7 research outputs found

    Properties of polynomial bases used in a line-surface intersection algorithm

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    In [5], Srijuntongsiri and Vavasis propose the "Kantorovich-Test Subdivision algorithm", or KTS, which is an algorithm for finding all zeros of a polynomial system in a bounded region of the plane. This algorithm can be used to find the intersections between a line and a surface. The main features of KTS are that it can operate on polynomials represented in any basis that satisfies certain conditions and that its efficiency has an upper bound that depends only on the conditioning of the problem and the choice of the basis representing the polynomial system. This article explores in detail the dependence of the efficiency of the KTS algorithm on the choice of basis. Three bases are considered: the power, the Bernstein, and the Chebyshev bases. These three bases satisfy the basis properties required by KTS. Theoretically, Chebyshev case has the smallest upper bound on its running time. The computational results, however, do not show that Chebyshev case performs better than the other two

    A Condition Number Analysis of a Line-Surface Intersection Algorithm

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    We propose an algorithm based on Newton's method and subdivision for finding all zeros of a polynomial system in a bounded region of the plane. This algorithm can be used to find the intersections between a line and a surface, which has applications in graphics and computer-aided geometric design. The algorithm can operate on polynomials represented in any basis that satisfies a few conditions. The power basis, the Bernstein basis, and the first-kind Chebyshev basis are among those compatible with the algorithm. The main novelty of our algorithm is an analysis showing that its running is bounded only in terms of the condition number of the polynomial's zeros and a constant depending on the polynomial basis

    An adaptive iterative/subdivision hybrid algorithm for curve/curve intersection

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    The behavior of the iterative/subdivision hybrid algorithm for curve/curve intersection proposed in [20] depends on the choice of the domain for their convergence test. Using either too small or too large test domain may cause the test to fail to detect cases where Newton's method in fact converges to a solution, which results in unnecessary additional subdivisions and consequently more computation time. We propose a modification to the algorithm to adaptively adjust the test domain size according to what happens during the test of the parent region. This is in contrast to the original algorithm whose test domain is always a fixed multiple of the input domain under consideration. Computational results show that the proposed algorithm is slightly more efficient than the original algorithm

    A condition number analysis of an algorithm for solving a system of polynomial equations with one degree of freedom

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    This article considers the problem of solving a system of nn real polynomial equations in n+1n+1 variables. We propose an algorithm based on Newton's method and subdivision for this problem. Our algorithm is intended only for nondegenerate cases, in which case the solution is a 1-dimensional curve. Our first main contribution is a definition of a condition number measuring reciprocal distance to degeneracy that can distinguish poor and well conditioned instances of this problem. (Degenerate problems would be infinitely ill conditioned in our framework.) Our second contribution, which is the main novelty of our algorithm, is an analysis showing that its running time is bounded in terms of the condition number of the problem instance as well as nn and the polynomial degrees

    Properties of polynomial bases used in a line-surface intersection algorithm

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    In [5], Srijuntongsiri and Vavasis propose the Kantorovich-Test Subdivision algorithm, or KTS, which is an algorithm for finding all zeros of a polynomial system in a bounded region of the plane. This algorithm can be used to find the intersections between a line and a surface. The main features of KTS are that it can operate on polynomials represented in any basis that satisfies certain conditions and that its efficiency has an upper bound that depends only on the conditioning of the problem and the choice of the basis representing the polynomial system. This article explores in detail the dependence of the efficiency of the KTS algorithm on the choice of basis. Three bases are considered: the power, the Bernstein, and the Chebyshev bases. These three bases satisfy the basis properties required by KTS. Theoretically, Chebyshev case has the smallest upper bound on its running time. The computational results, however, do not show that Chebyshev case performs better than the other two

    Properties of polynomial bases used in a line-surface intersection algorithm

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    In [5], Srijuntongsiri and Vavasis propose the Kantorovich-Test Subdivision algorithm, or KTS, which is an algorithm for finding all zeros of a polynomial system in a bounded region of the plane. This algorithm can be used to find the intersections between a line and a surface. The main features of KTS are that it can operate on polynomials represented in any basis that satisfies certain conditions and that its efficiency has an upper bound that depends only on the conditioning of the problem and the choice of the basis representing the polynomial system. This article explores in detail the dependence of the efficiency of the KTS algorithm on the choice of basis. Three bases are considered: the power, the Bernstein, and the Chebyshev bases. These three bases satisfy the basis properties required by KTS. Theoretically, Chebyshev case has the smallest upper bound on its running time. The computational results, however, do not show that Chebyshev case performs better than the other two

    Properties of polynomial bases used in a line-surface intersection algorithm

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    In [5], Srijuntongsiri and Vavasis propose the Kantorovich-Test Subdivision algorithm, or KTS, which is an algorithm for finding all zeros of a polynomial system in a bounded region of the plane. This algorithm can be used to find the intersections between a line and a surface. The main features of KTS are that it can operate on polynomials represented in any basis that satisfies certain conditions and that its efficiency has an upper bound that depends only on the conditioning of the problem and the choice of the basis representing the polynomial system. This article explores in detail the dependence of the efficiency of the KTS algorithm on the choice of basis. Three bases are considered: the power, the Bernstein, and the Chebyshev bases. These three bases satisfy the basis properties required by KTS. Theoretically, Chebyshev case has the smallest upper bound on its running time. The computational results, however, do not show that Chebyshev case performs better than the other two