24 research outputs found

    Superiorization and Perturbation Resilience of Algorithms: A Continuously Updated Bibliography

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    This document presents a, (mostly) chronologically ordered, bibliography of scientific publications on the superiorization methodology and perturbation resilience of algorithms which is compiled and continuously updated by us at: http://math.haifa.ac.il/yair/bib-superiorization-censor.html. Since the beginings of this topic we try to trace the work that has been published about it since its inception. To the best of our knowledge this bibliography represents all available publications on this topic to date, and while the URL is continuously updated we will revise this document and bring it up to date on arXiv approximately once a year. Abstracts of the cited works, and some links and downloadable files of preprints or reprints are available on the above mentioned Internet page. If you know of a related scientific work in any form that should be included here kindly write to me on: [email protected] with full bibliographic details, a DOI if available, and a PDF copy of the work if possible. The Internet page was initiated on March 7, 2015, and has been last updated on March 12, 2020.Comment: Original report: June 13, 2015 contained 41 items. First revision: March 9, 2017 contained 64 items. Second revision: March 8, 2018 contained 76 items. Third revision: March 11, 2019 contains 90 items. Fourth revision: March 16, 2020 contains 112 item

    Bounded perturbation resilience of projected scaled gradient methods

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    We investigate projected scaled gradient (PSG) methods for convex minimization problems. These methods perform a descent step along a diagonally scaled gradient direction followed by a feasibility regaining step via orthogonal projection onto the constraint set. This constitutes a generalized algorithmic structure that encompasses as special cases the gradient projection method, the projected Newton method, the projected Landweber-type methods and the generalized Expectation-Maximization (EM)-type methods. We prove the convergence of the PSG methods in the presence of bounded perturbations. This resilience to bounded perturbations is relevant to the ability to apply the recently developed superiorization methodology to PSG methods, in particular to the EM algorithm.Comment: Computational Optimization and Applications, accepted for publicatio

    Bounded perturbation resilience of extragradient-type methods and their applications

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    In this paper we study the bounded perturbation resilience of the extragradient and the subgradient extragradient methods for solving variational inequality (VI) problem in real Hilbert spaces. This is an important property of algorithms which guarantees the convergence of the scheme under summable errors, meaning that an inexact version of the methods can also be considered. Moreover, once an algorithm is proved to be bounded perturbation resilience, superiorizion can be used, and this allows flexibility in choosing the bounded perturbations in order to obtain a superior solution, as well explained in the paper. We also discuss some inertial extragradient methods. Under mild and standard assumptions of monotonicity and Lipschitz continuity of the VI's associated mapping, convergence of the perturbed extragradient and subgradient extragradient methods is proved. In addition we show that the perturbed algorithms converges at the rate of O(1/t)O(1/t). Numerical illustrations are given to demonstrate the performances of the algorithms.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Journal of Inequalities and Applications. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1711.01936 and text overlap with arXiv:1507.07302 by other author

    Accelerating two projection methods via perturbations with application to Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy

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    Constrained convex optimization problems arise naturally in many real-world applications. One strategy to solve them in an approximate way is to translate them into a sequence of convex feasibility problems via the recently developed level set scheme and then solve each feasibility problem using projection methods. However, if the problem is ill-conditioned, projection methods often show zigzagging behavior and therefore converge slowly. To address this issue, we exploit the bounded perturbation resilience of the projection methods and introduce two new perturbations which avoid zigzagging behavior. The first perturbation is in the spirit of kk-step methods and uses gradient information from previous iterates. The second uses the approach of surrogate constraint methods combined with relaxed, averaged projections. We apply two different projection methods in the unperturbed version, as well as the two perturbed versions, to linear feasibility problems along with nonlinear optimization problems arising from intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) treatment planning. We demonstrate that for all the considered problems the perturbations can significantly accelerate the convergence of the projection methods and hence the overall procedure of the level set scheme. For the IMRT optimization problems the perturbed projection methods found an approximate solution up to 4 times faster than the unperturbed methods while at the same time achieving objective function values which were 0.5 to 5.1% lower.Comment: Accepted for publication in Applied Mathematics & Optimizatio

    Zero-Convex Functions, Perturbation Resilience, and Subgradient Projections for Feasibility-Seeking Methods

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    The convex feasibility problem (CFP) is at the core of the modeling of many problems in various areas of science. Subgradient projection methods are important tools for solving the CFP because they enable the use of subgradient calculations instead of orthogonal projections onto the individual sets of the problem. Working in a real Hilbert space, we show that the sequential subgradient projection method is perturbation resilient. By this we mean that under appropriate conditions the sequence generated by the method converges weakly, and sometimes also strongly, to a point in the intersection of the given subsets of the feasibility problem, despite certain perturbations which are allowed in each iterative step. Unlike previous works on solving the convex feasibility problem, the involved functions, which induce the feasibility problem's subsets, need not be convex. Instead, we allow them to belong to a wider and richer class of functions satisfying a weaker condition, that we call "zero-convexity". This class, which is introduced and discussed here, holds a promise to solve optimization problems in various areas, especially in non-smooth and non-convex optimization. The relevance of this study to approximate minimization and to the recent superiorization methodology for constrained optimization is explained.Comment: Mathematical Programming Series A, accepted for publicatio