3 research outputs found

    Enhancing Retail Strategies through Apriori, ECLAT& FP Growth Algorithms in Market Basket Analysis

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    "Market basket analysis" is a method employed in data mining to discover items that are commonly bought together by customers in a retail store. It is a crucial tool for retailers to understand consumer purchasing behavior and to improve their sales and marketing strategies. In this research paper, we present a comprehensive study on market basket analysis using three popular algorithms: Apriori, ECLAT, and FPGrowth. The paper begins with a brief synopsis of market basket analysis and the techniques adopted for itemset mining. We then introduce the dataset used in this study, which consists of real-life transaction data collected from a retail store. Next, we perform a thorough evaluation of the Apriori, ECLAT, and FPGrowth algorithms in terms of their computational time and the quality of the association rules generated. The results show that the FPGrowth algorithm is the fastest of the three algorithms, while the Apriori algorithm generates the most comprehensive and high-quality association rules.In addition, we also present a comparison of the performance of these algorithms that involve different assessment criteria like support, confidence, and lift. Our study highlights the importance of selecting the appropriate algorithm for market basket analysis depending on the specific requirements and constraints of the task. The paper concludes with an analysis on the limitations and future directions of research in this area. Overall, our study provides insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the Apriori, ECLAT, and FPGrowth algorithms and functions as a valuable resource for professionals and researchers in the field of market basket analysis

    Personalized bundle recommendation using preference elicitation and the Choquet integral

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    Bundle recommendation aims to generate bundles of associated products that users tend to consume as a whole under certain circumstances. Modeling the bundle utility for users is a non-trivial task, as it requires to account for the potential interdependencies between bundle attributes. To address this challenge, we introduce a new preference-based approach for bundle recommendation exploiting the Choquet integral. This allows us to formalize preferences for coalitions of environmental-related attributes, thus recommending product bundles accounting for synergies among product attributes. An experimental evaluation of a dataset of local food products in Northern Italy shows how the Choquet integral allows the natural formalization of a sensible notion of environmental friendliness and that standard approaches based on weighted sums of attributes end up recommending bundles with lower environmental friendliness even if weights are explicitly learned to maximize it. We further show how preference elicitation strategies can be leveraged to acquire weights of the Choquet integral from user feedback in terms of preferences over candidate bundles, and show how a handful of queries allow to recommend optimal bundles for a diverse set of user prototypes