2,550 research outputs found

    The drivers of motivation

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    This project has been completed for a medium-sized supermarket located on the southern side of Hamilton. They currently have 83 people employed to work there. The reason for researching the drivers of motivation is so employers can begin to understand the best ways to motivate their individual employees The aim of the project was to analyse what drives motivation in the workplace and to provide recommendations for the supermarket. Both a questionnaire and interview were used, the questionnaire with the purpose of gathering a large amount of quantitative data in a short period of time and the interview to build on the results received from the questionnaires and provide qualitative data. Only employees in the grocery and checkout departments were asked to participate. Results from the questionnaire and interview showed that when it came to store culture, most staff felt that it could improve, that the store’s values were not being displayed, and that if store culture improved they would be better motivated. The store culture was also identified as an important motivator, especially for the staff over 26 years of age. When data concerning training and development was analysed, it was found that both training and career development were important motivators, with most staff wishing to undertake training and/or career development opportunities if they arose. From the analyses of the results for the reward and recognition questions, the staff indicated they felt they were not valued as employees and would prefer to receive more feedback to help increase their motivation. Pay was the last motivator to be analysed. The respondents indicated that they felt an increase in their pay rate would improve their motivation. However, upon further analysis through the interview, it was found although initially they would be motivated whether this would permanently improve their motivation was questionable. There were three recommendations for the organisation. These were, to implement a reward and recognition programme that addressed meeting the three motivational needs of the staff mentioned above, rewards and recognition, pay, and training and development. The second was to improve store culture, which would involve taking existing store values and establishing them into everyday life at the supermarket, so they become a shared set of values by them team. The third was to undertake further research to investigate how the motivational needs for the supermarket industry, a typical low skill, entry level job may differ to that of a higher skill job

    Green human resource management

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    Global warming is a reality. Organisations realise their corporate responsibility to conduct their business with the 'future' in mind. Sustainability is having a green conscience and ensuring the steps you take today do not have a negative impact on the future. Green Human Resources Management is to promote the sustainable use of resources within business organisations. The aim of this research is to provide organisations with a Green Human Resource Management Strategy (GHRM). A qualitative approach was followed, and five participants interviewed. The researcher followed this approach to gain an in-depth understanding of business eco-friendly practices, to ascertain if they utilise HR to drive “green” in the organisation and engage employees. The study found that most organisations have implemented some eco-friendly practice and know the value of becoming a 'green' employer. However, the researcher identified a significant gap in that organisations are not aware of or lack the knowledge of how to utilise HR practices to get staff engaged in green policies and procedures. The researcher will strive to come up with various ideas and recommendation to the business on how they can utilise their HR practices to go green and engage their staff

    An investigation of the supply chain strategies of Spice Traders

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    The primary motivation behind this research is to comprehend the supply chain strategies of Spice Traders. This exploration will enhance the procedures of Spice Traders and defeat numerous issues in production network administration experienced by the eatery. There are numerous techniques which are utilized by them to beat their issues. This research utilized blended technique that is a mix of qualitative and quantitative data. Propelled utilisation of innovation is the fundamental discovery in this exploration. As a staff member working there I shared my own experience which truly helped me to do this research. One suggestion was to enhance their association with the providers all together for a superior execution from the supply group and to include alternate staffs in store network administration. The conclusion was that they essentially rely upon the backup system. They have been utilising this backup systems for a very long time and they have been extremely fruitful in that

