30 research outputs found

    Post-quantum cryptography

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    Cryptography is essential for the security of online communication, cars and implanted medical devices. However, many commonly used cryptosystems will be completely broken once large quantum computers exist. Post-quantum cryptography is cryptography under the assumption that the attacker has a large quantum computer; post-quantum cryptosystems strive to remain secure even in this scenario. This relatively young research area has seen some successes in identifying mathematical operations for which quantum algorithms offer little advantage in speed, and then building cryptographic systems around those. The central challenge in post-quantum cryptography is to meet demands for cryptographic usability and flexibility without sacrificing confidence.</p

    New Insights into Divide-and-Conquer Attacks on the Round-Reduced Keccak-MAC

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    Keccak is the final winner of SHA-3 competition and it can be used as message authentic codes as well. The basic and balanced divide-and-conquer attacks on Keccak-MAC were proposed by Dinur et al. at Eurocrypt 2015. The idea of cube attacks is used in the two attacks to divide key bits into small portions. In this paper, by carefully analysing the mappings used in Keccak-MAC, it is found that some cube variables could divide key bits into smaller portions and so better divide-and-conquer attacks are obtained. Furthermore, in order to evaluate the resistance of Keccak-MAC against divide-and-conquer attacks based on cubes, we theoretically analyse the lower bounds of the complexities of divide-and-conquer attacks. It is shown that the lower bounds of the complexities are still not better than those of the conditional cube tester proposed by Senyang Huang et al.. This indicates that Keccak-MAC can resist the divide-and-conquer attack better than the conditional cube tester. We hope that these techniques still could provide some new insights on the future cryptanalysis of Keccak

    On the Computation of the Optimal Ate Pairing at the 192-bit Security Level

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    Barreto, Lynn and Scott elliptic curves of embedding degree 12 denoted BLS12 have been proven to present fastest results on the implementation of pairings at the 192-bit security level [1]. The computation of pairings in general involves the execution of the Miller algorithm and the final exponentiation. In this paper, we improve the complexity of these two steps up to 8% by searching an appropriate parameter. We compute the optimal ate pairing on BLS curves of embedding degree 12 and we also extend the same analysis to BLS curves with embedding degree 24. Furthermore, as many pairing based protocols are implemented on memory constrained devices such as SIM or smart cards, we describe an efficient algorithm for the computation of the final exponentiation less memory intensive with an improvement up to 25% with respect to the previous work

    Exploring SAT for Cryptanalysis: (Quantum) Collision Attacks against 6-Round SHA-3 (Full Version)

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    In this work, we focus on collision attacks against instances of SHA-3 hash family in both classical and quantum settings. Since the 5-round collision attacks on SHA3-256 and other variants proposed by Guo et al. at JoC~2020, no other essential progress has been published. With a thorough investigation, we identify that the challenges of extending such collision attacks on SHA-3 to more rounds lie in the inefficiency of differential trail search. To overcome this obstacle, we develop a SAT-based automatic search toolkit. The tool is used in multiple intermediate steps of the collision attacks and exhibits surprisingly high efficiency in differential trail search and other optimization problems encountered in the process. As a result, we present the first 6-round classical collision attack on SHAKE-128 with time complexity 2123.52^{123.5}, which also forms a quantum collision attack with quantum time 267.25/S{{2^{67.25}}/{\sqrt{S}}}, and the first 6-round quantum collision attack on SHA3-224 and SHA3-256 with quantum time 297.75/S{{2^{97.75}}/{\sqrt{S}}} and 2104.25/S{{2^{104.25}}/{\sqrt{S}}}, both with negligible requirement of classical and quantum memory. The fact that classical collision attacks do not apply to 6-round SHA3-224 and SHA3-256 shows the higher coverage of quantum collision attacks, which is consistent with that on SHA-2 observed by Hosoyamada and Sasaki at CRYPTO~2021

    Distributed Time-Memory Tradeoff Attacks on Ciphers (with Application to Stream Ciphers and Counter Mode)

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    In this paper, we consider the implications of parallelizing time-memory tradeoff attacks using a large number of distributed processors. It is shown that Hellman’s original tradeoff method and the Biryukov-Shamir attack on stream ciphers, which incorporates data into the tradeoff, can be effectively distributed to reduce both time and memory, while other approaches are less advantaged in a distributed approach. Distributed tradeoff attacks are specifically discussed as applied to stream ciphers and the counter mode operation of block ciphers, where their feasibility is considered in relation to distributed exhaustive key search. In particular, for counter mode with an unpredictable initial count, we show that distributed tradeoff attacks are applicable, but can be made infeasible if the entropy of the initial count is at least as large as the key. In general, the analyses of this paper illustrate the effectiveness of a distributed tradeoff approach and show that, when enough processors are involved in the attack, it is possible some systems, such as lightweight cipher implementations, may be practically susceptible to attack

    Universal Hashing Based on Field Multiplication and (Near-)MDS Matrices

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    In this paper we propose a new construction for building universal hash functions, a specific instance called multi-265, and provide proofs for their universality. Our construction follows the key-then-hash parallel paradigm. In a first step it adds a variable length input message to a secret key and splits the result in blocks. Then it applies a fixed-length public function to each block and adds their results to form the output. The innovation presented in this work lies in the public function: we introduce the multiply-transform-multiply-construction that makes use of field multiplication and linear transformations. We prove upper bounds for the universality of key-then-hash parallel hash functions making use of a public function with our construction provided the linear transformation are maximum-distance-separable (MDS). We additionally propose a concrete instantiation of our construction multi-265, where the underlying public function uses a near-MDS linear transformation and prove it to be 21542^{-154}-universal. We also make the reference code for multi-265 available