145 research outputs found

    Experience Prototyping for Automotive Applications

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    In recent years, we started to define our life through experiences we make instead of objectswe buy. To attend a concert of our favorite musician may be more important for us thanowning an expensive stereo system. Similarly, we define interactive systems not only by thequality of the display or its usability, but rather by the experiences we can make when usingthe device. A cell phone is primarily built for making calls and receiving text messages,but on an emotional level it might provide a way to be close to our loved ones, even thoughthey are far away sometimes. When designing interactive technology, we do not only haveto answer the question how people use our systems, but also why they use them. Thus,we need to concentrate on experiences, feelings and emotions arising during interaction.Experience Design is an approach focusing on the story that a product communicates beforeimplementing the system. In an interdisciplinary team of psychologists, industrial designers, product developers andspecialists in human-computer interaction, we applied an Experience Design process to theautomotive domain. A major challenge for car manufacturers is the preservation of theseexperiences throughout the development process. When implementing interactive systemsengineers rely on technical requirements and a set of constraints (e.g., safety) oftentimescontradicting aspects of the designed experience. To resolve this conflict, Experience Prototypingis an important tool translating experience stories to an actual interactive product. With this thesis I investigate the Experience Design process focusing on Experience Prototyping.Within the automotive context, I report on three case studies implementing threekinds of interactive systems, forming and following our approach. I implemented (1) anelectric vehicle information system called Heartbeat, communicating the state of the electricdrive and the batteries to the driver in an unobtrusive and ensuring way. I integrated Heartbeatinto the dashboard of a car mock-up with respect to safety and space requirements butat the same time holding on to the story in order to achieve a consistent experience. With (2)the Periscope I implemented a mobile navigation device enhancing the social and relatednessexperiences of the passengers in the car. I built and evaluated several experience prototypesin different stages of the design process and showed that they transported the designed experiencethroughout the implementation of the system. Focusing on (3) the experience offreehand gestures, GestShare explored this interaction style for in-car and car-to-car socialexperiences. We designed and implemented a gestural prototypes for small but effectivesocial interactions between drivers and evaluated the system in the lab and and in-situ study. The contributions of this thesis are (1) a definition of Experience Prototyping in the automotivedomain resulting from a literature review and my own work, showing the importanceand feasibility of Experience Prototyping for Experience Design. I (2) contribute three casestudies and describe the details of several prototypes as milestones on the way from a anexperience story to an interactive system. I (3) derive best practices for Experience Prototypingconcerning their characteristics such as fidelity, resolution and interactivity as well asthe evaluation in the lab an in situ in different stages of the process.Wir definieren unser Leben zunehmend durch Dinge, die wir erleben und weniger durchProdukte, die wir kaufen. Ein Konzert unseres Lieblingsmusikers zu besuchen kann dabeiwichtiger sein, als eine teure Stereoanlage zu besitzen. Auch interaktive Systeme bewertenwir nicht mehr nur nach der Qualität des Displays oder der Benutzerfreundlichkeit, sondernauch nach Erlebnissen, die durch die Benutzung möglich werden. Das Smartphone wurdehauptsächlich zum Telefonieren und Schreiben von Nachrichten entwickelt. Auf einer emotionalenEbene bietet es uns aber auch eine Möglichkeit, wichtigen Personen sehr nah zusein, auch wenn sie manchmal weit weg sind. Bei der Entwicklung interaktiver Systememüssen wir uns daher nicht nur fragen wie, sondern auch warum diese benutzt werden. Erlebnisse,Gefühle und Emotionen, die während der Interaktion entstehen, spielen dabei einewichtige Rolle. Experience Design ist eine Disziplin, die sich auf Geschichten konzentriert,die ein Produkt erzählt, bevor es tatsächlich implementiert wird. In einem interdisziplinären Team aus Psychologen, Industrie-Designern, Produktentwicklernund Spezialisten der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion wurde ein Prozess zur Erlebnis-Gestaltung im automobilen Kontext angewandt. Die Beibehaltung von Erlebnissen über dengesamten Entwicklungsprozess hinweg ist eine große Herausforderung für Automobilhersteller.Ingenieure hängen bei der Implementierung interaktiver Systeme von technischen,sicherheitsrelevanten und ergonomischen Anforderungen ab, die oftmals dem gestaltetenErlebnis widersprechen. Die Bereitstellung von Erlebnis-Prototypen ermöglicht die Übersetzungvon Geschichten in interaktive Produkte und wirkt daher diesem Konflikt entgegen. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation untersuche ich den Prozess zur Erlebnis-Gestaltung hinsichtlichder Bedeutung von Erlebnis-Prototypen. Ich berichte von drei Fallbeispielen im automobilenBereich, die die Gestaltung und Implementierung verschiedener interaktiver Systemenumfassen. (1) Ein Informationssystem für Elektrofahrzeuge, der Heartbeat, macht den Zustanddes elektrischen Antriebs und den Ladestand der Batterien für den Fahrer visuell undhaptisch erlebbar. Nach der Implementierung mehrerer Prototypen wurde Heartbeat unterBerücksichtigung verschiedener technischer und sicherheitsrelevanter Anforderungen in dieArmaturen eines Fahrzeugmodells integriert, ohne dass dabei das gestaltete Erlebnis verlorengegangen ist. (2) Das Periscope ist ein mobiles Navigationsgerät, das den Insassensoziale Erlebnisse ermöglicht und das Verbundenheitsgefühl stärkt. Durch die Implementierungmehrere Erlebnis-Prototypen und deren Evaluation in verschiedenen Phasen des Entwicklungsprozesseskonnten die gestalteten Erlebnisse konsistent erhalten werden. (3) ImProjekt GestShare wurde das Potential der Interaktion durch Freiraumgesten im Fahrzeuguntersucht. Dabei standen ein Verbundenheitserlebnis des Fahrers und soziale Interaktionenmit Fahrern anderer Fahrzeuge im Fokus. Es wurden mehrere Prototypen implementiert undauch in einer Verkehrssituation evaluiert. Die wichtigsten Beiträge dieser Dissertation sind (1) eine intensive Betrachtung und Anwendungvon Erlebnis-Prototypen im Auto und deren Relevanz bei der Erlebnis-Gestaltung,beruhend auf einer Literaturauswertung und der eigenen Erfahrung innerhalb des Projekts; (2) drei Fallstudien und eine detaillierte Beschreibung mehrere Prototypen in verschiedenenPhasen des Prozesses und (3) Empfehlungen zu Vorgehensweisen bei der Erstellung vonErlebnis-Prototypen hinsichtlich der Eigenschaften wie Nähe zum finalen Produkt, Anzahlder implementierten Details und Interaktivität sowie zur Evaluation im Labor und in tatsächlichenVerkehrssituationen in verschiedenen Phasen des Entwicklungsprozesses

