4 research outputs found

    Space-filling Curves for High-performance Data Mining

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    Space-filling curves like the Hilbert-curve, Peano-curve and Z-order map natural or real numbers from a two or higher dimensional space to a one dimensional space preserving locality. They have numerous applications like search structures, computer graphics, numerical simulation, cryptographics and can be used to make various algorithms cache-oblivious. In this paper, we describe some details of the Hilbert-curve. We define the Hilbert-curve in terms of a finite automaton of Mealy-type which determines from the two-dimensional coordinate space the Hilbert order value and vice versa in a logarithmic number of steps. And we define a context-free grammar to generate the whole curve in a time which is linear in the number of generated coordinate/order value pairs, i.e. a constant time per coordinate pair or order value. We also review two different strategies which enable the generation of curves without the usual restriction to square-like grids where the side-length is a power of two. Finally, we elaborate on a few applications, namely matrix multiplication, Cholesky decomposition, the Floyd-Warshall algorithm, k-Means clustering, and the similarity join

    Approximation Fixpoint Theory and the Well-Founded Semantics of Higher-Order Logic Programs

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    We define a novel, extensional, three-valued semantics for higher-order logic programs with negation. The new semantics is based on interpreting the types of the source language as three-valued Fitting-monotonic functions at all levels of the type hierarchy. We prove that there exists a bijection between such Fitting-monotonic functions and pairs of two-valued-result functions where the first member of the pair is monotone-antimonotone and the second member is antimonotone-monotone. By deriving an extension of consistent approximation fixpoint theory (Denecker et al. 2004) and utilizing the above bijection, we define an iterative procedure that produces for any given higher-order logic program a distinguished extensional model. We demonstrate that this model is actually a minimal one. Moreover, we prove that our construction generalizes the familiar well-founded semantics for classical logic programs, making in this way our proposal an appealing formulation for capturing the well-founded semantics for higher-order logic programs. This paper is under consideration for acceptance in TPLP.Comment: Paper presented at the 34nd International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2018), Oxford, UK, July 14 to July 17, 2018 31 pages, LaTe

    Enablers and Inhibitors in Causal Justifications of Logic Programs

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    To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP). In this paper we propose an extension of logic programming (LP) where each default literal derived from the well-founded model is associated to a justification represented as an algebraic expression. This expression contains both causal explanations (in the form of proof graphs built with rule labels) and terms under the scope of negation that stand for conditions that enable or disable the application of causal rules. Using some examples, we discuss how these new conditions, we respectively call "enablers" and "inhibitors", are intimately related to default negation and have an essentially different nature from regular cause-effect relations. The most important result is a formal comparison to the recent algebraic approaches for justifications in LP: "Why-not Provenance" (WnP) and "Causal Graphs" (CG). We show that the current approach extends both WnP and CG justifications under the Well-Founded Semantics and, as a byproduct, we also establish a formal relation between these two approaches

    A Logic Framework for P2P Deductive Databases

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    This paper presents a logic framework for modeling the interaction among deductive databases in a P2P (Peer to Peer) environment. Each peer joining a P2P system provides or imports data from its neighbors by using a set of mapping rules, i.e. a set of semantic correspondences to a set of peers belonging to the same environment. Two different types of mapping rules are defined: mapping rules allowing to import a maximal set of atoms not leading to inconsistency (called maximal mapping rules) and mapping rules allowing to import a minimal set of atoms needed to restore consistency (called minimal mapping rules). Implicitly, the use of maximal mapping rules states it is preferable to import as long as no inconsistencies arise; whereas the use of minimal mapping rules states that it is preferable not to import unless a inconsistency exists. The paper presents three different declarative semantics of a P2P system: (i) the Max Weak Model Semantics, in which mapping rules are used to import as much knowledge as possible} from a peer's neighborhood without violating local integrity constraints; (ii) the Min Weak Model Semantics, in which the P2P system can be locally inconsistent and the information provided by the neighbors is used to restore consistency, that is to only integrate the missing portion of a correct, but incomplete database; (iii) the Max-Min Weak Model Semantics that unifies the previous two different perspectives captured by the Max Weak Model Semantics and Min Weak Model Semantics. This last semantics allows to characterize each peer in the neighborhood as a resource used either to enrich (integrate) or to fix (repair) the knowledge, so as to define a kind of integrate-repair strategy for each peer. Under consideration in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP).Comment: Under consideration in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP