27 research outputs found

    SubjQA: A Dataset for Subjectivity and Review Comprehension

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    Subjectivity is the expression of internal opinions or beliefs which cannot be objectively observed or verified, and has been shown to be important for sentiment analysis and word-sense disambiguation. Furthermore, subjectivity is an important aspect of user-generated data. In spite of this, subjectivity has not been investigated in contexts where such data is widespread, such as in question answering (QA). We therefore investigate the relationship between subjectivity and QA, while developing a new dataset. We compare and contrast with analyses from previous work, and verify that findings regarding subjectivity still hold when using recently developed NLP architectures. We find that subjectivity is also an important feature in the case of QA, albeit with more intricate interactions between subjectivity and QA performance. For instance, a subjective question may or may not be associated with a subjective answer. We release an English QA dataset (SubjQA) based on customer reviews, containing subjectivity annotations for questions and answer spans across 6 distinct domains.Comment: EMNLP 2020 Long Paper - Camera Read

    Knowledge Base Completion: Baseline strikes back (Again)

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    Knowledge Base Completion has been a very active area recently, where multiplicative models have generally outperformed additive and other deep learning methods -- like GNN, CNN, path-based models. Several recent KBC papers propose architectural changes, new training methods, or even a new problem reformulation. They evaluate their methods on standard benchmark datasets - FB15k, FB15k-237, WN18, WN18RR, and Yago3-10. Recently, some papers discussed how 1-N scoring can speed up training and evaluation. In this paper, we discuss how by just applying this training regime to a basic model like Complex gives near SOTA performance on all the datasets -- we call this model COMPLEX-V2. We also highlight how various multiplicative methods recently proposed in literature benefit from this trick and become indistinguishable in terms of performance on most datasets. This paper calls for a reassessment of their individual value, in light of these findings

    PCoQA: Persian Conversational Question Answering Dataset

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    Humans seek information regarding a specific topic through performing a conversation containing a series of questions and answers. In the pursuit of conversational question answering research, we introduce the PCoQA, the first \textbf{P}ersian \textbf{Co}nversational \textbf{Q}uestion \textbf{A}nswering dataset, a resource comprising information-seeking dialogs encompassing a total of 9,026 contextually-driven questions. Each dialog involves a questioner, a responder, and a document from the Wikipedia; The questioner asks several inter-connected questions from the text and the responder provides a span of the document as the answer for each question. PCoQA is designed to present novel challenges compared to previous question answering datasets including having more open-ended non-factual answers, longer answers, and fewer lexical overlaps. This paper not only presents the comprehensive PCoQA dataset but also reports the performance of various benchmark models. Our models include baseline models and pre-trained models, which are leveraged to boost the performance of the model. The dataset and benchmarks are available at our Github page

    Effects of Layer Freezing when Transferring DeepSpeech to New Languages

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    In this paper, we train Mozilla's DeepSpeech architecture on German and Swiss German speech datasets and compare the results of different training methods. We first train the models from scratch on both languages and then improve upon the results by using an English pretrained version of DeepSpeech for weight initialization and experiment with the effects of freezing different layers during training. We see that even freezing only one layer already improves the results dramatically

    Relation Prediction as an Auxiliary Training Objective for Improving Multi-Relational Graph Representations

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    Learning good representations on multi-relational graphs is essential to knowledge base completion (KBC). In this paper, we propose a new self-supervised training objective for multi-relational graph representation learning, via simply incorporating relation prediction into the commonly used 1vsAll objective. The new training objective contains not only terms for predicting the subject and object of a given triple, but also a term for predicting the relation type. We analyse how this new objective impacts multi-relational learning in KBC: experiments on a variety of datasets and models show that relation prediction can significantly improve entity ranking, the most widely used evaluation task for KBC, yielding a 6.1% increase in MRR and 9.9% increase in Hits@1 on FB15k-237 as well as a 3.1% increase in MRR and 3.4% in Hits@1 on Aristo-v4. Moreover, we observe that the proposed objective is especially effective on highly multi-relational datasets, i.e. datasets with a large number of predicates, and generates better representations when larger embedding sizes are used