    To identify strategies for differentiating Kebabs Salateen within its market

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    The aim of this research is to identify strategies for differentiating Kebabs Salateen within its market. The head office of Kebabs Salateen is in Auckland. The company, Auckland Kebabs Limited, was formed in 2014 in Auckland. The original Salateen in Hamilton was in a building on Ward Street, but unfortunately, it was shut down due to safety concern. After 16 months Auckland Kebabs Limited talked to the old Salateen owner, and with his consent, Auckland Kebabs Limited opened the business in Ward Street and kept their old name to attract customers. This study investigates Kebabs Salateen’s internal and external factors. In this research, SWOT, PESTLE, and a competitor analysis of Kebabs Salateen have been completed to identify strategies used in the business. As part of this study, qualitative methods and a convenient sampling method were used. Interviews were taken from customers and employees of Kebabs Salateen to identify customer and employee satisfaction. Primary data was gathered, and secondary sources of data were used to analyse the current situation at Kebabs Salateen. Different strategies were identified and applied in different areas of the business, such as organisational structure, competitive advantage and customer analysis in Kebabs Salateen. The study also identified some direct and indirect competitors of Kebabs Salateen. The analysis of the result included different strategies in business and how these strategies can fit in other areas of the research. According to the findings, customers and employees were 80% and 90% respectively satisfied with the service and quality of Kebabs Salateen. To achieve 100% customer satisfaction, Kebabs Salateen needs to overcome their weaknesses according to feedback and suggestions from customers. The manager, therefore, needs to implement these suggestions immediately

    Customer acquisition and engagement in Magic Chinese Health Massage

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    With the development of massage business, there are more and more massage shops established in Hamilton. Magic Chinese Health Massage is one of them. To achieve a successful development, having appropriate strategies of customer acquisition and engagement is necessary. The aim of this research is to recommend effective and efficient approaches to attract and retain customers for Magic Chinese Health Massage. The research is implemented in the Magic Chinese Health Massage shop through the interview and observation. As a result, the researcher finds the massage shop has a good reputation but it also has some drawbacks of services, advertising and its social media. Therefore, customer services, shop advertising and the social media of Magic Chinese Health Massage should be improved. To achieve the improvement, advertising is recommended to have more detail to attract customers and customer services can be more flexible. Similarly, its social media, such as Facebook, should be updated frequently

    Volunteers: How to recruit and retain them?

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    This research aspires to discuss and analyse the current system of recruiting and retaining volunteers in the events industry, and a comparison with the volunteer programme model existing in H3 Group. The method chosen for this research is qualitative, as the research includes interviews. In order to get a better understanding, interviews are going to be held with people who are part of the industry and have extensive knowledge of this matter. In addition, with the purpose knowing another perspective, two people will be interviewed who habitually participate in activities as volunteers for H3 Group, specifically for sports events in FMG Stadium. The results obtained basically indicate that there is a difference between the information given by the person in charge of the volunteer program of H3 Group, and the perception that the volunteers had about their personal experience of volunteering for the matches held by the Rugby League World Cup in November last year. The difference occurs mainly because according to the information provided by H3 Group, the volunteer programme includes a whole complete process, and the staff is always making sure that the volunteers feel comfortable and confident about what are they tasks. On the other hand, the volunteers think that the assigned task was not of great importance and that many times they got bored because they had nothing to do. Also, they did not receive any feedback on their performance, so they were not sure if what they did was good or not

    The management of inventories and inventory management system in a small retail enterprise

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    The study deals with inventory management and inventory management systems in small retail enterprises. The primary aim of this research was to find out issues regarding inventory management and inventory management systems in the small retail business at Evergreen Dairy and Spices. In New Zealand, 97 percent of businesses are small to medium enterprises, and SMEs play an important role in the economy of New Zealand. Inventory management has a tremendous influence on small retail businesses. Data for this research was collected from small retail shops which mainly deal with grocery products. All primary data were gathered using qualitative methods by conducting semi-structured interviews. From analysing the collected data I found many loopholes in the organisation's inventory management system. The evidence shows that the organisation did not use a proven scientific method to manage inventory in the store. The data gathered points to this business facing issues related to turnover of inventory. Based on the findings, suitable suggestions are made for the organisation to improve inventory management and stock control in the business. The suggestions may not apply to all small retail enterprises

