342 research outputs found

    Slicing, skinning, and grafting

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    We prove that a Bers slice is never algebraic, meaning that its Zariski closure in the character variety has strictly larger dimension. A corollary is that skinning maps are never constant. The proof uses grafting and the theory of complex projective structures.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, to appear in American Journal of Mathematic

    A survey of some arithmetic applications of ergodic theory in negative curvature

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    This paper is a survey of some arithmetic applications of techniques in the geometry and ergodic theory of negatively curved Riemannian manifolds, focusing on the joint works of the authors. We describe Diophantine approximation results of real numbers by quadratic irrational ones, and we discuss various results on the equidistribution in R\mathbb R, C\mathbb C and in the Heisenberg groups of arithmetically defined points. We explain how these results are consequences of equidistribution and counting properties of common perpendiculars between locally convex subsets in negatively curved orbifolds, proven using dynamical and ergodic properties of their geodesic flows. This exposition is based on lectures at the conference "Chaire Jean Morlet: G\'eom\'etrie et syst\`emes dynamiques", at the CIRM, Luminy, 2014. We thank B. Hasselblatt for his strong encouragements to write this survey.Comment: 31 pages, 15 figure

    The Weil-Petersson gradient flow of renormalized volume and 3-dimensional convex cores

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    In this paper, we use the Weil-Petersson gradient flow for renormalized volume to study the space CC(N;S,X)CC(N;S,X) of convex cocompact hyperbolic structures on the relatively acylindrical 3-manifold (N;S)(N;S). Among the cases of interest are the deformation space of an acylindrical manifold and the Bers slice of quasi-Fuchsian space associated to a fixed surface. To treat the possibility of degeneration along flow-lines to peripherally cusped structures, we introduce a surgery procedure to yield a surgered gradient flow that limits to the unique structure Mgeod∈CC(N;S,X)M_{\rm geod} \in CC(N;S,X) with totally geodesic convex core boundary facing SS. Analyzing the geometry of structures along a flow line, we show that if VR(M)V_R(M) is the renormalized volume of MM, then VR(M)−VR(Mgeod)V_R(M)-V_R(M_{\rm geod}) is bounded below by a linear function of the Weil-Petersson distance dWP(∂cM,∂cMgeod)d_{\rm WP}(\partial_c M, \partial_c M_{\rm geod}), with constants depending only on the topology of SS. The surgered flow gives a unified approach to a number of problems in the study of hyperbolic 3-manifolds, providing new proofs and generalizations of well-known theorems such as Storm's result that MgeodM_{\rm geod} has minimal volume for NN acylindrical and the second author's result comparing convex core volume and Weil-Petersson distance for quasifuchsian manifolds

    Skeleton Driven Non-rigid Motion Tracking and 3D Reconstruction

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    This paper presents a method which can track and 3D reconstruct the non-rigid surface motion of human performance using a moving RGB-D camera. 3D reconstruction of marker-less human performance is a challenging problem due to the large range of articulated motions and considerable non-rigid deformations. Current approaches use local optimization for tracking. These methods need many iterations to converge and may get stuck in local minima during sudden articulated movements. We propose a puppet model-based tracking approach using skeleton prior, which provides a better initialization for tracking articulated movements. The proposed approach uses an aligned puppet model to estimate correct correspondences for human performance capture. We also contribute a synthetic dataset which provides ground truth locations for frame-by-frame geometry and skeleton joints of human subjects. Experimental results show that our approach is more robust when faced with sudden articulated motions, and provides better 3D reconstruction compared to the existing state-of-the-art approaches.Comment: Accepted in DICTA 201

    Counting arcs in negative curvature

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    Let M be a complete Riemannian manifold with negative curvature, and let C_-, C_+ be two properly immersed closed convex subsets of M. We survey the asymptotic behaviour of the number of common perpendiculars of length at most s from C_- to C_+, giving error terms and counting with weights, starting from the work of Huber, Herrmann, Margulis and ending with the works of the authors. We describe the relationship with counting problems in circle packings of Kontorovich, Oh, Shah. We survey the tools used to obtain the precise asymptotics (Bowen-Margulis and Gibbs measures, skinning measures). We describe several arithmetic applications, in particular the ones by the authors on the asymptotics of the number of representations of integers by binary quadratic, Hermitian or Hamiltonian forms.Comment: Revised version, 44 page
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