1,039 research outputs found

    Promoting Coordination through Policy Regularization in Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    In multi-agent reinforcement learning, discovering successful collective behaviors is challenging as it requires exploring a joint action space that grows exponentially with the number of agents. While the tractability of independent agent-wise exploration is appealing, this approach fails on tasks that require elaborate group strategies. We argue that coordinating the agents' policies can guide their exploration and we investigate techniques to promote such an inductive bias. We propose two policy regularization methods: TeamReg, which is based on inter-agent action predictability and CoachReg that relies on synchronized behavior selection. We evaluate each approach on four challenging continuous control tasks with sparse rewards that require varying levels of coordination as well as on the discrete action Google Research Football environment. Our experiments show improved performance across many cooperative multi-agent problems. Finally, we analyze the effects of our proposed methods on the policies that our agents learn and show that our methods successfully enforce the qualities that we propose as proxies for coordinated behaviors.Comment: 23 pages, 16 figures. This revised version contains additional results and minor edit

    Learning to Coordinate with Anyone

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    In open multi-agent environments, the agents may encounter unexpected teammates. Classical multi-agent learning approaches train agents that can only coordinate with seen teammates. Recent studies attempted to generate diverse teammates to enhance the generalizable coordination ability, but were restricted by pre-defined teammates. In this work, our aim is to train agents with strong coordination ability by generating teammates that fully cover the teammate policy space, so that agents can coordinate with any teammates. Since the teammate policy space is too huge to be enumerated, we find only dissimilar teammates that are incompatible with controllable agents, which highly reduces the number of teammates that need to be trained with. However, it is hard to determine the number of such incompatible teammates beforehand. We therefore introduce a continual multi-agent learning process, in which the agent learns to coordinate with different teammates until no more incompatible teammates can be found. The above idea is implemented in the proposed Macop (Multi-agent compatible policy learning) algorithm. We conduct experiments in 8 scenarios from 4 environments that have distinct coordination patterns. Experiments show that Macop generates training teammates with much lower compatibility than previous methods. As a result, in all scenarios Macop achieves the best overall coordination ability while never significantly worse than the baselines, showing strong generalization ability

    Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for the Low-Level Control of a Quadrotor UAV

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    This paper presents multi-agent reinforcement learning frameworks for the low-level control of a quadrotor UAV. While single-agent reinforcement learning has been successfully applied to quadrotors, training a single monolithic network is often data-intensive and time-consuming. To address this, we decompose the quadrotor dynamics into the translational dynamics and the yawing dynamics, and assign a reinforcement learning agent to each part for efficient training and performance improvements. The proposed multi-agent framework for quadrotor low-level control that leverages the underlying structures of the quadrotor dynamics is a unique contribution. Further, we introduce regularization terms to mitigate steady-state errors and to avoid aggressive control inputs. Through benchmark studies with sim-to-sim transfer, it is illustrated that the proposed multi-agent reinforcement learning substantially improves the convergence rate of the training and the stability of the controlled dynamics.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, 3 table

    Effective Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Control with Relative Entropy Regularization

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    In this paper, a novel Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) approach, Multi-Agent Continuous Dynamic Policy Gradient (MACDPP) was proposed to tackle the issues of limited capability and sample efficiency in various scenarios controlled by multiple agents. It alleviates the inconsistency of multiple agents' policy updates by introducing the relative entropy regularization to the Centralized Training with Decentralized Execution (CTDE) framework with the Actor-Critic (AC) structure. Evaluated by multi-agent cooperation and competition tasks and traditional control tasks including OpenAI benchmarks and robot arm manipulation, MACDPP demonstrates significant superiority in learning capability and sample efficiency compared with both related multi-agent and widely implemented signal-agent baselines and therefore expands the potential of MARL in effectively learning challenging control scenarios

    Reinforcement Learning-based Visual Navigation with Information-Theoretic Regularization

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    To enhance the cross-target and cross-scene generalization of target-driven visual navigation based on deep reinforcement learning (RL), we introduce an information-theoretic regularization term into the RL objective. The regularization maximizes the mutual information between navigation actions and visual observation transforms of an agent, thus promoting more informed navigation decisions. This way, the agent models the action-observation dynamics by learning a variational generative model. Based on the model, the agent generates (imagines) the next observation from its current observation and navigation target. This way, the agent learns to understand the causality between navigation actions and the changes in its observations, which allows the agent to predict the next action for navigation by comparing the current and the imagined next observations. Cross-target and cross-scene evaluations on the AI2-THOR framework show that our method attains at least a 10%10\% improvement of average success rate over some state-of-the-art models. We further evaluate our model in two real-world settings: navigation in unseen indoor scenes from a discrete Active Vision Dataset (AVD) and continuous real-world environments with a TurtleBot.We demonstrate that our navigation model is able to successfully achieve navigation tasks in these scenarios. Videos and models can be found in the supplementary material.Comment: 11 pages, corresponding author: Kai Xu ([email protected]) and Jun Wang ([email protected]

    Human-Inspired Multi-Agent Navigation using Knowledge Distillation

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    Despite significant advancements in the field of multi-agent navigation, agents still lack the sophistication and intelligence that humans exhibit in multi-agent settings. In this paper, we propose a framework for learning a human-like general collision avoidance policy for agent-agent interactions in fully decentralized, multi-agent environments. Our approach uses knowledge distillation with reinforcement learning to shape the reward function based on expert policies extracted from human trajectory demonstrations through behavior cloning. We show that agents trained with our approach can take human-like trajectories in collision avoidance and goal-directed steering tasks not provided by the demonstrations, outperforming the experts as well as learning-based agents trained without knowledge distillation
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