1,574 research outputs found

    Projecting Ising Model Parameters for Fast Mixing

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    Inference in general Ising models is difficult, due to high treewidth making tree-based algorithms intractable. Moreover, when interactions are strong, Gibbs sampling may take exponential time to converge to the stationary distribution. We present an algorithm to project Ising model parameters onto a parameter set that is guaranteed to be fast mixing, under several divergences. We find that Gibbs sampling using the projected parameters is more accurate than with the original parameters when interaction strengths are strong and when limited time is available for sampling.Comment: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 201

    Maximum Likelihood Learning With Arbitrary Treewidth via Fast-Mixing Parameter Sets

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    Inference is typically intractable in high-treewidth undirected graphical models, making maximum likelihood learning a challenge. One way to overcome this is to restrict parameters to a tractable set, most typically the set of tree-structured parameters. This paper explores an alternative notion of a tractable set, namely a set of "fast-mixing parameters" where Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) inference can be guaranteed to quickly converge to the stationary distribution. While it is common in practice to approximate the likelihood gradient using samples obtained from MCMC, such procedures lack theoretical guarantees. This paper proves that for any exponential family with bounded sufficient statistics, (not just graphical models) when parameters are constrained to a fast-mixing set, gradient descent with gradients approximated by sampling will approximate the maximum likelihood solution inside the set with high-probability. When unregularized, to find a solution epsilon-accurate in log-likelihood requires a total amount of effort cubic in 1/epsilon, disregarding logarithmic factors. When ridge-regularized, strong convexity allows a solution epsilon-accurate in parameter distance with effort quadratic in 1/epsilon. Both of these provide of a fully-polynomial time randomized approximation scheme.Comment: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 201

    Glauber dynamics on trees:Boundary conditions and mixing time

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    We give the first comprehensive analysis of the effect of boundary conditions on the mixing time of the Glauber dynamics in the so-called Bethe approximation. Specifically, we show that spectral gap and the log-Sobolev constant of the Glauber dynamics for the Ising model on an n-vertex regular tree with plus-boundary are bounded below by a constant independent of n at all temperatures and all external fields. This implies that the mixing time is O(log n) (in contrast to the free boundary case, where it is not bounded by any fixed polynomial at low temperatures). In addition, our methods yield simpler proofs and stronger results for the spectral gap and log-Sobolev constant in the regime where there are multiple phases but the mixing time is insensitive to the boundary condition. Our techniques also apply to a much wider class of models, including those with hard-core constraints like the antiferromagnetic Potts model at zero temperature (proper colorings) and the hard--core lattice gas (independent sets)

    Projecting Markov Random Field Parameters for Fast Mixing

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    Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms are simple and extremely powerful techniques to sample from almost arbitrary distributions. The flaw in practice is that it can take a large and/or unknown amount of time to converge to the stationary distribution. This paper gives sufficient conditions to guarantee that univariate Gibbs sampling on Markov Random Fields (MRFs) will be fast mixing, in a precise sense. Further, an algorithm is given to project onto this set of fast-mixing parameters in the Euclidean norm. Following recent work, we give an example use of this to project in various divergence measures, comparing univariate marginals obtained by sampling after projection to common variational methods and Gibbs sampling on the original parameters.Comment: Neural Information Processing Systems 201

    A General Algorithm for Sampling Rare Events in Non-Equilibrium and Non-Stationary Systems

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    Although many computational methods for rare event sampling exist, this type of calculation is not usually practical for general nonequilibrium conditions, with macroscopically irreversible dynamics and away from both stationary and metastable states. A novel method for calculating the time-series of the probability of a rare event is presented which is designed for these conditions. The method is validated for the cases of the Glauber-Ising model under time-varying shear flow, the Kawasaki-Ising model after a quench into the region between nucleation dominated and spinodal decomposition dominated phase change dynamics, and the parallel open asymmetric exclusion process (p-o ASEP). The method requires a subdivision of the phase space of the system: it is benchmarked and found to scale well for increasingly fine subdivisions, meaning that it can be applied without detailed foreknowledge of the physically important reaction pathways.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure
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