53,980 research outputs found

    Generalized weights: an anticode approach

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    In this paper we study generalized weights as an algebraic invariant of a code. We first describe anticodes in the Hamming and in the rank metric, proving in particular that optimal anticodes in the rank metric coincide with Frobenius-closed spaces. Then we characterize both generalized Hamming and rank weights of a code in terms of the intersection of the code with optimal anticodes in the respective metrics. Inspired by this description, we propose a new algebraic invariant, which we call "Delsarte generalized weights", for Delsarte rank-metric codes based on optimal anticodes of matrices. We show that our invariant refines the generalized rank weights for Gabidulin codes proposed by Kurihara, Matsumoto and Uyematsu, and establish a series of properties of Delsarte generalized weights. In particular, we characterize Delsarte optimal codes and anticodes in terms of their generalized weights. We also present a duality theory for the new algebraic invariant, proving that the Delsarte generalized weights of a code completely determine the Delsarte generalized weights of the dual code. Our results extend the theory of generalized rank weights for Gabidulin codes. Finally, we prove the analogue for Gabidulin codes of a theorem of Wei, proving that their generalized rank weights characterize the worst-case security drops of a Gabidulin rank-metric code

    New Explicit Good Linear Sum-Rank-Metric Codes

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    Sum-rank-metric codes have wide applications in universal error correction and security in multishot network, space-time coding and construction of partial-MDS codes for repair in distributed storage. Fundamental properties of sum-rank-metric codes have been studied and some explicit or probabilistic constructions of good sum-rank-metric codes have been proposed. In this paper we propose three simple constructions of explicit linear sum-rank-metric codes. In finite length regime, numerous good linear sum-rank-metric codes from our construction are given. Most of them have better parameters than previous constructed sum-rank-metric codes. For example a lot of small block size better linear sum-rank-metric codes over Fq{\bf F}_q of the matrix size 2×22 \times 2 are constructed for q=2,3,4q=2, 3, 4. Asymptotically our constructed sum-rank-metric codes are closing to the Gilbert-Varshamov-like bound on sum-rank-metric codes for some parameters. Finally we construct a linear MSRD code over an arbitrary finite field Fq{\bf F}_q with various matrix sizes n1>n2>>ntn_1>n_2>\cdots>n_t satisfying nini+12++nt2n_i \geq n_{i+1}^2+\cdots+n_t^2 , i=1,2,,t1i=1, 2, \ldots, t-1, for any given minimum sum-rank distance. There is no restriction on the block lengths tt and parameters N=n1++ntN=n_1+\cdots+n_t of these linear MSRD codes from the sizes of the fields Fq{\bf F}_q.Comment: 32 pages, revised version, merged with arXiv:2206.0233

    Densities of Codes of Various Linearity Degrees in Translation-Invariant Metric Spaces

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    We investigate the asymptotic density of error-correcting codes with good distance properties and prescribed linearity degree, including sublinear and nonlinear codes. We focus on the general setting of finite translation-invariant metric spaces, and then specialize our results to the Hamming metric, to the rank metric, and to the sum-rank metric. Our results show that the asymptotic density of codes heavily depends on the imposed linearity degree and the chosen metric

    Fundamental Properties of Sum-Rank Metric Codes

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    This paper investigates the theory of sum-rank metric codes for which the individual matrix blocks may have different sizes. Various bounds on the cardinality of a code are derived, along with their asymptotic extensions. The duality theory of sum-rank metric codes is also explored, showing that MSRD codes (the sum-rank analogue of MDS codes) dualize to MSRD codes only if all matrix blocks have the same number of columns. In the latter case, duality considerations lead to an upper bound on the number of blocks for MSRD codes. The paper also contains various constructions of sum-rank metric codes for variable block sizes, illustrating the possible behaviours of these objects with respect to bounds, existence, and duality properties

    Rank Minimization over Finite Fields: Fundamental Limits and Coding-Theoretic Interpretations

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    This paper establishes information-theoretic limits in estimating a finite field low-rank matrix given random linear measurements of it. These linear measurements are obtained by taking inner products of the low-rank matrix with random sensing matrices. Necessary and sufficient conditions on the number of measurements required are provided. It is shown that these conditions are sharp and the minimum-rank decoder is asymptotically optimal. The reliability function of this decoder is also derived by appealing to de Caen's lower bound on the probability of a union. The sufficient condition also holds when the sensing matrices are sparse - a scenario that may be amenable to efficient decoding. More precisely, it is shown that if the n\times n-sensing matrices contain, on average, \Omega(nlog n) entries, the number of measurements required is the same as that when the sensing matrices are dense and contain entries drawn uniformly at random from the field. Analogies are drawn between the above results and rank-metric codes in the coding theory literature. In fact, we are also strongly motivated by understanding when minimum rank distance decoding of random rank-metric codes succeeds. To this end, we derive distance properties of equiprobable and sparse rank-metric codes. These distance properties provide a precise geometric interpretation of the fact that the sparse ensemble requires as few measurements as the dense one. Finally, we provide a non-exhaustive procedure to search for the unknown low-rank matrix.Comment: Accepted to the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Presented at IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) 201

    Correcting Charge-Constrained Errors in the Rank-Modulation Scheme

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    We investigate error-correcting codes for a the rank-modulation scheme with an application to flash memory devices. In this scheme, a set of n cells stores information in the permutation induced by the different charge levels of the individual cells. The resulting scheme eliminates the need for discrete cell levels, overcomes overshoot errors when programming cells (a serious problem that reduces the writing speed), and mitigates the problem of asymmetric errors. In this paper, we study the properties of error-correcting codes for charge-constrained errors in the rank-modulation scheme. In this error model the number of errors corresponds to the minimal number of adjacent transpositions required to change a given stored permutation to another erroneous one—a distance measure known as Kendall’s τ-distance.We show bounds on the size of such codes, and use metric-embedding techniques to give constructions which translate a wealth of knowledge of codes in the Lee metric to codes over permutations in Kendall’s τ-metric. Specifically, the one-error-correcting codes we construct are at least half the ball-packing upper bound

    Partitions of Matrix Spaces With an Application to qq-Rook Polynomials

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    We study the row-space partition and the pivot partition on the matrix space Fqn×m\mathbb{F}_q^{n \times m}. We show that both these partitions are reflexive and that the row-space partition is self-dual. Moreover, using various combinatorial methods, we explicitly compute the Krawtchouk coefficients associated with these partitions. This establishes MacWilliams-type identities for the row-space and pivot enumerators of linear rank-metric codes. We then generalize the Singleton-like bound for rank-metric codes, and introduce two new concepts of code extremality. Both of them generalize the notion of MRD codes and are preserved by trace-duality. Moreover, codes that are extremal according to either notion satisfy strong rigidity properties analogous to those of MRD codes. As an application of our results to combinatorics, we give closed formulas for the qq-rook polynomials associated with Ferrers diagram boards. Moreover, we exploit connections between matrices over finite fields and rook placements to prove that the number of matrices of rank rr over Fq\mathbb{F}_q supported on a Ferrers diagram is a polynomial in qq, whose degree is strictly increasing in rr. Finally, we investigate the natural analogues of the MacWilliams Extension Theorem for the rank, the row-space, and the pivot partitions