96 research outputs found

    Towards Machine Learning-Based FPGA Backend Flow: Challenges and Opportunities

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    Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is at the core of System on Chip (SoC) design across various Industry 5.0 digital systems—healthcare devices, farming equipment, autonomous vehicles and aerospace gear to name a few. Given that pre-silicon verification using Computer Aided Design (CAD) accounts for about 70% of the time and money spent on the design of modern digital systems, this paper summarizes the machine learning (ML)-oriented efforts in different FPGA CAD design steps. With the recent breakthrough of machine learning, FPGA CAD tasks—high-level synthesis (HLS), logic synthesis, placement and routing—are seeing a renewed interest in their respective decision-making steps. We focus on machine learning-based CAD tasks to suggest some pertinent research areas requiring more focus in CAD design. The development of open-source benchmarks optimized for an end-to-end machine learning experience, intra-FPGA optimization, domain-specific accelerators, lack of explainability and federated learning are the issues reviewed to identify important research spots requiring significant focus. The potential of the new cloud-based architectures to understand the application of the right ML algorithms in FPGA CAD decision-making steps is discussed, together with visualizing the scenario of incorporating more intelligence in the cloud platform, with the help of relatively newer technologies such as CAD as Adaptive OpenPlatform Service (CAOS). Altogether, this research explores several research opportunities linked with modern FPGA CAD flow design, which will serve as a single point of reference for modern FPGA CAD flow design

    A pipelined configurable gate array for embedded processors

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    In recent years the challenge of high performance, low power retargettable embedded system has been faced with different technological and architectural solutions. In this paper we present a new configurable unit explicitly designed to imple-ment additional reconfigurable pipelined datapaths, suitable for the design of reconfigurable processors. A VLIW recon-figurable processor has been implemented on silicon in a standard 0.18 µm CMOS technology to prove the effective-ness of the proposed unit. Testing on a signal processing algorithms benchmark showed speedups from 4.3x to 13.5x and energy consumption reduction up to 92%

    Low Power Processor Architectures and Contemporary Techniques for Power Optimization – A Review

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    The technological evolution has increased the number of transistors for a given die area significantly and increased the switching speed from few MHz to GHz range. Such inversely proportional decline in size and boost in performance consequently demands shrinking of supply voltage and effective power dissipation in chips with millions of transistors. This has triggered substantial amount of research in power reduction techniques into almost every aspect of the chip and particularly the processor cores contained in the chip. This paper presents an overview of techniques for achieving the power efficiency mainly at the processor core level but also visits related domains such as buses and memories. There are various processor parameters and features such as supply voltage, clock frequency, cache and pipelining which can be optimized to reduce the power consumption of the processor. This paper discusses various ways in which these parameters can be optimized. Also, emerging power efficient processor architectures are overviewed and research activities are discussed which should help reader identify how these factors in a processor contribute to power consumption. Some of these concepts have been already established whereas others are still active research areas. © 2009 ACADEMY PUBLISHER

    Operating System Concepts for Reconfigurable Computing: Review and Survey

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    One of the key future challenges for reconfigurable computing is to enable higher design productivity and a more easy way to use reconfigurable computing systems for users that are unfamiliar with the underlying concepts. One way of doing this is to provide standardization and abstraction, usually supported and enforced by an operating system. This article gives historical review and a summary on ideas and key concepts to include reconfigurable computing aspects in operating systems. The article also presents an overview on published and available operating systems targeting the area of reconfigurable computing. The purpose of this article is to identify and summarize common patterns among those systems that can be seen as de facto standard. Furthermore, open problems, not covered by these already available systems, are identified

    Power Efficient Data-Aware SRAM Cell for SRAM-Based FPGA Architecture

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    The design of low-power SRAM cell becomes a necessity in today\u27s FPGAs, because SRAM is a critical component in FPGA design and consumes a large fraction of the total power. The present chapter provides an overview of various factors responsible for power consumption in FPGA and discusses the design techniques of low-power SRAM-based FPGA at system level, device level, and architecture levels. Finally, the chapter proposes a data-aware dynamic SRAM cell to control the power consumption in the cell. Stack effect has been adopted in the design to reduce the leakage current. The various peripheral circuits like address decoder circuit, write/read enable circuits, and sense amplifier have been modified to implement a power-efficient SRAM-based FPGA


