2,468 research outputs found


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    This thesis presents a new technique for the reconstruction of a smooth surface from a set of 3D data points. The reconstructed surface is represented by an everywhere -continuous subdivision surface which interpolates all the given data points. And the topological structure of the reconstructed surface is exactly the same as that of the data points. The new technique consists of two major steps. First, use an efficient surface reconstruction method to produce a polyhedral approximation to the given data points. Second, construct a Doo-Sabin subdivision surface that smoothly passes through all the data points in the given data set. A new technique is presented for the second step in this thesis. The new technique iteratively modifies the vertices of the polyhedral approximation 1CM until a new control meshM, whose Doo-Sabin subdivision surface interpolatesM, is reached. It is proved that, for any mesh M with any size and any topology, the iterative process is always convergent with Doo-Sabin subdivision scheme. The new technique has the advantages of both a local method and a global method, and the surface reconstruction process can reproduce special features such as edges and corners faithfully


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    This thesis presents a new system that reconstructs the 3D representation of dental casts. To maintain the integrity of the 3D representation, a standard model is built to cover the blind spots that the camera cannot reach. The standard model is obtained by scanning a real human mouth model with a laser scanner. Then the model is simplified by an algorithm which is based on iterative contraction of vertex pairs. The simplified standard model uses a local parametrization method to obtain the curvature information. The system uses a digital camera and a square tube mirror in front of the camera to capture multi-view images. The mirror is made of stainless steel in order to avoid double reflections. The reflected areas of the image are considered as images taken by the virtual cameras. Only one camera calibration is needed since the virtual cameras have the same intrinsic parameters as the real camera. Depth is computed by a simple and accurate geometry based method once the corresponding points are identified. Correspondences are selected using a feature point based stereo matching process, including fast normalized cross-correlation and simulated annealing

    Smooth Subdivision Surfaces: Mesh Blending and Local Interpolation

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    Subdivision surfaces are widely used in computer graphics and animation. Catmull-Clark subdivision (CCS) is one of the most popular subdivision schemes. It is capable of modeling and representing complex shape of arbitrary topology. Polar surface, working on a triangle-quad mixed mesh structure, is proposed to solve the inherent ripple problem of Catmull-Clark subdivision surface (CCSS). CCSS is known to be C1 continuous at extraordinary points. In this work, we present a G2 scheme at CCS extraordinary points. The work is done by revising CCS subdivision step with Extraordinary-Points-Avoidance model together with mesh blending technique which selects guiding control points from a set of regular sub-meshes (named dominative control meshes) iteratively at each subdivision level. A similar mesh blending technique is applied to Polar extraordinary faces of Polar surface as well. Both CCS and Polar subdivision schemes are approximating. Traditionally, one can obtain a CCS limit surface to interpolate given data mesh by iteratively solving a global linear system. In this work, we present a universal interpolating scheme for all quad subdivision surfaces, called Bezier Crust. Bezier Crust is a specially selected bi-quintic Bezier surface patch. With Bezier Crust, one can obtain a high quality interpolating surface on CCSS by parametrically adding CCSS and Bezier Crust. We also show that with a triangle/quad conversion process one can apply Bezier Crust on Polar surfaces as well. We further show that Bezier Crust can be used to generate hollowed 3D objects for applications in rapid prototyping. An alternative interpolating approach specifically designed for CCSS is developed. This new scheme, called One-Step Bi-cubic Interpolation, uses bicubic patches only. With lower degree polynomial, this scheme is appropriate for interpolating large-scale data sets. In sum, this work presents our research on improving surface smoothness at extraordinary points of both CCS and Polar surfaces and present two local interpolating approaches on approximating subdivision schemes. All examples included in this work show that the results of our research works on subdivision surfaces are of high quality and appropriate for high precision engineering and graphics usage

    Refinement criteria for high fidelity interactive walkthroughs

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    Physically based global illumination rendering at interactive frame rates would enable users to navigate within complex virtual environments, such as archaeological models. These algorithms, however, are computationally too demanding to allow interactive navigation on current PCs. A technique based on image subsampling and spatiotemporal coherence among successive frames is exploited, while resorting to progressive refinement whenever there is available computing power. A physically based ray tracer (Radiance) is used to compute reflected radiance at the model's triangles vertices. Progressive refinement is achieved increasing the sampling frequency by subdividing certain triangles and requesting shading information for the resulting vertices. This paper proposes and evaluates different criteria for selecting which triangles to subdivide. A random criterium and two criteria based on Normalized Luminance Differences are evaluated: one operating on image space, the other on object space. Results, obtained with a model of an old roman town, show that the object space criterium is able to locate and represent visual discontinuities, such as shadows, and does so requiring less triangle subdivisions than the other two.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - POSI/CHS/42041/2001