4 research outputs found

    A shape-changing cylindrical chart that displays energy availability forecasts

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    Un moyen d'optimiser le taux d'énergie renouvelable consommé sur les micro-réseaux est la gestion de la demande en énergie. Décaler la consommation aux moments propices est possible avec des moyens de stockage. Pour explorer ce contexte, nous envisageons une nouvelle pratique visant à décaler la consommation des ordinateurs portables sur le lieu de travail grâce à leurs batteries. Cette pratique nécessite de fournir des consignes d'usage et des prévisions de disponibilité des énergies renouvelables. Pour ce faire, nous avons évalué l'utilisabilité d'un histogramme cylindrique à changement de forme, lors d'un évènement public sur deux jours, en interrogeant 90 visiteurs. Nous avons aussi testé trois profils de vitesse des mouvements en vision périphérique de sorte à notifier sans perturber ni agacer, en sollicitant 30 participants en condition de laboratoire. Nos résultats montrent des taux de réussite au-delà de 90% pour des tâches de recherche d'intervalle et de comparaison, nécessaires pour retrouver les pics de production d'énergie renouvelable. Nos résultats montrent qu'une vitesse exponentielle est la plus efficace pour rendre perceptible le mouvement tout en étant aussi peu perturbante qu'une vitesse constante.Optimizing microgrids' renewable-energy-consumption rates can be done by energy demand-side management. Shifting consumption at better moments is possible thanks to storage capacities. To explore this context, we consider a new practice aiming at shifting laptops' consumption on workplaces thanks to their batteries. This practice requires providing usage instructions and forecasts on renewable energy availability. In order to do this, we evaluated the usability of a shape-changing cylindrical histogram, during a two-day public event, by asking 90 visitors. We also tested three kinds of motion speed in peripheral vision in order to notify neither disturbing nor irritating, by requiring 30 participants in lab conditions. Our results show success rates over 90% for range and compare tasks, which are necessary to retrieve renewable energy production peaks. Our results show that an exponential speed is the best to design perceptible movements, whereas being as calm as a constant speed

    Promoting energy efficient behavior through energy-related feedback

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    An integrated user-centric service platform to promote sustainable behaviour

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    In this thesis, the focus is on addressing the gaps that exist between (a) utility companies’ efforts to implement and diffuse Internet-based services and (b) their goal to achieve users’ expectations in terms of managing their domestic utility services online. The research highlights the importance of shifting the focus towards a user-centric and integrated virtual enterprise service delivery platform that factors in user demands and functions as a medium for interaction between all utility parties to cooperate in achieving efficient resources usage, while promoting sustainability and environmental welfare. The research involves a critical investigation of users’ perspectives related to the success of the creation of the proposed platform in the utility domains, with particular emphasis on its potential influence on user perceptions in terms of benefits, technology-fit, acceptance, and service adoption; in addition to the potential role of such platform in promoting individual pro-environmental sustainability. The research methodology design involves the collection of information (n=1142) about individual opinions, views, beliefs and expectations towards the new conceptualised innovation platform. The methodology involves four main stages. The initial stage was devoted to defining the research problem, conceptual model, developing a theoretical validation framework and the research questions with a formulation of the related hypothesis. This stage of the research design is critical to identify the key underpinning aspects of the research topic and to determine the main variables that have an impact on the research problem. The second stage involves an empirical investigation of Internet-user’s perceptions of task-technology fit, new technology innovation adoption, barriers, trends and difficulties for both existing and future technology innovation as well as an electronic service delivery approach, using a quantitative questionnaire survey. In the third stage, a mock-up prototype system is implemented to illustrate and validate the proposed research concepts. The last stage, aimed at analytically validate users’ perspective towards the new technology innovation platform as formulated in the research model and to predict their willingness to adopt the platform and impact on their individual sustainable behaviour. The resulting validated model and service platform provide a means for utility companies to deliver user accepted electronic utility management services, while promoting environmental friendly behaviour