3 research outputs found

    Promoting secondary school learners' curiosity towards science through digital public displays

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    This paper contributes to the understanding of how digital public displays can be utilized in schools taking into consideration educational goals. This work is part of a currently on-going research project that aims to promote students' curiosity in science and technology through creative film-making, collaborative editing activities, and content sharing. In order to explore the design space concerning digital public displays for schools' contexts, six workshops with secondary school teachers in two different countries were conducted to elicit sensitivities towards possible features and interaction techniques as well as inquire about expectations and technology adoption. Our findings suggest that teachers are receptive to the technology and were able to generate scenarios that take advantage of the possibilities offered by digital public displays to stimulate learning processes.However, there are several crucial elements regarding management and control of content that need to be carefully crafted/designed in order to accommodate each schools' organizational issues

    They are looking... why not interacting? Understanding interaction around the public display of community sourced videos

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    In this paper, we study the extent to which the presentation of pedagogical videos on a public display at a communal space of the school is able to promote engagement around those videos. The videos were produced by students from the school itself. Using a mobile application, students could rate, create comments or simply bookmark videos. The evaluation of the platform is made through logs analysis, direct observation and a collective interview with end-users. The results show that even though the videos were able to attract many students to the display, there were not many of them that actually used the application to interact with content. In the final discussion, we explore some of the reasons that may justify this behavior and also the extent to which these videos have managed to foster students’ curiosity towards their topics.(undefined

    A edição de vídeo na resolução de Threshold Concepts: um estudo utilizando tecnologias móveis

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    Este texto é uma proposta de investigação que visa a compreensão de Threshold Concepts nas Ciências através de atividades de edição de vídeo realizadas pelos alunos com dispositivos móveis. Um Threshold Concept é um conceito complexo que se o aluno não o compreende impede-o de progredir na aprendizagem. Pelo contrário, quando compreendido fornece uma nova maneira de pensar sobre o tema. Com a ajuda da ferramenta Web – o CLIPIT - serão identificados os Threshold Concepts e criada uma paleta pedagógica. Esta paleta pedagógica servirá de base para a criação de um guião e, posteriormente, para a edição dos vídeos por parte dos alunos com os seus dispositivos móveis, por serem uma tecnologia amigável e comum no dia a dia, por serem dispositivos reconhecidos como objetos de aprendizagem devido aos vários recursos disponíveis e agregados num único dispositivo. Com esta perspetiva os alunos conseguem ter uma melhor compreensão sobre o Threshold Concept estudado. O estudo segue uma metodologia de Development Research que combina métodos quantitativos e qualitativos de recolha dos dados. Ambicionamos ajudar os alunos a ultrapassar as dificuldades de compreensão dos Threshold Concepts enriquecendo o estado da arte sobre esta temática.CIEC - Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança, IE, UMinho (UI 317 da FCT), Portuga