8 research outputs found

    Lie powers of the natural module for GL(2,K)

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    In recent work of R. M. Bryant and the second author a (partial) modular analogue of Klyachko's 1974 result on Lie powers of the natural GL(n,K)\rm{GL}(n,K) was presented. There is was shown that nearly all of the indecomposable summands of the rrth tensor power also occur up to isomorphism as summands of the rrth Lie power provided that rpmr\neq p^m and r2pmr \neq 2p^m, where pp is the characteristic of KK. In the current paper we restrict attention to GL(2,K){\rm GL}(2,K) and consider the missing cases where r=pmr = p^m and r=2pmr = 2p^m. In particular, we prove that the indecomposable summand of the rrth tensor power of the natural module with highest weight (r1,1)(r-1,1) is a summand of the rrth Lie power if and only if rr is a not power of pp


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    Products of homogeneous subspaces in free Lie algebras

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    Let LL be a free Lie algebra of rank kk over a field KK. If n1n\geq 1 then we let LnL_n denote the homogeneous subspace of LL spanned by Lie products of weight nn in the free generators of LL. We obtain formulae for the dimensions of the subspaces [Lm,Ln][L_m,L_n] for all mm and nn. This answers a question raised by Eamonn O'Brien in private communication


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    Let LL be a free Lie algebra of finite rank over a field KK and let LnL_{n} denote the degree nn homogeneous component of LL. Formulae for the dimension of the subspaces [Lm,Ln][L_m,L_n] for all mm and nn were obtained by the second author and Michael Vaughan-Lee. In this note we consider subspaces of the form [Lm,Ln,Lk]=[[Lm,Ln],Lk][L_m,L_n,L_k]=[[L_m,L_n],L_k]. Surprisingly, in contrast to the case of a product of two homogeneous components, the dimension of such products may depend on the characteristic of the field KK. For example, the dimension of [L2,L2,L1][L_2,L_2,L_1] over fields of characteristic 22 is different from the dimension over fields of characteristic other than 22. Our main result are formulae for the dimension of [Lm,Ln,Lk][L_m,L_n,L_k]. Under certain conditions on mm, nn and kk they lead to explicit formulae that do not depend on the characteristic of KK, and express the dimension of [Lm,Ln,Lk][L_m,L_n,L_k] in terms of Witt's dimension function