105 research outputs found

    Transmission Map and Atmospheric Light Guided Iterative Updater Network for Single Image Dehazing

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    Hazy images obscure content visibility and hinder several subsequent computer vision tasks. For dehazing in a wide variety of hazy conditions, an end-to-end deep network jointly estimating the dehazed image along with suitable transmission map and atmospheric light for guidance could prove effective. To this end, we propose an Iterative Prior Updated Dehazing Network (IPUDN) based on a novel iterative update framework. We present a novel convolutional architecture to estimate channel-wise atmospheric light, which along with an estimated transmission map are used as priors for the dehazing network. Use of channel-wise atmospheric light allows our network to handle color casts in hazy images. In our IPUDN, the transmission map and atmospheric light estimates are updated iteratively using corresponding novel updater networks. The iterative mechanism is leveraged to gradually modify the estimates toward those appropriately representing the hazy condition. These updates occur jointly with the iterative estimation of the dehazed image using a convolutional neural network with LSTM driven recurrence, which introduces inter-iteration dependencies. Our approach is qualitatively and quantitatively found effective for synthetic and real-world hazy images depicting varied hazy conditions, and it outperforms the state-of-the-art. Thorough analyses of IPUDN through additional experiments and detailed ablation studies are also presented.Comment: First two authors contributed equally. This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible. Project Website: https://aupendu.github.io/iterative-dehaz

    GridFormer: Residual Dense Transformer with Grid Structure for Image Restoration in Adverse Weather Conditions

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    Image restoration in adverse weather conditions is a difficult task in computer vision. In this paper, we propose a novel transformer-based framework called GridFormer which serves as a backbone for image restoration under adverse weather conditions. GridFormer is designed in a grid structure using a residual dense transformer block, and it introduces two core designs. First, it uses an enhanced attention mechanism in the transformer layer. The mechanism includes stages of the sampler and compact self-attention to improve efficiency, and a local enhancement stage to strengthen local information. Second, we introduce a residual dense transformer block (RDTB) as the final GridFormer layer. This design further improves the network's ability to learn effective features from both preceding and current local features. The GridFormer framework achieves state-of-the-art results on five diverse image restoration tasks in adverse weather conditions, including image deraining, dehazing, deraining & dehazing, desnowing, and multi-weather restoration. The source code and pre-trained models will be released.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figure

    Progressive Frequency-Aware Network for Laparoscopic Image Desmoking

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    Laparoscopic surgery offers minimally invasive procedures with better patient outcomes, but smoke presence challenges visibility and safety. Existing learning-based methods demand large datasets and high computational resources. We propose the Progressive Frequency-Aware Network (PFAN), a lightweight GAN framework for laparoscopic image desmoking, combining the strengths of CNN and Transformer for progressive information extraction in the frequency domain. PFAN features CNN-based Multi-scale Bottleneck-Inverting (MBI) Blocks for capturing local high-frequency information and Locally-Enhanced Axial Attention Transformers (LAT) for efficiently handling global low-frequency information. PFAN efficiently desmokes laparoscopic images even with limited training data. Our method outperforms state-of-the-art approaches in PSNR, SSIM, CIEDE2000, and visual quality on the Cholec80 dataset and retains only 629K parameters. Our code and models are made publicly available at: https://github.com/jlzcode/PFAN

    Non-aligned supervision for Real Image Dehazing

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    Removing haze from real-world images is challenging due to unpredictable weather conditions, resulting in misaligned hazy and clear image pairs. In this paper, we propose a non-aligned supervision framework that consists of three networks - dehazing, airlight, and transmission. In particular, we explore a non-alignment setting by utilizing a clear reference image that is not aligned with the hazy input image to supervise the dehazing network through a multi-scale reference loss that compares the features of the two images. Our setting makes it easier to collect hazy/clear image pairs in real-world environments, even under conditions of misalignment and shift views. To demonstrate this, we have created a new hazy dataset called "Phone-Hazy", which was captured using mobile phones in both rural and urban areas. Additionally, we present a mean and variance self-attention network to model the infinite airlight using dark channel prior as position guidance, and employ a channel attention network to estimate the three-channel transmission. Experimental results show that our framework outperforms current state-of-the-art methods in the real-world image dehazing. Phone-Hazy and code will be available at https://github.com/hello2377/NSDNet
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