. The personreferred toby psychologistssufferersof post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Amongresult ofPTSDis the development ofa careerinterrupted. Broadly speaking thereare twoclassificationscause someonewith PTSD, namelyexternal and internal factors. Internal factors, first, is the lack ofpsychologicalresourcestoadapt to the environmentand deal withanyproblemscaused bythe limbicsystem ofthe brainthat havelow cortisollevels. Second,the role ofcognition, theway individualsmake sense oftraumaticexperiences.External factorsarethe seriousness of thecause of thetraumaticstressoritself,both physically and psychologically. One effortto doa counselorortherapist to helpthe recovery ofPTSDis reality therapy approaches, thebasedchoice theory. ProceduresspecificrealitytherapyisWDEPsystems. WDEPis W ( Wants), D (Direction andDoing), E (Self-Evaluation), P (PlaningandAction)


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    Do’a dan zikir dalam membantu  pasien trauma di rumah sakit  merupakan salah satu upaya konselor dalam melakukan terapi, trauma merupakan luka mental yang menyakitkan dan pengalaman traumatic yang mengganggu,  berbagai upaya penting dilakukan,misalnya dengan berzikir dan berdoa melalui lisan dan prilaku. Berdoa dengan perilaku bermakna melakukan segala sesuatu yang mungkin dilakukan untuk mencapai harapan  tertentu. Misalnya,berobat ke dokter/ahli, menggunakan obat-obatan yang berkhasiat, atau perawatan khusus dalam bentuk lain. Misalnya konseling.   Do’a dan zikir dapat mempercepat penyembuhan, termasuk mengobati dan  mengurangi trauma, ini adalah sesuatu yang  menarik perhatian dari dan dianjurkan oleh para dokter.Dr. Dale A. Matthews (1996) dari Universitas Geor Getown Amerika Serikat mengemukakan bahwa mungkin suatu saat kita para dokter akan menuliskan doa dan dzikir pada kertas resep obat pada pasien. Alasannya adalah dari 212 studi yang dilakukan oleh para ahli ternyata 75% menyatakan bahwa komitmen agama (doa dan dzikir) menunjukkan pengaruh positif pada pasien.Dadang hawari, Psikiater mengemukakan bahwa doa dan dzikir,  Dipandang dari sudut kejiwaan mengandung unsur Psikoterapeutik  yang mendalam karena mengandung kekuatan Sipiritual /kerohanian yang membangkitkan rasa percaya diri dan rasa optimisme (harapan kesembuhan). Oleh karena itu terapi do’a dan zikir berperan positif dalam membantu menyembuhkan penyakit dan trauma yang menyerang pasien


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    Humans in everyday life facing problems which require assistance from others in a group atmosphere. The problems caused by the influence of a variety of conditions can cause stress, anxiety, fear inherent in the structure of the personality of the person or group in a long time in mental health. Mental health disorders are often called Post Traumatic Disorders (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSDL). PTSDL is labilitas outonomik syndrome, anxiety, and emotional rentanan and flashbacks from a very poignant experience physical or emotional endurance beyond the limits of ordinary people. Allegedly using counseling with methods of psychodrama can help community groups that are experiencing interference PTSDL restore and develop the personality structure, thus reducing even in spite of the influence of interference can be mental health.In psikodrama conducted by professional in academic, counselor social, motivator, facilitator, the reflection and evaluator. Konseli role as an actor; mengekplorasi all fikiran, feeling, and his experiences which are then in dramakan similar theater and continued with the discussion of based on input reflesi and an audience. Terminated by a conclusion. The process of counseling using four stages namely; an escort ( formation ), the transfer, the exercise of, terminations


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    Some one who gets alienated is a person who lacks a sense of belonging, feels cutting off from the family, school, or works the four worlds of childhood. And the best way to counteract alienation is through the creation of connections or links throughout our culture.' The school can build such links


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    Background of this research is tsunami happened in Tasikmalaya on July 17th 2006 which given impact for physics and psychologist. Purpose of this research is to examine effectivity of cognitive-behavior therapy in reducing tsunami traumatic syndrome. Approach use in this research is quantitative-qualitative, mixed method of design sequence procedure and pra experiment pre-test and post-test design. To collect data is use tsunami traumatic instrument. The result of research in pretest shows (1) all most of counselee still in high level of traumatic (2) in behavior, cognitive and emotion aspect still in high category, but social and physic aspects is in low category. The result of posttest showed, (1) most of counselee (70%) in middle category of traumatic syndrome, and the others is in high category. Condition of tsunami traumatic syndrome of counselee is reduced well. (2) The highest reduction is in emotion, behavior and cognitive aspect, however social and physic aspect is in low category. (3) CBT proved effective to reduce tsunami traumatic syndrome, especially for cognitive, behavior and emotion aspects
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