276 research outputs found

    Achieving Adversarial Robustness via Sparsity

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    Network pruning has been known to produce compact models without much accuracy degradation. However, how the pruning process affects a network's robustness and the working mechanism behind remain unresolved. In this work, we theoretically prove that the sparsity of network weights is closely associated with model robustness. Through experiments on a variety of adversarial pruning methods, we find that weights sparsity will not hurt but improve robustness, where both weights inheritance from the lottery ticket and adversarial training improve model robustness in network pruning. Based on these findings, we propose a novel adversarial training method called inverse weights inheritance, which imposes sparse weights distribution on a large network by inheriting weights from a small network, thereby improving the robustness of the large network

    Fine-tuning Multi-hop Question Answering with Hierarchical Graph Network

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    In this paper, we present a two stage model for multi-hop question answering. The first stage is a hierarchical graph network, which is used to reason over multi-hop question and is capable to capture different levels of granularity using the nature structure(i.e., paragraphs, questions, sentences and entities) of documents. The reasoning process is convert to node classify task(i.e., paragraph nodes and sentences nodes). The second stage is a language model fine-tuning task. In a word, stage one use graph neural network to select and concatenate support sentences as one paragraph, and stage two find the answer span in language model fine-tuning paradigm.Comment: the experience result is not as good as I excep

    Self Normalizing Flows

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    Efficient gradient computation of the Jacobian determinant term is a core problem in many machine learning settings, and especially so in the normalizing flow framework. Most proposed flow models therefore either restrict to a function class with easy evaluation of the Jacobian determinant, or an efficient estimator thereof. However, these restrictions limit the performance of such density models, frequently requiring significant depth to reach desired performance levels. In this work, we propose Self Normalizing Flows, a flexible framework for training normalizing flows by replacing expensive terms in the gradient by learned approximate inverses at each layer. This reduces the computational complexity of each layer's exact update from O(D3)\mathcal{O}(D^3) to O(D2)\mathcal{O}(D^2), allowing for the training of flow architectures which were otherwise computationally infeasible, while also providing efficient sampling. We show experimentally that such models are remarkably stable and optimize to similar data likelihood values as their exact gradient counterparts, while training more quickly and surpassing the performance of functionally constrained counterparts

    ES-ENAS: Blackbox Optimization over Hybrid Spaces via Combinatorial and Continuous Evolution

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    We consider the problem of efficient blackbox optimization over a large hybrid search space, consisting of a mixture of a high dimensional continuous space and a complex combinatorial space. Such examples arise commonly in evolutionary computation, but also more recently, neuroevolution and architecture search for Reinforcement Learning (RL) policies. Unfortunately however, previous mutation-based approaches suffer in high dimensional continuous spaces both theoretically and practically. We thus instead propose ES-ENAS, a simple joint optimization procedure by combining Evolutionary Strategies (ES) and combinatorial optimization techniques in a highly scalable and intuitive way, inspired by the one-shot or supernet paradigm introduced in Efficient Neural Architecture Search (ENAS). Through this relatively simple marriage between two different lines of research, we are able to gain the best of both worlds, and empirically demonstrate our approach by optimizing BBOB functions over hybrid spaces as well as combinatorial neural network architectures via edge pruning and quantization on popular RL benchmarks. Due to the modularity of the algorithm, we also are able incorporate a wide variety of popular techniques ranging from use of different continuous and combinatorial optimizers, as well as constrained optimization.Comment: 22 pages. See https://github.com/google-research/google-research/tree/master/es_enas for associated cod

    Boosting Deep Neural Networks with Geometrical Prior Knowledge: A Survey

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    While Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) achieve state-of-the-art results in many different problem settings, they are affected by some crucial weaknesses. On the one hand, DNNs depend on exploiting a vast amount of training data, whose labeling process is time-consuming and expensive. On the other hand, DNNs are often treated as black box systems, which complicates their evaluation and validation. Both problems can be mitigated by incorporating prior knowledge into the DNN. One promising field, inspired by the success of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in computer vision tasks, is to incorporate knowledge about symmetric geometrical transformations of the problem to solve. This promises an increased data-efficiency and filter responses that are interpretable more easily. In this survey, we try to give a concise overview about different approaches to incorporate geometrical prior knowledge into DNNs. Additionally, we try to connect those methods to the field of 3D object detection for autonomous driving, where we expect promising results applying those methods.Comment: Survey Pape
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