10 research outputs found

    Theorem proving support in programming language semantics

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    We describe several views of the semantics of a simple programming language as formal documents in the calculus of inductive constructions that can be verified by the Coq proof system. Covered aspects are natural semantics, denotational semantics, axiomatic semantics, and abstract interpretation. Descriptions as recursive functions are also provided whenever suitable, thus yielding a a verification condition generator and a static analyser that can be run inside the theorem prover for use in reflective proofs. Extraction of an interpreter from the denotational semantics is also described. All different aspects are formally proved sound with respect to the natural semantics specification.Comment: Propos\'e pour publication dans l'ouvrage \`a la m\'emoire de Gilles Kah

    Bounded Refinement Types

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    We present a notion of bounded quantification for refinement types and show how it expands the expressiveness of refinement typing by using it to develop typed combinators for: (1) relational algebra and safe database access, (2) Floyd-Hoare logic within a state transformer monad equipped with combinators for branching and looping, and (3) using the above to implement a refined IO monad that tracks capabilities and resource usage. This leap in expressiveness comes via a translation to "ghost" functions, which lets us retain the automated and decidable SMT based checking and inference that makes refinement typing effective in practice.Comment: 14 pages, International Conference on Functional Programming, ICFP 201

    A Generic Library for Floating-Point Numbers and Its Application to Exact Computing

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    International audienceIn this paper we present a general library to reason about floating-point numbers within the Coq system. Most of the results of the library are proved for an arbitrary floating-point format and an arbitrary base. A special emphasis has been put on proving properties for exact computing, i.e. computing without rounding errors

    A Tour of Formal Verification with Coq:Knuth's Algorithm for Prime Numbers

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    In his book "The Art of Computer Programming", Donald Knuth gives an algorithm to compute the first n prime numbers. Surprisingly, proving the correctness of this simple algorithm from basic principles is far from being obvious and requires a wide range of verification techniques. In this paper, we explain how the verification has been mechanized in the Coq proof system

    A Generic Library for Floating-Point Numbers and Its Application to Exact Computing

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    International audienceIn this paper we present a general library to reason about floating-point numbers within the Coq system. Most of the results of the library are proved for an arbitrary floating-point format and an arbitrary base. A special emphasis has been put on proving properties for exact computing, i.e. computing without rounding errors

    Formalizing Stalmarck's algorithm in Coq

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    International audienceWe present the development of a machine-checked implementation of Stalmarck's algorithm. First, we prove the correctness and the completeness of an abstract representation of the algorithm. Then, we give an effective implementation of the algorithm that we prove correct

    Bounded Refinement Types

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    Abstract We present a notion of bounded quantification for refinement types. We show how bounded quantification expands the expressiveness of refinement typing by (1) developing typed combinators for relational algebra and safe database access, (2) encoding Floyd-Hoare logic in a state transformer monad equipped with combinators for branching and looping, and (3) using the above to implement a refined IO monad that tracks capabilities and resource usage. Fortunately, we show that by translating bounds into "ghost" functions, the increased expressiveness comes while preserving the automated and decidable SMT based checking and inference that makes refinement typing effective in practice

    Une étude formelle de la théorie des calculs locaux à l'aide de l'assistant de preuve Coq

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    L'objectif de cette thèse est de produire un environnement permettant de raisonner formellement sur la correction de systèmes de calculs locaux, ainsi que sur l'expressivité de ce modèle de calcul. Pour ce faire, nous utilisons l'assistant de preuve Coq. Notre première contribution est la formalisation en Coq de la sémantique des systèmes de réétiquetage localement engendrés, ou calculs locaux. Un système de calculs locaux est un système de réétiquetage de graphe dont la portée est limitée. Nous proposons donc tout d'abord une implantation succincte de la théorie des graphes en Coq, et utilisons cette dernière pour définir les systèmes de réétiquetage de graphes localement engendrés. Nous avons relevé, dans la définition usuelle des calculs locaux, certaines ambiguïtés. Nous proposons donc une nouvelle définition, et montrons formellement que celle-ci capture toutes les sous-classes d'algorithmes étudiées. Nous esquissons enfin une méthodologie de preuve des systèmes de calculs locaux en Coq.Notre seconde contribution consiste en l'étude formelle de l'expressivité des systèmes de calculs locaux. Nous formalisons un résultat de D. Angluin (repris par la suite par Y. Métivier et J. Chalopin): l'inexistence d'un algorithme d'élection universelle. Nous proposons ensuite deux lemmes originaux concernant les calculs locaux sur les arêtes (ou systèmes LC0), et utilisons ceux-ci pour produire des preuves formelles d'impossibilité pour plusieurs problèmes: calcul du degré de chaque sommet, calcul d'arbre recouvrant, etélection. Nous proposons informellement une nouvelles classes de graphe pour laquelle l'élection est irréalisable par des calculs locaux sur les arêtes.Nous étudions ensuite les transformations de systèmes de calculs locaux et de leur preuves. Nous adaptons le concept de Forward Simulation de N. Lynch aux systèmes de calculs locaux et utilisons ce dernier pour démontrer formellement l'inclusion de deux modes de détection de terminaison dans le cas des systèmes LC0. La preuve de cette inclusion estsimplifiée par l'utilisation de transformations "standards" de systèmes, pour lesquels des résultats génériques ont été démontrés. Finalement, nous réutilisons ces transformations standards pour étudier, en collaboration avec M. Tounsi, deux techniques de composition des systèmes de réétiquetage LC0. Une bibliothèque Coq d'environ 50000 lignes, contenant les preuves formelles des théorèmes présentés dans le mémoire de thèse à été produite en collaboration avec Pierre Castéran (dont environ 40%produit en propre par V. Filou) au cours de cette thèse.The goal of this work is to build a framework allowing the study, in aformal setting, of the correctness of local computations systems aswell as the expressivity of this model. A local computation system isa set of graph relabelling rules with limited scope, corresponding to a class of distributed algorithms.Our first contribution is the formalisation, in the Coq proofassistant, of a relationnal semantic for local computation systems.This work is based on an original formal graph theory for Coq.Ambiguities inherent to a "pen and paper" definition of local computations are corrected, and we prove that our definition captures all sub-classes of relabelling relations studied in the remainder. We propose a draft of a proof methodology for local computation systems in Coq. Our second contribution is the study of the expressivity of classes of local computations inside our framework. We provide,for instance, a formal proof of D. Angluin results on election and graph coverings. We propose original "meta-theorems" concerningthe LC0 class of local computation, and use these theorem to produce formal impossibility proofs.Finally we study possible transformations of local computation systemsand of their proofs. To this end, we adapt the notion of ForwardSimulation, originally formulated by N. Lynch, to localcomputations. We use this notion to define certified transformationsof LC0 systems. We show how those certified transformation can be useto study the expressivity of certain class of algorithm in ourframework. We define, as certified transformation, two notions ofcomposition for LC0 systems.A Coq library of ~ 50000 lines of code, containing the formal proofs of the theorems presented in the thesis has been produced in collaboration with Pierre Castéran.BORDEAUX1-Bib.electronique (335229901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Verification by Reduction to Functional Programs

