2 research outputs found

    A Plug-n-Play Framework for Scaling Private Set Intersection to Billion-sized Sets

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    Motivated by the recent advances in practical secure computation, we design and implement a framework for scaling solutions for the problem of private set intersection (PSI) into the realm of big data. A protocol for PSI enables two parties each holding a set of elements to jointly compute the intersection of these sets without revealing the elements that are not in the intersection. Following a long line of research, recent protocols for PSI only have β‰ˆ5Γ—\approx 5\times computation and communication overhead over an insecure set intersection. However, this performance is typically demonstrated for set sizes in the order of ten million. In this work, we aim to scale these protocols to efficiently handle set sizes of one billion elements or more. We achieve this via a careful application of a binning approach that enables parallelizing any arbitrary PSI protocol. Building on this idea, we designed and implemented a framework that takes a pair of PSI executables (i.e., for each of the two parties) that typically works for million-sized sets, and then scales it to billion-sized sets (and beyond). For example, our framework can perform a join of billion-sized sets in 83 minutes compared to 2000 minutes of Pinkas et al. (ACM TPS 2018), an improvement of 25Γ—25\times. Furthermore, we present an end-to-end Spark application where two enterprises, each possessing private databases, can perform a restricted class of database join operations (specifically, join operations with only an on clause which is a conjunction of equality checks involving attributes from both parties, followed by a where clause which can be split into conjunctive clauses where each conjunction is a function of a single table) without revealing any data that is not part of the output

    How to Garble Mixed Circuits that Combine Boolean and Arithmetic Computations

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    The study of garbling arithmetic circuits is initiated by Applebaum, Ishai, and Kushilevitz [FOCS\u2711], which can be naturally extended to mixed circuits. The basis of mixed circuits includes Boolean operations, arithmetic operations over a large ring and bit-decomposition that converts an arithmetic value to its bit representation. We construct efficient garbling schemes for mixed circuits. In the random oracle model, we construct two garbling schemes: βˆ™\bullet The first scheme targets mixed circuits modulo some Nβ‰ˆ2bN\approx 2^b. Addition gates are free. Each multiplication gate costs O(Ξ»β‹…b1.5)O(\lambda \cdot b^{1.5}) communication. Each bit-decomposition costs O(Ξ»β‹…b2/log⁑b)O(\lambda \cdot b^{2} / \log{b}). βˆ™\bullet The second scheme targets mixed circuit modulo some Nβ‰ˆ2bN\approx 2^b. Each addition gate and multiplication gate costs O(Ξ»β‹…bβ‹…log⁑b/log⁑log⁑b)O(\lambda \cdot b \cdot \log b / \log \log b). Every bit-decomposition costs O(Ξ»β‹…b2/log⁑b)O(\lambda \cdot b^2 / \log b). Our schemes improve on the work of Ball, Malkin, and Rosulek [CCS\u2716] in the same model. Additionally relying on the DCR assumption, we construct in the programmable random oracle model a more efficient garbling scheme targeting mixed circuits over Z2b\mathbb{Z}_{2^b}, where addition gates are free, and each multiplication or bit-decomposition gate costs O(Ξ»DCRβ‹…b)O(\lambda_{\text{DCR}} \cdot b) communication. We improve on the recent work of Ball, Li, Lin, and Liu [Eurocrypt\u2723] which also relies on the DCR assumption