68 research outputs found

    Popularity, novelty and relevance in point of interest recommendation: an experimental analysis

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    AbstractRecommender Systems (RSs) are often assessed in off-line settings by measuring the system precision in predicting the observed user's ratings or choices. But, when apreciseRS is on-line, the generated recommendations can be perceived as marginally useful because lacking novelty. The underlying problem is that it is hard to build an RS that can correctly generalise, from the analysis of user's observed behaviour, and can identify the essential characteristics of novel and yet relevant recommendations. In this paper we address the above mentioned issue by considering four RSs that try to excel on different target criteria: precision, relevance and novelty. Two state of the art RSs called and follow a classical Nearest Neighbour approach, while the other two, and are based on Inverse Reinforcement Learning. and optimise precision, tries to identify the characteristics of POIs that make them relevant, and , a novel RS here introduced, is similar to but it also tries to recommend popular POIs. In an off-line experiment we discover that the recommendations produced by and optimise precision essentially by recommending quite popular POIs. can be tuned to achieve a desired level of precision at the cost of losing part of the best capability of to generate novel and yet relevant recommendations. In the on-line study we discover that the recommendations of and are liked more than those produced by . The rationale of that was found in the large percentage of novel recommendations produced by , which are difficult to appreciate. However, excels in recommending items that are both novel and liked by the users

    On the Multiple Roles of Ontologies in Explainable AI

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    This paper discusses the different roles that explicit knowledge, in particular ontologies, can play in Explainable AI and in the development of human-centric explainable systems and intelligible explanations. We consider three main perspectives in which ontologies can contribute significantly, namely reference modelling, common-sense reasoning, and knowledge refinement and complexity management. We overview some of the existing approaches in the literature, and we position them according to these three proposed perspectives. The paper concludes by discussing what challenges still need to be addressed to enable ontology-based approaches to explanation and to evaluate their human-understandability and effectiveness

    On the Multiple Roles of Ontologies in Explainable AI

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    This paper discusses the different roles that explicit knowledge, in particular ontologies, can play in Explainable AI and in the development of human-centric explainable systems and intelligible explanations. We consider three main perspectives in which ontologies can contribute significantly, namely reference modelling, common-sense reasoning, and knowledge refinement and complexity management. We overview some of the existing approaches in the literature, and we position them according to these three proposed perspectives. The paper concludes by discussing what challenges still need to be addressed to enable ontology-based approaches to explanation and to evaluate their human-understandability and effectiveness

    Exploiting food choice biases for healthier recipe recommendation

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    By incorporating healthiness into the food recommendation / ranking process we have the potential to improve the eating habits of a growing number of people who use the Internet as a source of food inspiration. In this paper, using insights gained from various data sources, we explore the feasibility of substituting meals that would typically be recommended to users with similar, healthier dishes. First, by analysing a recipe collection sourced from Allrecipes.com, we quantify the potential for finding replacement recipes, which are comparable but have different nutritional characteristics and are nevertheless highly rated by users. Building on this, we present two controlled user studies (n=107, n=111) investigating how people perceive and select recipes. We show participants are unable to reliably identify which recipe contains most fat due to their answers being biased by lack of information, misleading cues and limited nutritional knowledge on their part. By applying machine learning techniques to predict the preferred recipes, good performance can be achieved using low-level image features and recipe meta-data as predictors. Despite not being able to consciously determine which of two recipes contains most fat, on average, participants select the recipe with the most fat as their preference. The importance of image features reveals that recipe choices are often visually driven. A final user study (n=138) investigates to what extent the predictive models can be used to select recipe replacements such that users can be "nudged'' towards choosing healthier recipes. Our findings have important implications for online food systems

    “Won’t we fix this issue?” : qualitative characterization and automated identification of wontfix issues on GitHub

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    Context: Addressing user requests in the form of bug reports and Github issues represents a crucial task of any successful software project. However, user-submitted issue reports tend to widely differ in their quality, and developers spend a considerable amount of time handling them. Objective: By collecting a dataset of around 6,000 issues of 279 GitHub projects, we observe that developers take significant time (i.e., about five months, on average) before labeling an issue as a wontfix. For this reason, in this paper, we empirically investigate the nature of wontfix issues and methods to facilitate issue management process. Method: We first manually analyze a sample of 667 wontfix issues, extracted from heterogeneous projects, investigating the common reasons behind a “wontfix decision”, the main characteristics of wontfix issues and the potential factors that could be connected with the time to close them. Furthermore, we experiment with approaches enabling the prediction of wontfix issues by analyzing the titles and descriptions of reported issues when submitted. Results and conclusion: Our investigation sheds some light on the wontfix issues’ characteristics, as well as the potential factors that may affect the time required to make a “wontfix decision”. Our results also demonstrate that it is possible to perform prediction of wontfix issues with high average values of precision, recall, and F-measure (90%-93%)