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    In this thesis, we explore techniques for the development and verification of programs in a high-level, expressive, and safe programming language. Our programs can express problems over unbounded domains and over recursive and mutable data structures. We present an implementation language flexible enough to build interesting and useful systems. We mostly maintain a core shared language for the specifications and the implementation, with only a few extensions specific to expressing the specifications. Extensions of the core shared language include imperative features with state and side effects, which help when implementing efficient systems. Our language is a subset of the Scala programming language. Once verified, programs can be compiled and executed using the existing Scala tools. We present algorithms for verifying programs written in this language. We take a layer-based approach, where we reduce, at each step, the program to an equivalent program in a simpler language. We first purify functions by transforming away mutations into explicit return types in the functions' signatures. This step rewrites all mutations of data structures into cloning operations. We then translate local state into a purely functional code, hence eliminating all traces of imperative programming. The final language is a functional subset of Scala, on which we apply verification. We integrate our pipeline of translations into Leon, a verifier for Scala. We verify the core functional language by using an algorithm already developed inside Leon. The program is encoded into equivalent first-order logic formulas over a combination of theories and recursive functions. The formulas are eventually discharged to an external SMT solver. We extend this core language and the solving algorithm with support for both infinite-precision integers and bit-vectors. The algorithm takes into account the semantics gap between the two domains, and the programmer is ultimately responsible to use the proper type to represent the data. We build a reusable interface for SMT-LIB that enables us to swap solvers transparently in order to validate the formulas emitted by Leon. We experiment with writing solvers in Scala; they could offer both a better and safer integration with the rest of the system. We evaluate the cost of using a higher-order language to implement such solvers, traditionally written in C/C++. Finally, we experiment with the system by building fully working and verified applications. We rely on the intersection of many features including higher-order functions, mutable data structures, recursive functions, and nondeterministic environment dependencies, to build concise and verified applications

    Proof of Imperative Programs in Type Theory.

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    Proofs of correctness of imperative programs are traditionally done in first order frameworks derived from Hoare logic~\cite{Hoare69}. On the other hand, correctness proofs of purely functional programs are almost always done in higher order logics. In particular, the realizability~\cite{Kleene52} allow to extract correct functional programs from constructive proofs of existential formulae. In this paper, we establish a relation between these two approaches and show how proofs in Hoare logic can be interpreted in type theory, yielding a translation of imperative programs into functional ones. Starting from this idea, we propose an interpretation of correctness formulae in type theory for a programming language mixing imperative and functional features. One consequence is a good and natural solution to the problems of procedures and side-effects in expressions.Les preuves de correction de programmes impératifs sont traditionnellement faites dans des théories du premier ordre dérivées de la logique de Hoare~\cite{Hoare69}. D'un autre côté, les preuves de correction de programmes purement fonctionnels sont le plus souvent faites dans des formalismes d'ordre supérieur. En particulier, la réalisabilité~\cite{Kleene52} permet d'extraire des programmes fonctionnels corrects à partir de preuves constructives de formules existentielles. Dans ce papier, nous établissons une relation entre ces deux approches et montrons comment les preuves en logique de Hoare peuvent être interprétées en théories des types, conduisant à une traduction fonctionnelle des programmes impératifs. Partant de cette idée, nous proposons une interprétation des formules de correction en théorie des types pour un langage de programmation mélangeant des traits impératifs et fonctionnels. Une conséquence de cette interprétation est une solution simple et naturelle aux problèmes des procédures et des effets de bord dans les expressions