    Mapeo sistemático sobre las arquitecturas de software en el desarrollo ágil

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    (ANTECEDENTES) El uso de frameworks y metodologías ágiles en el desarrollo de software es cada vez mayor, priorizando la entrega de valor al cliente, en este contexto las actividades de arquitectura de software son omitidas al no entregar un valor tangible, existiendo un aparente conflicto de perspectivas y no se tiene definido cuanto esfuerzo se debe invertir en el desarrollo de una arquitectura en proyectos ágiles. (OBJETIVOS) El objetivo de este trabajo es consolidar las distintas investigaciones respecto al uso de arquitecturas de software en el desarrollo ágil, identificar patrones arquitectónicos, factores, beneficios, desafíos, y lecciones aprendidas con respecto a la combinación. (MÉTODOS) Para este estudio se realizó un mapeo sistemático de la literatura en bases de datos digitales relevantes. (RESULTADOS) Se seleccionaron 61 artículos publicados desde el año 2015 hasta el año 2020, el 54% fueron de aplicación industrial principalmente en el sector salud, aeroespacial y automotriz, se pudo identificar que en el año 2016 se publicaron el mayor número de artículos referente al tema de investigación, donde la conferencia es el tipo de publicación más utilizado y el evento IEEE International Conference es el mayor canal de distribución .Adicionalmente, se identificó que el estilo arquitectónico más empleado es SOA, la práctica ágil más referenciada es Scrum , el uso combinado del framework Scrum y el estilo SOA es el más usado, emplear el estilo SOA en el sector salud es el más citado en las publicaciones, la flexibilidad que brinda tener una arquitectura sólida es la mayor ventaja referenciada asimismo los conflictos de enfoques entre la agilidad y las actividades de arquitectura es identificado como el mayor inconveniente que se afronta ,y la comunicación es el factor que más influye en la adopción de arquitecturas de software en el desarrollo ágil.(BACKGROUND) The use of agile frameworks and methodologies in software development is increasing, prioritizing the delivery of value to the client, in this context, software architecture activities are omitted by not delivering tangible value, with an apparent conflict of perspectives and it is not defined how much effort should be invested in the development of an architecture in agile projects. (OBJECTIVES) The objective of this work is to consolidate the different investigations regarding the use of software architectures in agile development, to identify architectural patterns, factors, benefits, challenges, and lessons learned regarding the combination. (METHODS) For this study, a systematic mapping of the literature in relevant digital databases was carried out. (RESULTS) 61 articles published from 2015 to 2020 were selected, 54% were of industrial application mainly in the health, aerospace, and automotive sectors, it was possible to identify that in 2016 the largest number of articles were published on the subject of research, where the conference is the most used type of publication and the IEEE International Conference event is the largest distribution channel. Additionally, it was identified that the most used architectural style is SOA, the most referenced agile practice is Scrum, the combined use of Scrum framework and the SOA style is the most used, using the SOA style in the health sector is the most cited in publications, the flexibility provided by having a solid architecture is the greatest advantage referenced also the conflicts of approaches between agility and architectural activities is identified as the greatest inconvenience faced, and communication is the factor that most influences the adoption of software architectures in agile development

