6 research outputs found

    Truth Degrees Theory and Approximate Reasoning in 3-Valued Propositional Pre-Rough Logic

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    By means of the function induced by a logical formula A, the concept of truth degree of the logical formula A is introduced in the 3-valued pre-rough logic in this paper. Moreover, similarity degrees among formulas are proposed and a pseudometric is defined on the set of formulas, and hence a possible framework suitable for developing approximate reasoning theory in 3-value logic pre-rough logic is established

    Formal reasoning with rough sets in multiple-source approximation systems

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    AbstractWe focus on families of Pawlak approximation spaces, called multiple-source approximation systems (MSASs). These reflect the situation where information arrives from multiple sources. The behaviour of rough sets in MSASs is investigated – different notions of lower and upper approximations, and definability of a set in a MSAS are introduced. In this context, a generalized version of an information system, viz. multiple-source knowledge representation (KR)-system, is discussed. Apart from the indiscernibility relation which can be defined on a multiple-source KR-system, two other relations, viz. similarity and inclusion are considered. To facilitate formal reasoning with rough sets in MSASs, a quantified propositional modal logic LMSAS is proposed. Interpretations for sets of well-formed formulae (wffs) of LMSAS are defined on MSASs, and the various properties of rough sets in MSASs translate into logically valid wffs of the system. LMSAS is shown to be sound and complete with respect to this semantics. Some decidable problems are addressed. In particular, it is shown that for any LMSAS-wff α, it is possible to check whether α is satisfiable in a certain class of interpretations with MSASs of a given finite cardinality. Moreover, it is also decidable whether any wff α is satisfiable in the class of all interpretations with MSASs having domain of a given finite cardinality

    A non-distributive logic for semiconcepts of a context and its modal extension with semantics based on Kripke contexts

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    A non-distributive two-sorted hypersequent calculus \textbf{PDBL} and its modal extension \textbf{MPDBL} are proposed for the classes of pure double Boolean algebras and pure double Boolean algebras with operators respectively. A relational semantics for \textbf{PDBL} is next proposed, where any formula is interpreted as a semiconcept of a context. For \textbf{MPDBL}, the relational semantics is based on Kripke contexts, and a formula is interpreted as a semiconcept of the underlying context. The systems are shown to be sound and complete with respect to the relational semantics. Adding appropriate sequents to \textbf{MPDBL} results in logics with semantics based on reflexive, symmetric or transitive Kripke contexts. One of these systems is a logic for topological pure double Boolean algebras. It is demonstrated that, using \textbf{PDBL}, the basic notions and relations of conceptual knowledge can be expressed and inferences involving negations can be obtained. Further, drawing a connection with rough set theory, lower and upper approximations of semiconcepts of a context are defined. It is then shown that, using the formulae and sequents involving modal operators in \textbf{MPDBL}, these approximation operators and their properties can be captured

    Achieving while maintaining:A logic of knowing how with intermediate constraints

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    In this paper, we propose a ternary knowing how operator to express that the agent knows how to achieve ϕ\phi given ψ\psi while maintaining χ\chi in-between. It generalizes the logic of goal-directed knowing how proposed by Yanjing Wang 2015 'A logic of knowing how'. We give a sound and complete axiomatization of this logic.Comment: appear in Proceedings of ICLA 201