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    Sequence-To-Sequence Neural Networks Inference on Embedded Processors Using Dynamic Beam Search

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    Sequence-to-sequence deep neural networks have become the state of the art for a variety of machine learning applications, ranging from neural machine translation (NMT) to speech recognition. Many mobile and Internet of Things (IoT) applications would benefit from the ability of performing sequence-to-sequence inference directly in embedded devices, thereby reducing the amount of raw data transmitted to the cloud, and obtaining benefits in terms of response latency, energy consumption and security. However, due to the high computational complexity of these models, specific optimization techniques are needed to achieve acceptable performance and energy consumption on single-core embedded processors. In this paper, we present a new optimization technique called dynamic beam search, in which the inference complexity is tuned to the difficulty of the processed input sequence at runtime. Results based on measurements on a real embedded device, and on three state-of-the-art deep learning models, show that our method is able to reduce the inference time and energy by up to 25% without loss of accuracy

    Closing the Gap between FPGA and ASIC:Balancing Flexibility and Efficiency

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    Despite many advantages of Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), they fail to take over the IC design market from Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) for high-volume and even medium-volume applications, as FPGAs come with significant cost in area, delay, and power consumption. There are two main reasons that FPGAs have huge efficiency gap with ASICs: (1) FPGAs are extremely flexible as they have fully programmable soft-logic blocks and routing networks, and (2) FPGAs have hard-logic blocks that are only usable by a subset of applications. In other words, current FPGAs have a heterogeneous structure comprised of the flexible soft-logic and the efficient hard-logic blocks that suffer from inefficiency and inflexibility, respectively. The inefficiency of the soft-logic is a challenge for any application that is mapped to FPGAs, and lack of flexibility in the hard-logic results in a waste of resources when an application cannot use the hard-logic. In this thesis, we approach the inefficiency problem of FPGAs by bridging the efficiency/flexibility gap of the hard- and soft-logic. The main goal of this thesis is to compromise on efficiency of the hard-logic for flexibility, on the one hand, and to compromise on flexibility of the soft-logic for efficiency, on the other hand. In other words, this thesis deals with two issues: (1) adding more generality to the hard-logic of FPGAs, and (2) improving the soft-logic by adapting it to the generic requirements of applications. In the first part of the thesis, we introduce new techniques that expand the functionality of FPGAs hard-logic. The hard-logic includes the dedicated resources that are tightly coupled with the soft-logic –i.e., adder circuitry and carry chains –as well as the stand-alone ones –i.e., DSP blocks. These specialized resources are intended to accelerate critical arithmetic operations that appear in the pre-synthesis representation of applications; we introduce mapping and architectural solutions, which enable both types of the hard-logic to support additional arithmetic operations. We first present a mapping technique that extends the application of FPGAs carry chains for carry-save arithmetic, and then to increase the generality of the hard-logic, we introduce novel architectures; using these architectures, more applications can take advantage of FPGAs hard-logic. In the second part of the thesis, we improve the efficiency of FPGAs soft-logic by exploiting the circuit patterns that emerge after logic synthesis, i.e., connection and logic patterns. Using these patterns, we design new soft-logic blocks that have less flexibility, but more efficiency than current ones. In this part, we first introduce logic chains, fixed connections that are integrated between the soft-logic blocks of FPGAs and are well-suited for long chains of logic that appear post-synthesis. Logic chains provide fast and low cost connectivity, increase the bandwidth of the logic blocks without changing their interface with the routing network, and improve the logic density of soft-logic blocks. In addition to logic chains and as a complementary contribution, we present a non-LUT soft-logic block that comprises simple and pre-connected cells. The structure of this logic block is inspired from the logic patterns that appear post-synthesis. This block has a complexity that is only linear in the number of inputs, it sports the potential for multiple independent outputs, and the delay is only logarithmic in the number of inputs. Although this new block is less flexible than a LUT, we show (1) that effective mapping algorithms exist, (2) that, due to their simplicity, poor utilization is less of an issue than with LUTs, and (3) that a few LUTs can still be used in extreme unfortunate cases. In summary, to bridge the gap between FPGAs and ASICs, we approach the problem from two complementary directions, which balance flexibility and efficiency of the logic blocks of FPGAs. However, we were able to explore a few design points in this thesis, and future work could focus on further exploration of the design space