1 research outputs found

    Processing Array Statements And Procedure Interfaces In The Prepare High Performance Fortran Compiler

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    Recently, a standard set of extensions for Fortran 90, called High Performance Fortran (HPF), has been developed which would provide a portable interface to a wide variety of parallel architectures. HPF focuses mainly on issues of distributing data across the memories of a distributed memory multiprocessor. This paper proposes techniques for processing HPF data distribution and data alignment specifications, array statements and procedure interfaces in the HPF compiler which is being developed in the ESPRIT project Prepare. HPF data distribution and alignment specifications are translated into mathematical functions that determine the ownership and offsets of local data. Using the "owner computes" rule strategy, the compiler derives the work distribution and determines nonlocal data element sets that have to be communicated between corresponding processors. 1 Introduction A significant amount of software research for developing programming environments for distributed memory multiproc..