    Sustainability in design: now! Challenges and opportunities for design research, education and practice in the XXI century

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    Copyright @ 2010 Greenleaf PublicationsLeNS project funded by the Asia Link Programme, EuropeAid, European Commission

    ICS Materials. Towards a re-Interpretation of material qualities through interactive, connected, and smart materials.

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    The domain of materials for design is changing under the influence of an increased technological advancement, miniaturization and democratization. Materials are becoming connected, augmented, computational, interactive, active, responsive, and dynamic. These are ICS Materials, an acronym that stands for Interactive, Connected and Smart. While labs around the world are experimenting with these new materials, there is the need to reflect on their potentials and impact on design. This paper is a first step in this direction: to interpret and describe the qualities of ICS materials, considering their experiential pattern, their expressive sensorial dimension, and their aesthetic of interaction. Through case studies, we analyse and classify these emerging ICS Materials and identified common characteristics, and challenges, e.g. the ability to change over time or their programmability by the designers and users. On that basis, we argue there is the need to reframe and redesign existing models to describe ICS materials, making their qualities emerge

    A Smart Products Lifecycle Management (sPLM) Framework - Modeling for Conceptualization, Interoperability, and Modularity

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    Autonomy and intelligence have been built into many of today’s mechatronic products, taking advantage of low-cost sensors and advanced data analytics technologies. Design of product intelligence (enabled by analytics capabilities) is no longer a trivial or additional option for the product development. The objective of this research is aimed at addressing the challenges raised by the new data-driven design paradigm for smart products development, in which the product itself and the smartness require to be carefully co-constructed. A smart product can be seen as specific compositions and configurations of its physical components to form the body, its analytics models to implement the intelligence, evolving along its lifecycle stages. Based on this view, the contribution of this research is to expand the “Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)” concept traditionally for physical products to data-based products. As a result, a Smart Products Lifecycle Management (sPLM) framework is conceptualized based on a high-dimensional Smart Product Hypercube (sPH) representation and decomposition. First, the sPLM addresses the interoperability issues by developing a Smart Component data model to uniformly represent and compose physical component models created by engineers and analytics models created by data scientists. Second, the sPLM implements an NPD3 process model that incorporates formal data analytics process into the new product development (NPD) process model, in order to support the transdisciplinary information flows and team interactions between engineers and data scientists. Third, the sPLM addresses the issues related to product definition, modular design, product configuration, and lifecycle management of analytics models, by adapting the theoretical frameworks and methods for traditional product design and development. An sPLM proof-of-concept platform had been implemented for validation of the concepts and methodologies developed throughout the research work. The sPLM platform provides a shared data repository to manage the product-, process-, and configuration-related knowledge for smart products development. It also provides a collaborative environment to facilitate transdisciplinary collaboration between product engineers and data scientists

    THE GOLDEN THREAD OF INFORMATION AND FIRE SAFETY IN CONSTRUCTION: Making our buildings safer through the development of a Robust Design Specification Strategy and BIM Framework Integration.

