6 research outputs found

    Blind Password Registration for Two-Server Password Authenticated Key Exchange and Secret Sharing Protocols

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    Many organisations enforce policies on the length and formation of passwords to encourage selection of strong passwords and protect their multi-user systems. For Two-Server Password Authenticated Key Exchange (2PAKE) and Two-Server Password Authenticated Secret Sharing (2PASS) protocols, where the password chosen by the client is secretly shared between the two servers, the initial remote registration of policy-compliant passwords represents a major problem because none of the servers is supposed to know the password in clear. We solve this problem by introducing Two-Server Blind Password Registration (2BPR) protocols that can be executed between a client and the two servers as part of the remote registration procedure. 2BPR protocols guarantee that secret shares sent to the servers belong to a password that matches their combined password policy and that the plain password remains hidden from any attacker that is in control of at most one server. We propose a security model for 2BPR protocols capturing the requirements of policy compliance for client passwords and their blindness against the servers. Our model extends the adversarial setting of 2PAKE/2PASS protocols to the registration phase and hence closes the gap in the formal treatment of such protocols. We construct an efficient 2BPR protocol for ASCII-based password policies, prove its security in the standard model, give a proof of concept implementation, and discuss its performance

    Distributed Smooth Projective Hashing and its Application to Two-Server PAKE

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    Smooth projective hash functions have been used as building block for various cryptographic applications, in particular for password-based authentication. In this work we propose the extended concept of distributed smooth projective hash functions where the computation of the hash value is distributed across nn parties and show how to instantiate the underlying approach for languages consisting of Cramer-Shoup ciphertexts. As an application of distributed smooth projective hashing we build a new framework for the design of two-server password authenticated key exchange protocols, which we believe can help to explain the design of earlier two-server password authenticated key exchange protocols

    Universally Composable Two-Server PAKE

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    Two-Server Password Authenticated Key Exchange (2PAKE) protocols apply secret shar-ing techniques to achieve protection against server-compromise attacks. 2PAKE protocols eliminate the need for password hashing and remain secure as long as one of the servers remains honest. This concept has also been explored in connection with two-server password authenticated secret sharing (2PASS) protocols for which game-based and universally composable versions have been proposed. In contrast, universally composable PAKE protocols exist currently only in the single-server scenario and all proposed 2PAKE protocols use game-based security definitions. In this paper we propose the first construction of an universally composable 2PAKE protocol, alongside with its ideal functionality. The protocol is proven UC-secure in the standard model, assuming a common reference string which is a common assumption to many UC-secure PAKE and PASS protocols. The proposed protocol remains secure for arbitrary password distributions. As one of the building blocks we define and construct a new cryptographic primitive, called Trapdoor Distributed Smooth Projective Hash Function (TD-SPHF), which could be of independent interest

    TOPPSS: Cost-minimal Password-Protected Secret Sharing based on Threshold OPRF

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    We present TOPPSS, the most efficient Password-Protected Secret Sharing (PPSS) scheme to date. A (t; n)-threshold PPSS, introduced by Bagherzandi et al, allows a user to share a secret among n servers so that the secret can later be reconstructed by the user from any subset of t+1 servers with the sole knowledge of a password. It is guaranteed that any coalition of up to t corrupt servers learns nothing about the secret (or the password). In addition to providing strong protection to secrets stored online, PPSS schemes give rise to efficient Threshold PAKE (T-PAKE) protocols that armor single-server password authentication against the inherent vulnerability to offline dictionary attacks in case of server compromise. TOPPSS is password-only, i.e. it does not rely on public keys in reconstruction, and enjoys remarkable efficiency: A single communication round, a single exponentiation per server and just two exponentiations per client regardless of the number of servers. TOPPSS satises threshold security under the (Gap) One-More Diffie-Hellman (OMDH) assumption in the random-oracle model as in several prior efficient realizations of PPSS/TPAKE. Moreover, we show that TOPPSS realizes the Universally Composable PPSS notion of Jarecki et al under a generalization of OMDH, the Threshold One-More Diffie-Hellman (T-OMDH) assumption. We show that the T-OMDH and OMDH assumptions are both hard in the generic group model. The key technical tool we introduce is a universally composable Threshold Oblivious PRF which is of independent interest and applicability

    Two-Server Password-Authenticated Secret Sharing UC-Secure Against Transient Corruptions

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    Protecting user data entails providing authenticated users access to their data. The most prevalent and probably also the most feasible approach to the latter is by username and password. With password breaches through server compromise now reaching billions of affected passwords, distributing the password files and user data over multiple servers is not just a good idea, it is a dearly needed solution to a topical problem. Threshold password-authenticated secret sharing (TPASS) protocols enable users to share secret data among a set of servers so that they can later recover that data using a single password. No coalition of servers up to a certain threshold can learn anything about the data or perform an offline dictionary attack on the password. Several TPASS protocols have appeared in the literature and one is even available commercially. Although designed to tolerate corrupted servers, unfortunately none of these protocols provide details let alone security proofs about the steps that need to be taken when a compromise actually occurs and how to proceed. Indeed, they consider static corruptions only which for instance does not model real world attacks by hackers. We provide the first TPASS protocol that is provably secure against adaptive server corruptions. Moreover, our protocol contains an efficient recovery procedure allowing one to re-initialize servers to recover from corruption. We prove our protocol secure in the universal composability model where servers can be corrupted adaptively at any time; the users\u27 passwords and secrets remain safe as long as both servers are not corrupted at the same time. Our protocol does not require random oracles but does assume that servers have certified public keys

    Proofs for Two-Server Password Authentication

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    Abstract. Traditional password-based authentication and key-exchange protocols suffer from the simple fact that a single server stores the sensitive user password. In practice, when such a server is compromised, a large number of user passwords, (usually password hashes) are exposed at once. A natural solution involves splitting password between two or more servers. This work formally models the basic security requirement for two-server password authentication protocols, and in this framework provides concrete security proofs for two protocols. The first protocol considered [7] appeared at USENIX’03, but contained no security proof. For this protocol, we provide a concrete reduction to the computational Diffie-Hellman problem in the random oracle model. Next we present a second protocol, based on the same hard problem, but which is simpler, and has an easier, tighter reduction proof. Key words: password authentication, secret sharing, concrete security reduction