    Comparing reporting of MYOB Enterprise Reporter vs Xero HQ Reporter

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    ABC Chartered Accountants is a public accounting practice located in Te Awamutu, providing professional accounting services to a range of clients. MYOB Enterprise (MYOB AE) is used as office accounting software, and financial statements are produced by MYOB AE reporter. This research compares reporting of the existing MYOB AE reporter with Xero HQ reporter, as an alternative for compliance, efficiency, consistency, and report customizing process, and also to find out any other additional reports that Xero HQ can produce compared to MYOB AE. Semi-structured interviews were used to investigate the insight of MYOB AE reporter and Xero HQ reporter. Actual MYOB AE software, together with some MYOB supporting materials, were used (MYOB. Reporter 3.3.help Designing & Generating reports for your practice .Reporter 3.2) and Xero reporting videos (Xero Partner Resources. 2018), with some Xero reporting information published from Xero (www Xero.com/report template in action) were used. The major findings are that MYOB AE and Xero HQ offer compliance reporting templates for different types of entities. Both software allow customised reports to reflect practice preferences. Customising reports help to keep report consistency and report efficiency at the practice. When customising reports in MYOB AE, formats are created, and in Xero HQ Rich Text Editor, Layout Editor and Report Setting Editor are used. When customizing reports, the time spend on planning a new report will maximize the benefit to the practice. So, the difference between the two reporters is the method of customizing reports

    Better sales and marketing methods for Mument

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    The main business of Mument, is to sell maternal and infant products. It is a one- stop store, where customers can find baby and children’s items from new-born until nearly 12 years old, Mument has a membership system, which means customer can deposit 500,thenenjoy15500, then enjoy 15% off for each single shopping time, or use a scorecard, with one point equal to 1. getting 15% off when they reach 300 points.. The aims of the research were to improve sales and selling skills, and to develop better marketing methods. The questions for Mument are how to gain better sales and select effective marketing methods. For this research, I have selected quantitative methods, and use a questionnaire to get the primary research results. 18% of customers find a long wait for their order unacceptable, 30% of customers think Mument sales-people lack professional information, and find having only one sales-person in the store at weekends insufficient. 64% customers know about mother and baby product information through friends, and 58% customers know about Mument from friends. Most member’s babies’ birthdays are in April, May, September and October. I recommend that the owner analyse what kind of products customers require frequently, and order these before they ask, have a longer training time to allow sales-persons to acquire professional information, and have sales promotions at specific times

    An analysis of the pricing approach of a small importer/distributor enterprise: A case study

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    Import Co. Limited (not its real name) imports specialised equipment from overseas manufacturers and distributes them to retailors and other users New Zealand wide. The current owners brought the existing business three years ago. The owners of Import Co. Limited have suspicions that the profit margins on a number of their products are minimal. The owners are interested to explore how effective pricing can achieve maximum profits, without requiring any other changes to the business or its market. This study’s aim is to select the most appropriate pricing method for Import Co. Limited. The research presentation intends to answer this aim by exploring two questions. Is there any potential for changes to the method of identifying product costs and determining mark up? And secondly, how will these suggested changes alter the company’s profitability long term? To answer these research questions, a product sample of 76 products were chosen to be analysed. The selection process was based on selecting the most frequently sold items, while considering the product’s manufacturer. The study calculated a suggested selling price of the sample products, based on cost plus pricing methods theory. The suggested selling prices were higher than the current list prices for manufacturers 2, 4, and 5, while suggested prices were lower than the current list prices for manufacturer 3. Manufacturer 1 presented some current prices higher, and some lower. Additionally, average current profit percentages were found for each manufacturer’s sample products, with manufacturer 3 concluded as having high profit to cost and expense ratios. The study recommends establishing more constant shipping expenses for all manufacturers, excluding 1. It also recommends immediately increasing prices of product costs with a current profit percentage of 40% or under, and exploring the prices of products from manufacturers 1, 2, 4, and 5, where the current profit is under a satisfactory level. These changes will see a large increase in product price profitability
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