    Knowledge-Based Techniques for Scholarly Data Access: Towards Automatic Curation

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    Accessing up-to-date and quality scientific literature is a critical preliminary step in any research activity. Identifying relevant scholarly literature for the extents of a given task or application is, however a complex and time consuming activity. Despite the large number of tools developed over the years to support scholars in their literature surveying activity, such as Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic search, and others, the best way to access quality papers remains asking a domain expert who is actively involved in the field and knows research trends and directions. State of the art systems, in fact, either do not allow exploratory search activity, such as identifying the active research directions within a given topic, or do not offer proactive features, such as content recommendation, which are both critical to researchers. To overcome these limitations, we strongly advocate a paradigm shift in the development of scholarly data access tools: moving from traditional information retrieval and filtering tools towards automated agents able to make sense of the textual content of published papers and therefore monitor the state of the art. Building such a system is however a complex task that implies tackling non trivial problems in the fields of Natural Language Processing, Big Data Analysis, User Modelling, and Information Filtering. In this work, we introduce the concept of Automatic Curator System and present its fundamental components.openDottorato di ricerca in InformaticaopenDe Nart, Dari

    Explainable Predictive and Prescriptive Process Analytics of customizable business KPIs

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    Recent years have witnessed a growing adoption of machine learning techniques for business improvement across various fields. Among other emerging applications, organizations are exploiting opportunities to improve the performance of their business processes by using predictive models for runtime monitoring. Predictive analytics leverages machine learning and data analytics techniques to predict the future outcome of a process based on historical data. Therefore, the goal of predictive analytics is to identify future trends, and discover potential issues and anomalies in the process before they occur, allowing organizations to take proactive measures to prevent them from happening, optimizing the overall performance of the process. Prescriptive analytics systems go beyond purely predictive ones, by not only generating predictions but also advising the user if and how to intervene in a running process in order to improve the outcome of a process, which can be defined in various ways depending on the business goals; this can involve measuring process-specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), such as costs, execution times, or customer satisfaction, and using this data to make informed decisions about how to optimize the process. This Ph.D. thesis research work has focused on predictive and prescriptive analytics, with particular emphasis on providing predictions and recommendations that are explainable and comprehensible to process actors. In fact, while the priority remains on giving accurate predictions and recommendations, the process actors need to be provided with an explanation of the reasons why a given process execution is predicted to behave in a certain way and they need to be convinced that the recommended actions are the most suitable ones to maximize the KPI of interest; otherwise, users would not trust and follow the provided predictions and recommendations, and the predictive technology would not be adopted.Recent years have witnessed a growing adoption of machine learning techniques for business improvement across various fields. Among other emerging applications, organizations are exploiting opportunities to improve the performance of their business processes by using predictive models for runtime monitoring. Predictive analytics leverages machine learning and data analytics techniques to predict the future outcome of a process based on historical data. Therefore, the goal of predictive analytics is to identify future trends, and discover potential issues and anomalies in the process before they occur, allowing organizations to take proactive measures to prevent them from happening, optimizing the overall performance of the process. Prescriptive analytics systems go beyond purely predictive ones, by not only generating predictions but also advising the user if and how to intervene in a running process in order to improve the outcome of a process, which can be defined in various ways depending on the business goals; this can involve measuring process-specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), such as costs, execution times, or customer satisfaction, and using this data to make informed decisions about how to optimize the process. This Ph.D. thesis research work has focused on predictive and prescriptive analytics, with particular emphasis on providing predictions and recommendations that are explainable and comprehensible to process actors. In fact, while the priority remains on giving accurate predictions and recommendations, the process actors need to be provided with an explanation of the reasons why a given process execution is predicted to behave in a certain way and they need to be convinced that the recommended actions are the most suitable ones to maximize the KPI of interest; otherwise, users would not trust and follow the provided predictions and recommendations, and the predictive technology would not be adopted
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