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    In this research, the development of a novel expert knowledge based system for fire safety building design specification and compliance is discussed. Its purpose is to create a beneficial design aid that is integrated with building information modelling (BIM), for helping to design and maintain safer buildings, to ease the navigation through a complex regulatory compliance regime and to mitigate risk of various potential contributors. The research reflects on the current status of the UK fire safety regulatory system in the construction industry, key professional competencies and the areas in which risk could be mitigated through the implementation of this technology. Whilst the system developed in this research is based upon the UK regulatory framework and guidance, it is adaptable to any international country building regulations and standards. The high-level system framework has been developed, connecting the expert knowledge based system to the proprietary building information modelling (BIM) software and to both a descriptive and performance based specification system. The additional purpose of BIM integration is to create an auditable fire safety design trail of a digital record for the building throughout its lifecycle, from initial design through to construction and subsequent occupancy. The feasibility of implementing an expert knowledge base system to aid both design, specification, and compliance checking was tested through the development of a system prototype. Connectivity to the building model and specification are critical in ensuring all outputs are both aligned and robust. Data is proposed to be captured within a common data environment (CDE), aligned to the UK BIM framework, thus capturing a ‘golden thread of information’. The outcome from testing of the proposed expert knowledge base system demonstrates strong potential for an effective technological aid to mitigate risk of failure or non-compliance of designed and built assets in respect to fire safety

    Handling Religious Things. The Material and the Social in Museums

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    Museums are receiving currently a lot of public attention with regard to the material objects they host, and the historical and contemporary handling of these objects. There are global public debates about the origins, paths, and futures of museum things. Since at least 2018, with the report on the restitution of African cultural heritage, which Felwine Sarr and Bénédicte Savoy presented to the French president, the legitimacy of objects from colonial contexts in museums and collections in the global north has been widely debated. Furthermore, disciplines within cultural studies, including the study of religions, have taken a material turn, and now focus on the material, and thus also on museum things. This has brought the material dimension of religion into the focus of research in various disciplines. Studying materiality can thus open a pathway for potential critique of established patterns in research, historiography, and society, widening our perspective. It was against this multifaceted background that the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Religion (ZIR) and the Museum of Religions (Religionskundliche Sammlung) of the Philipps-University Marburg, the Museum of the Frankfurt Cathedral, and the GRASSI Museum of Ethnology in Leipzig formed a research network on the topic of Dynamics of Religious Things in Museums (Dynamiken religiöser Dinge im Museum, REDIM in short). This cooperative alliance, under the leadership of the ZIR, is based on the common interest in the relevance of religious materials in museums for social transformation, and in how social processes are reflected by material things

    Organizational and strategic communication research: global trends

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    In this book we present the latest advances made in strategic and organizational communication. Beyond traditional approaches, we propose new ways of doing and understanding communication in today’s society. We discuss situations far from the traditional path. We delve into global citizens’ problems and the way in which dialogue and participation processes are connected. The problem of evictions and the emergence of citizens as new political actors, the management of sustainability in the digital era, the development of positive communication in socially aware companies, grassroots movements in defence of public space, how resilience can shape education, the use of brands and professional associations as activists in the defence of public interests, the feminization of politics and the power of visual elements in political campaigns are some of the issues addressed in this volume. In the book, communication is considered as the strategy to raise our voices and be heard. Strategic and organizational communication takes on an activist role to create a society that is fairer and more committed to citizens. The diversity represented in this book, not only with respect to the authors’ nationalities, but also in the theoretical and empirical approaches, reflects one of the most salient features of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) and the Organizational and Strategic Communication Section’s identity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Interaction in Digital Ecologies with Connected and Non-Connected Cars

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    A Systems View of IS Governance and IT Governance: A Case Study of the Virginia Department of Transportation

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    A review of the research related to Information Technology (IT) governance reveals that researchers have yet to use systems theory directly as a basis for understanding IT governance; however, analysis of these researchers’ various definitions of IT governance shows a concurrence between these definitions and the characteristics of a system. This case study research adopts a systems imagination to observe IS and IT governance in the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), which has a budget of over $5 billion and over 7,500 employees and has recently conducted a strategic assessment of its IT organization - including IS and IT governance. The case study posits that VDOT is an indivisible, purposeful, goal seeking (teleological) system where (1) there are three peer elements (governance, management, and operations); (2) there is a governance feedback mechanism (auditing and monitoring); (3) there are peer areas within the governance element that are specialized for a VDOT asset (e.g., capital asset governance, financial governance, human resource governance, etc.) and IS governance is the peer area that is specialized for IT assets; and (4) there are sub-peer areas within IS governance that are specialized for an IT, and this specialized form of IS governance is named IT governance